
Homeopathy has had its fair share of critics over the past few years. an American illusionist, James Randi, offered money to anyone who could prove, under laboratory conditions, that homeopathic remedies cured ailments. No-one has risen to the challenge. However that does not make it irrelevant. The new controversy about the efficacy of alternative, or complementary, medicine proves this is a subject where strongly-held opinion is prevalent.

Homeopathy has been around for some 200 years, the founder was a German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who had great success in treating epidemics of scarlet fever Villages treated with his prophylactics entirely escaped dreaded epidemics, including the plague.

What Homeopathy also seems to be weighed down with is the anomaly that Homeopathic remedies don’t contain any remedy at all. Many people seem to believe that Homeopathy was similar to Herbalism The fact is that Homeopaths take a substance and dilute it over and over again, until there isn’t a single molecule left.

The Journal of the American Institute for homeopathy in May 1921 reported the success of the homeopathic approach in the flu epidemic. A Dr McCann, from Dayton, Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2 per cent while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05 per cent.

The eminent’s caught up in the furor amongst others are Michael Baum, a professor of surgery urging that NHS funds should be used for conventional treatments. Prince Charles arguing that alternative medicine should be given a bigger role and further adding fuel to the fire, Dr David Reilly, lead consultant at the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital (GHH) dismissing the letter writers as elderly scientific gentleman damning what they do not understand.

The testing regime also is not as rigorous as for chemical based treatments because the side effects are, at worst, mild compared with the potential impact of new drugs. That is why these are significantly assessed for potential contra-indications. Homeopathic remedies are cheaper to produce and many of the ingredients are not patented. What should be good for patients and the National Health Service is not necessarily good for the big drug companies who depend on licensed drugs for their profits.

The cost is minimal in the context of the multi-billion-pound health budget. In relative terms, so cheap, that it is possibly an obstacle to wider availability. But homeopathy should not be an either-or option, on cost grounds or as an alternative to other courses of treatment. The GHH treats patients suffering from, among other illnesses, cancer and depression. If homeopathy works and benefits patients (as it clearly does), we should be sufficiently open-minded and content to support it as a complementary treatment in tandem with conventional medicine.

Furthermore when on the 8th December 2003 the worldwide vice president for Glaxo SmithKline said that the the vast majority of drugs – more than 90% – only work in 30% or 50% of the people they are prescribed for. Alarming perhaps, but surprising? A spokesman for the Association of The British Pharmaceutical Industry (trade association for companies in the UK producing prescription medicines) at the time was also quoted as saying that they often did not know why and conceded that the answer very likely lay ‘in a persons genetic make up’, so quite clearly conventional medicine does not have all the answers. Another key issue is also the active participation of the patient.

Homeopathic Home Remedies

Growing up it seemed that no matter what was wrong with my brother and I, my mom always had something with a nasty taste or smell that would heal any cuts and scrapes and I swear if I came home with plague she would have made some kind of bubbling potion that would cure it.

Tea with Lemon:
The first thing they will tell you to do when you get a cold is to drink tea with lemon. This will usually relieve some of the symptoms and give you temporary relief. The reason this works is simple. The hot water from the tea helps open up your repertory system, and the lemon is full of vitamin C which is good for your immune system. Taking vitamin C everyday can help you avoid cold before they start.

Antiseptic Soup:
I know the name Antiseptic soup does not sound appealing, but the soup is made from garlic. The soup helps open the repertory system. The soup also helps kill the germs already in the body causing the cold, and by adding a tablespoon of onion juice you can help remove toxins from your body to help speed the body’s recovery time.

Ginger is another way to lower a fever. It is prepared by cutting up about ¼ of an ounce of ginger and then boiling it in water. Then strain the brew into a glass and add some sugar. A tastier but less effective way is to just cut up a few small pieces of ginger and putting them in a glass. You then pour boiling water into the glass and then put a tea bag into the water. Ginger should be used twice a day to lower the fever then once a day till the cold is gone.

Okra is a green vegetable, that kind of looks like a cross of a pepper and zucchini. The vegetable is filled with Mucilage, which is great for soothing sore throats. Cut about 10 grams of Okra and boil them in about 1 liter of water. After the water boils you can inhale the steam and drink the water. The water will look oily. This oil is what sooths your sore throat.

Seeds and Nuts:
After the fever goes down it is permissible for the patient to resume eating solid foods, but it is best to stick with fruits, vegetables seeds and nuts, and avoid things like dairy and meats for the first day or two.

Go for the Source:
All of the remedies so far have been ways to relieve the effects of the cold, but this remedy is aimed at curing the entire cold. The Bitter Gourd Root is made into a past and mixed with homey. For every 1 teaspoon of Bitter Gourd Root add 1 teaspoon of honey. Take a tablespoon of the mixture every night for 30 days to rid yourself of the cold germs and to help rebuild your immune system.

Turmeric Root:
This cure will cure everything that ails you. It will rid you of all the suffering from sore throats congestion and runny nose. For this cure you want to buy the turmeric root in a powder form. Pour half a teaspoon of the turmeric root powder into a pot with 1 cup of milk and bring t a boil. When the mixture begins to boil, deeply inhale the steam. Then allow the milk to cool slightly and drink this twice a day. In just a few days you will feel better.

These are just a small example of all the home remedies that are out there. I have personally tried several of these methods, and can vouch for their effectiveness.

Home Remedies For Warts

Warts are a skin infection caused by viruses from the Human papillomavirus (HPV) family. It is also a known cause for sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are more than 100 variety of warts of which many are harmless. In this community of harmful warts, 30 are spread by sexual contact. They can grow on any part of your skin, inside your mouth, on your genital, penis, rectum, vagina, cervix and vulva. Many a times these warts are harmless looking bumps, sometimes pink or flesh colored with a rough texture.

Different types of warts affect different parts of your body. Some can be found all over the body where as some are found around genitalia. Gender does not contain this disease; anyone can be infected by it. The most affected are children and young adults. Direct contact is more than enough to spread this disease. There can be complication due to warts. They can cause cervical, vulvar, anal and penis cancer (rare occurrence). Genital warts get large during pregnancy, making urination difficult. Warts make the vagina less elastic which obstructs the delivery process. When irritated these warts can bleed and can cause pain. Many a times they disappear on their own without much hassle.

There are different types of warts such as common wart found on fingers, hands, knees and elbows. Flat warts are also known as juvenile warts, plantar warts, filiform warts and venereal warts known as genital warts. The chance of spreading the warts increases if your skin is damaged or wet. Public swimming places are a common place to catch this disease. People with weak immune system (AIDS or chemotherapy patients) are more susceptible to warts.

Home Remedies for Warts

Use enough garlic to cover the wart. Cover it with a bandage and keep it overnight. After having your bath remove the bandage, a small blister would appear, let it be absorbed by your body again. By continuing this procedure your warts may leave your body within two weeks.

Dip apple cider vinegar similar to garlic (as mentioned above) cover it with a bandage. If you continue this for week you may surely see the results.

Apply clear nail polish every morning and evening.

Use vitamin A oil from fish oil or fish-liver-oil by applying it on the wart. Apply this once a day, it takes lot of time but the results would be positive.

Make a paste by crushing vitamin C tablets with water. Apply this on the wart and cover it with a bandage.

Always wrap the warts to avoid it from spreading.

Use castor oil over the wart and tape it. Do it twice daily.

Stay dry and prevent any kind of moisture.

Have garlic capsules or tablets.

Apply vitamin E oil, clove oil, aloe vera juice, milkweed juice, the milky juice of the sow’s thistle plant, or milky juice of unripe figs on the wart.

Douse lemon slices for two weeks with little salt in apple cider vinegar. After two weeks apply the lemon slices on the wart.

Rub the wart with a piece of chalk or a raw potato

Inner side of banana can be also used to treat wart by taping it on the wart.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Home Remedies For Removing Black Heads

Blackheads are dark formations on the skin when natural oils and impurities clog the pores of the skin. When the clogged pores are exposed to air, it turns black, hence forming blackheads. Blackheads makes its presence felt not only on your face, but also on the back, chest and other parts of the body that are rich in sebaceous glands.

Blackheads are very common, yet many of us do not know how to deal with them. Tampering and brute forcing of blackheads should be avoided. They are best controlled or even prevented by regular care of the skin. Clean your skin religiously. Going to a qualified beautician for blackheads, could prove to be a costly affair.

Here are some home remedies to remove blackheads. Before you get started, it will be a good idea to check if you have any allergies or if you are sensitive to any of these ingredients. Despite hoards of new beauty products for removing blackheads, these home remedies could work wonders!

Home remedies for removal of blackheads

– Apply a paste made of ground radish seeds and water on affected areas, the effect is magical.

– Mix glycerin soap, fuller’s earth and almond powder in 2:1:4 ratio with boiled water to make a paste. Apply this paste on the blackheads.

– Apply paste of fresh fenugreek leaves mixed with water on the face every night and wash off with warm water in the morning to prevent blackheads.

– Apply paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate skin with fresh limejuice over blackheads.

– Wet cotton in warm water mixed with Epsom salt and iodine. Dab them on blackheads to loosen them.

– Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.

– Mash drumsticks pods and leaves. Mix it with fresh limejuice and apply on the trouble spots.

– Combine ¼ cup of hot water with 1 tsp of Epsom salts and 4 drops of iodine. Mix well and let it cool until it is lukewarm. Dip cotton ball in to the mixture and apply on the affected area. When the mixture dries, remove it gently with a washcloth.

These natural remedies for eliminating blackheads comes at no or negligible cost, purity, without side effects and dollops of TLC.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.

Home Remedies For Ear Aches

Earaches can be slightly painful to extremely painful. An ear ache is caused by a fluid buildup due to some infection or pressure build up in the middle ear. Swimming, bathing, allergies or even cleaning your ear with cotton bud can lead to discomfort, bacterial growth and infection in the ear.

Most common cause of the earache is due to plugged ‘Eustachian’ tubes (a small tube connecting the ear to the nose). If and when your Eustachian tubes become blocked possibility of bacteria buildup or infection, fluid will gather resulting in a painful earache. Increase in pressure leads to pain, hearing loss, itching and swelling elsewhere in the ear. To avoid ear aches and infections, one should keep the Eustachian tube free of pollutants and irritants and regularly clean the nasal passage.

Try some of these home remedies for earache

The greatest pain reliever is warm, moist heat around the ear. A warm compress-such as a towel rung out in hot water and pressed against the ear-brings the most immediate relief.

After you take a shower or bath; blow dry your ears instead of rubbing them. Soothe the ear with the warm setting of a hairdryer.

Puncture a piece of garlic and pour the juice in the ear. Garlic being a natural antibiotic will help to take the pain away.

Put some mineral oil (oil derived from a mineral source, such as petroleum, because it is inexpensive and rarely causes allergic reactions) in your ear before going in the water. Wear earplugs while swimming and avoid swimming in dirty waters.

Warm few drops of olive oil in a spoon. Using the dropper, put 2-3 drops in each ear after the oil has cooled down. This will help relieve pain.

Excessive earwax can also cause hearing problems and aches. Put a capful of hydrogen peroxide in each ear, let it set for a minute or two, and then let it drain out. One drop of alcohol after bathing can also prevent excessive earwax.

A hot water bottle wrapped in a towel also makes a comforting pillow for an aching ear.

Press a dual-purpose first-aid gel pack that you can warm up in hot water or the microwave on your ear. It will make you feel better.

Warm up an oven-safe plate, wrap it in a towel, and rest your aching ear right on it. The plate should be warm and comforting, not hot,

Warm mineral oil may soothe a sore ear. Use a dropper to drip the oil in and gently pull the outside of the ear to make sure it goes down.

If wind bothers your aching ears, wear a scarf when you’re outside, or put cotton in the opening of the ear, but avoid pushing the cotton down from where you can not retrieve it with your fingers.

If your ears hurt when the pressure changes, especially during descent and landing during an airplane flight, chew gum or suck on candy. The chewing or sucking will activate the muscles that send air to your inner ears, when you hear your ears “pop,” you’ll feel better.

If chewing doesn’t work, close your mouth, relax your cheek muscles, hold your nose and blow one nostril at a time gently until you feel relief.

Bugged by a bug in your ear? Flood the ear till full of alcohol using the ear dropper to kill the bug, then gently fill the ear with water from an ear syringe.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.

Home Remedies for Acne

Fed up from the side effects of the drugs, people are now shifting towards alternative therapies for the cure and treatment of common problems. Home remedies are one of the alternative methods that have been proven inexpensive and can be easily made at home without many efforts. Since ages our ancestors were using these home remedies for the treatment of diseases but the latest inventions and discoveries in the field of medicines darkened the benefits of these home made treatments. In the recent times the people have again shifted towards these home remedies.

Home Remedies for Acne, Arthritis, Asthma, Anaemia, Backache, Common Cold, Constipation, Eczema, Hair Loss, High Blood Pressure, Indigestion, Obesity, Sore Throat, Stress

Home remedies for some of the most common diseases and problems are:


Application of cucumber leaves or grated pieces of cucumber to the affected areas.

Paste of fenugreek leaves applied overnight on the affected area and washed off next morning is also effective.

Mix one tablespoon of besan flour and one teaspoon of lemon juice till a smooth paste is formed. Apply on neck and face and wash off when it gets dry.


Drink a glass of cold milk to get quick relief from acidity.

Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda for immediate relief.

Chewing bubble gum will also provide relief from acidity in few minutes.


With an empty stomach take 3-4 walnuts (akhrot) or 1 fresh coconut.

Spread warm mustard oil on a madar leaf and apply to the affected area for a few hours .

Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.


Drink a cup of black coffee, the warmth will break up the flem and the caffeine will help to remove tightness from the chest and throat.

Add 30-40 leaves of tulsi in one liter of water, strain the leaves and drink the water throughout the day.


Eat 2-3 apples daily without peeling to increase the iron stores in the body.

Intake of beet juice is highly beneficial for the anemic person’s.


Drink some hot milk or water with powdered sonth, meetha soda, and salt.

Massage the back with turpentine oil.

For temporary and quick relief heat can be applied at the back with hot water bottle.

for Natural Home Remedies for Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms and Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatment by Herbs

Common cold

Drink a cup of water with a few drops of garlic oil and a teaspoonful of onion juice.

Rub the chest and throat with camphor water or oil.

Drink honey and lemon juice in hot water to get relief from sore throat.


Drink a tablespoon of corn syrup in a cup of water.

Drink a glass of prune juice to facilitate bowel movement.

Drinking a cup of coffee will also provide relief from constipation.


Mix one teaspoon of camphor and one teaspoon of sandalwood to form a paste and apply on the affected e areas.

Drinking Aloe Vera juice will help cleanse the system.

Hair loss

Wash hair with peppermint or spearmint tea to prevent hair loss and to promote hair growth .

Wash hair with white vinegar periodically to prevent falling of hair.

High blood pressure

Mix half onion juice and half honey. Take 2 tablespoons once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Eat two cloves of garlic every early morning.

Eat one Papaya on an empty stomach daily for a month.

High blood cholesterol

Drinking onion juice daily for a week will lower the blood cholesterol.

Eat a few garlic cloves every day to reduce blood cholesterol.


Drink aloe vera juice, papaya juice, or chamomile, comfrey, red raspberry, or peppermint tea.

Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda will provide immediate relief.


Eat 10 fresh curry leaves in the early morning for three or four months.

Drink a cup of water with 3 teaspoons limejuice, one-fourth teaspoon powdered black pepper, and a teaspoon of honey every day for three months.

Eat freshly sliced tomatoes with onion and lemon juice.

Drink lemon juice with honey and warm water every morning.

Sore throat

Gargle every hour with vinegar water or salt water.

Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for immediate relief from sore throat.

A teaspoon of honey will provide relief from sore throat.


Chewing 12 tulsi leaves twice a day, morning and evening is the highly beneficial treatment of stress.

Various seeds such as alfalfa, sunflower and pumpkin are highly beneficial in the treatment of stress.

The use of these home remedies is highly effective and causes no side effects on one’s physical body.

Holistically Healing Heartburn

Millions of people suffer from the symptoms of heartburn every day. Those with acute cases of heartburn may have a condition called acid reflux or gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

Any form of heartburn is an unpleasant experience, to say the least. The splashing up of stomach acid into the esophagus and throat can be quite painful and potentially dangerous. In extreme cases, where the esophagus is continually damaged by the reflux of stomach fluids, a condition called Barrett’s Esophagus can develop. This condition is a precursor to esophageal cancer.

Barrett’s Esophagus occurs when chronic acid reflux or esophagitis is not controlled. Through constant inflammation and damage, the normal cells that line the esophagus called squamous cells turn into specialized columnar cells. Columnar cells are not normally found in human beings and can become cancerous.

The physical cause of heartburn is the improper functioning of the LES (lower esophageal sphincter). This ringed muscle at the bottom of the esophagus, relaxes in order to allow food to enter the stomach. This muscle then retracts in order to keep the digestive fluids where they belong. It is when this muscle is too relaxed or damaged, that the stomach fluids can escape up into the esophagus thereby causing acid reflux.

There are many possible causes of acid reflux. The foods that we eat play an important role. Food that is too acidic can aggravate this ailment. Not chewing food properly, eating meals that are too large and lying down within three hours of eating can all contribute to acid reflux.

Certain foods and beverages can cause the LES to become lazy. These culprits include smoking, drinking alcohol and prescription drugs. Raw onions and garlic, fried foods, chocolate and foods that are too spicy can also cause the LES to relax.

There are two ways to treat this condition. They are the allopathic medical and the holistic approaches to disease. The allopathic medical way is to prescribe certain drugs such as H2 receptor antagonists, which include Tagamet and Zantac, or PPI drugs (proton pump inhibitors) like Nexium and Prilosec. These medicines slow down the production of stomach acid and are the two main types of pharmaceutical acid suppressors.

This pharmaceutical approach is dangerous in that it impedes the proper digestion and assimilation of food. There are also numerous harmful side effects associated with these drugs. Drugs only treat the symptoms of a disease or condition. They are not intended to cure. If the drug companies created drugs that cured they would soon go out of business.

The alternative way to treat acid reflux is holistically. Holistic by definition means considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts; Treating the whole person rather than just the Symptoms of a disease.

Using alternative remedies, which are natural and have no side effects, is certainly the safest and most effective approach. These treatments are also far less expensive than drugs. Holistic treatment, unlike drugs, can actually cure the condition or disease.

In order to develop acid reflux, we must first have an acidic system. By treating the whole body, acid reflux will disappear. What we eat and drink determines the PH of the body.

Vegetable juices, like raw potato, celery and cabbage are very alkaline in nature and are helpful in correcting an acidic stomach. Papaya juice contains the digestive enzyme papain, which has a soothing effect on the stomach and aids in the breaking down of protein.

Slippery Elm, bladderwrack and marshmallow, belong to a category of herbs called demulcents. These herbs aid digestion by decreasing inflammation and by soothing the affected areas. They form a protective barrier against stomach acid and other digestive irritants.

There are many holistic ways to cure acid reflux. Meditation can be of great help. Start by doing deep breathing exercises for ten minutes. Keeping the eyes closed, visualize you stomach, LES, esophagus and throat as young, pink, tender and perfect. Continue to breath and picture yourself in perfect glowing health. See yourself eating slowly in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoying your food. Picture the food being digested and assimilated in a perfect manner. Feel all the parts of your body working in perfect harmony together.

Yoga can also be very beneficial to the body as a whole. Loosing weight and regular exercise are important as well. Drinking copious amount of pure water not only flushes the system of toxins, but dilutes stomach acid during periods between meals.

The holistic approach to healing is the medicine of the future. We can all be a part of that future now.

History of Magnetic Therapy

Historically it is reported that magnets have been around for an extremely long time. Magnets were first documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Their origins are first noted in Asia Minor in a vast land called Magnesia. The earth there was enriched with iron oxide which attracted metals to it. The locals named it Magnetite.

Another story is told of a young boy, who lived 2500 years BC, called Magnes — a shepherd on Mount Ida. One day he was tending his sheep whilst wearing sandals which contained iron in the sole. He found it hard to walk up the mountain as his feet felt heavy and stuck to the rock face. Mount Ida was found to contain a rock called Lodestone, which is the first known magnetic mineral. It is reported that Lodestone was named Magnes after the boy who discovered it, and it later came to be known as magnet.

Cleopatra was probably the first celebrity to use magnets. It is documented that she slept on a Lodestone to keep her skin youthful. The therapeutic knowledge was passed to the Greeks who have been using magnets for healing since 2500 BC Aristotle and Plato talked of the benefits of Lodestones in their work.

Magnets have been used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BC in-conjunction with reflexology and acupuncture. It is still used today as a first line treatment for many common complaints.

3,500 years after they were first discovered, magnets have gained popularity in Europe and the USA. In the 15th century a Swiss physician Paracelsus recognised the therapeutic powers of magnets. He wrote medical papers on the influence of magnets on the inflammatory processes within the body.

In the 16th century an English doctor Dr William Gilbert made a scientific study of electricity and magnetism. He published one of the first books about magnetic therapy called “De Magnet”. Dr Gilbert was also Queens Elizabeth I personal physician and it is said that she used magnets under his direction.

Michael Faraday, also known as the founder of Biomagnetics made extensive discoveries in magnetic healing during the 18th century. His work is still used as a framework for modern day magnetic treatments. Dr Mesmer (the father of hypnotism) and Dr Samuel Hahnemann (the father of homoeopathy) also contributed to his remarkable work.

20th century pioneers include Dr Kreft a German doctor who in 1905 studied the healing effects of magnets on rheumatic disease, sciatica and neuralgia. 1926 revealed Dr Criles work on the impact of magnets on cancer cells and this was followed 10 years later in 1936 with Albert Davis carrying out tests on the effects of the north and south poles of a magnet.

However the last 15 years has shown a prolific increase in medical research into magnetic therapy. There have been over 57 studies in the USA into incurable diseases and magnetics. Some of the most recent are:

1990 – University if Hawaii tested magnetic fields on patients with osteoarthritis.

1992- Stiller et al a randomised double blind trial of wound healing in venous leg wounds.

1999- New York Medical College tested magnetic insoles on diabetic patients.

2001- University of Virginia tested magnetic mattress covers on patients with Fibromyalgia.

2004- University of Exeter and Plymouth tested magnetic bracelets on patients with osteoarthritis

Magnetic therapy is gaining in popularity worldwide with many celebrity devotees including: Cherie Blair, Bill Clinton, Anthony Hopkins, Prince William, Queen Elizabeth II, Shirley MaClaine, Venus Williams, Michael Jordan, Andre Agassi, Jack Niklaus and many more.

Magnetic devices are now registered as prescribable medical devices in 54 countries worldwide With new research being completed each year and doctors at last acknowledging that it is not “witch doctory” we shall hopefully see, with in the next few years, magnetic devices being prescribed on the NHS in-conjunction with conventional pain killing drugs.

History and usage of Chinese herbalism

This form of treatment has been made use of for a far longer period of time than most people realize. It originated many centuries ago, but it has only become properly recognized in many western societies within the last few years. This form of treatment is where herbs and plants are used to provide the body with support in order to combat many adverse states. The adverse states can be divided into different types according to the energies that are affected by this state and different plants and herbs can be used to treat each adverse condition depending on what type of energy is affected or is causing the adverse state.

Each herb and plant that is used can have a different energy and this can determine which of the herbs can be most effective when attempting to combat the adverse condition of the body. There are four energies within the body and they are classified according to their heat, there are cold energies and hot energies as well as warm energies and cool energies. The exact symptoms of a disruption of the body’s energies can depend greatly on which is the energies has been affected. The plants that are used are typically of the opposite heat to the energy that is being disrupted or is the cause of the disruption.

There are many herbs that are used as part of a mixed selection of herbs in Chinese herbalism where there is one primary herb and other subordinate herbs that can help to provide support for the primary herb. There are many different ways in which a selection of different herbs can react to one another. It is these reactions that determine which herbs should be used in a selection together since a positive reaction between the herbs can provide the body with a range of benefits especially helping to provide support the immune system and help to rebalance the energies within your body. Some herbs may have negative reactions when used together so herbalists need to train for many years to have sufficient knowledge of herbs so that they can be aware of what reaction will occur when using particular herbs together.

This form of treatment is guided by the Chinese philosophies of health and philosophies regarding the body. This influences how problems within the body are dealt with and what manner of treatment can produce the greatest results as well as what ingredients are best to use in any given situation or condition. According to health philosophy the body has three physical components and two non-physical components, blood, Qi and moisture are the three physical components while Spirit and essence are the two non-physical components. It is the interaction of these five components that have such a large impact on the health of the body.

The selection of each herb to be used in the treatment of a particular ailment is largely influenced by which of the components in the body is affected as well as which energies within the body are effected. There are some plants and herbs that may have a beneficial effect on the energy being affected but have a negative effect on the component being affected. Therefore all ingredients to be used in a course of Chinese herbalism must be checked to ensure that they provide beneficial effects for both the components and the energies within the body.

History and Health Benefits of Echinacea

Echinacea, the purple coneflower, is the best known and researched herb for stimulating the immune system. Thousands of Europeans and Americans use echinacea preparations against colds and flu, minor infections, and a host of other major and minor ailments. This native American herb has an impressive record of laboratory and clinical research. Thousands of doctors currently use echinacea for treating infectious diseases.

Echinacea has a rich tradition of use by North American Plains Indians who used it medicinally more than any other plant. It was prominent in modern American medicine in the early 20th Century, and was discovered by Europeans, who have used it extensively since the 1930s. Today millions of Europeans use echinacea as their primary therapy for colds, flus, infections, and for general immune-boosting effects.

Health Benefits of Echinacea
Echinacea increases the “non-specific” activity of the immune system. In other words, unlike a vaccine which is active only against a specific disease, echinacea stimulates the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. Unlike antibiotics, which are directly lethal to bacteria, echinacea makes our own immune cells more efficient in attacking bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, including cancer cells. Echinacea facilitates wound healing, lessens symptoms of and speeds recovery from viruses. Anti-inflammatory effects make it useful externally against inflammatory skin conditions including psoriasis and eczema. It may also increase resistance to candida, bronchitis, herpes, and other infectious conditions.

• Colds, coughs and flu and other upper respiratory conditions
• Enlarged lymph glands, sore throat
• Urinary tract infections
• Other minor infections
• May help combat herpes and candida
• Wounds, skin regeneration and skin infections (external use)
• Psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory skin conditions (external use)

HGH boosters

Human Growth Hormone, one of several key hormones that are prevalent in one’s youth, starts to decrease as an individual ages. Responsible for the majority of an individual’s growth as a child, also has been known to increase height and muscle mass, as well as bone density and several other vital components to a youth’s aging process.

But several physicians have been realizing recently that Human Growth Hormone seems to not only reduce, but sometimes reverse the aging process. These doctors have begun prescribing HGH boosters to their elderly patients as a way for them to keep their youthful vitality as well as prevent several key injuries that result from a lack of the.

HGH boosters – which are all natural amino acids and supplements designed to increase the production of HGH in older individuals – have been available for a while, especially recognized in India where several of the HGH booster proteins have been found. But it is only recently that they have become more of a force on the marketplace. The anti aging benefits of HGH have been well documented by scientists and researchers, and now Sytropin makes it is easy to. Shopping on our online store is perhaps the simplest and most convenient way to purchase and your rush order is shipped within 2 business days and also available at several herbal drug stores.

The benefits of the HGH booster can be seen almost immediately. Many men and women have reported a vast increase in not only their stamina, but also their libidos. Some report to feel as young and energetic as they had in their 20’s, while others report less aches and pains thanks to an increase in their naturally producing bone density.

Similarly, these patients have reported that their HGH booster has seen them with fewer wrinkles – another powerful benefit of human growth hormone – as their skin’s natural vitamins and chemicals are replenishing.

The results of these HGH boosters have not been temporary either. The effects have been seen to last years, with several individuals reporting that their energy levels have remained at an all time high. Many go on to take the dream vacations that would otherwise have been impossible, due to their old bones and muscles struggling to handle the stress. Thanks to their HGH booster, their hormone levels are increasing, and few – if any side effects are being reported with them.

Also, HGH boosters are not only meant for the elderly, but also for those who are looking for a way to Boost HGH Naturally in thier body and looking for a way to increase their muscle mass without risking their health. The natural ingredients in the HGH booster make it easy for young people to take when they need, and these men and women claim to have found a great deal more happiness than they had previously.

HGH often gets a bad reputation thanks to the way it is reported in the media. But a natural and effective HGH booster can help the elderly live longer, fuller lives, as well as help the youth reach the health and potential they should be experiencing at their age.

Herbs For Detoxification

Herbal remedies are seeing a rise in popularity. This includes using herbs for detoxification. Many people like the idea of using herbs as natural products have minimal side effects. Herbs in fact have many therapeutic abilities. The following list explains some western herbs commonly used for detoxification and why they work.

Dandelion – This is an herb that is good for the whole body, specifically the immune system. It works to eliminate toxins from the cells in the body. It also increases bile and helps it move along. It is credited with boosting white blood cells thus strengthening the immune system.

Licorice Root – This herb has properties that work like an antioxidant, fight viruses and helps the body produce antibodies.

Cascara Sagrada – This herb works like a laxative. It helps the bowels move.

Black Walnut Hulls – This herb also works in the bowels. It works against parasites and removes them from the intestines. It also helps remove fatty material and toxins.

Garlic – Garlic is the classic kitchen-pharmacy remedy and has been used for centuries as an antiseptic. It detoxifies the gut and helps the bowels function properly. It works like a laxative in making the bowels move regularly.

Goldenseal – this herb is well known for its cleansing power. It can rid the body of toxins and help to remove obstructions.

Psyllium – This herb also works to help move the bowels.

Here are some Chinese herbs that are used for detoxification.

Lian Qiao – Lian Qiao is the forsythia flower. It has a cleansing action and helps to clear heat and toxins.

Ju Hua – Otherwise known as the Chrysanthemum. This is a pungent herb that should not be overcooked, or it will lose its potency. It has cleansing properties.

Pu Gong Ying – Pu Gong Ying is the dandelion plant. It is the parts of the plant above the root that is being used as a remedy. It is effective as a detoxification herb.

It is important to know that the main point of detoxification is removing toxins from the body, usually through the bowels. Using herbs is gentler on your system than other methods and you get additional benefits from the nutrients that herbs supply.

Herbs And Natural Cures

Hello folks. Does anybody out there know anything about herbs and natural cures? I am no great pro but even I have picked up some pointers over the years.

Take lavender! I love lavender. Lavender is so easy to plant and look after, flourishes year after year, has a lovely, soothing scent, is known to induce relaxation, and keeps the moths away. I have a lavender plant on my kitchen window sill and sachets of lavender in my cupboards.

There are many methods to learn about herbal gardening. I personally have plenty of herbal gardening books on hand. You can exchange information with fellow gardeners or plant nursery salespersons too. And don’t forget elderly people. They have a wealth of information about herbs and natural cures.

Just the other day I mentioned to an elderly friend that my hair has been losing its luster. “No problem,” she said. “Take one egg yolk, olive oil, juice of one lemon. Mix together in a bowl. Using your fingers or a basting brush, rub or brush the mixture thoroughly onto your scalp, around the hair roots, and onto the hair. Wrap a towel around your hair for two hours, then rinse in lukewarm water and shampoo as usual”.

I followed her instructions. Sure enough, my hair has a renewed luster and more body than it has had in a long time.

You can learn about natural cures by improvising with things found at home. Did you ever feel like your face was an elastic mask? I did. I desperately needed something to soothe and moisturize my skin. Yogurt was the perfect solution. After rubbing some on my face and letting it soak in I felt and looked twenty years younger.

Natural cures are my idea of fun!

Herbal Tea Benefits

When you think about what hot drinks you want to have at the morning, or for that matter, at any other time of the day, consider this: caffeine can seriously affect your health. Now it is no secret that some of the tea companies use caffeine in their products; you can of course choose those that don’t – for example, let us take Wissotzky tea: Black tea has 60 – 70 mg of caffeine, Green tea has 15 – 20 mg while Herbal Tea would have no caffeine at all.

The variety of tastes is quite large: Raspberry Tea, Peach Tea, Nana Tea, Lemon Tea, Cherry Tea – and most importantly – no side effects. It may appear surprising that drinking something like tea should cause anything at all, yet it is important to know the facts. As turns out, caffeine may act upon our moods – especially if you have a tendency towards depression – be aware – consuming caffeine may depress you even more.

To those of you with depression tendencies – avoid caffeine at all cause! Especially when mixed with white sugar, it operates on the brain and may make you feel worse than you did before (brown sugar is better anyway). As you have surely by this time realized – coffee may be your biggest enemy. Black coffee consists 150 mg of caffeine and Instant coffee 120 mg. If you’re a “heavy drinker”, do the math. And let us not forget Coca Cola. This same drink that has conquered the world so fast is another host of caffeine. It is not in vain that caffeine is compared to drugs – indeed, some of us are real Cola-addicts! (I confess, I used to be one myself)

Please, don’t be depressed by this, my intention in precisely the opposite one: my solution was simply not drinking it anymore. There are plenty of other delicious drinks that consist of herbs, and work to improve you daily nutrition. I know that simply refusing something you like may sound hard to do, yet it is quite simple when you try.

Herbal Supplement To Aid Arthritis

There is some potentially positive news for people who suffer from arthritis. Latest research has claimed that a herbal remedy made from rose-hip could eradicate the dreadful pain people who have arthritis feel. Unlike many other potential solutions there are reportedly no known side-effects to this latest treatment.

This news has caused excitement in athritis specialist quarters after years of negativity, caused by the the many risks connected to conventional painkilling drugs.

This latest study was conducted by a team from The University Of Copenhagen who observed and studied nearly one hundred people suffering from the condition. Four fifths of these people found that after only three weeks of taking the herbal remedy supplement, they were noticing a reduction in pain. This was despite only needing to take half the dosage of traditional painkillers.

Where Can You Buy The Rose-Hip Supplement?

There are many places where you can purchase this rose-hip supplement and due to this news it is likely to become even more widely available in the future. Your best bet at the moment is to visit your local chemist or health food shop and if this does not work you can always try the internet.

Arthritis affects a huge amount of people in the world, if you a sufferer you are not alone. Hopefully this research will provide some hope for the future as have many herbal remedies for people who have other health problems.

I hope you have found this article interesting and beneficial to read.

Steve Hill

Herbal Remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. According to Ayurveda arthritis is primarily a vata (air) disease which is due to accumulation of toxins in the joints and is known as amavata.This can be caused by poor digestion and a weakened colon, resulting in the accumulation of undigested food and the buildup of waste matter. Poor digestion allows toxins to accumulate in the body, and problems with the colon allow the toxins to reach the joints.

Symptoms : Fever; Immense pain & stiffness in affected muscles in case of chronic muscular rheumatism; Pain or tenderness in a joint which is aggravated by any movement or activity, such as walking, getting up from a chair, writing, typing, holding an object, throwing a ball, turning a key; Excruciating pain and stiffness in the joints in case of chronic articular rheumatism.

Home Remedies: The following are a few simple cures that might just help relieve you from the pain of arthritis. Try any of them to see what works for you.

Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a cup of warm water taken twice a day is good for curing arthritis; Two teaspoons of juice from fresh leaves of bathua, drink every day on an empty stomach for 2-3 months; Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis; Taking alfalfa tea twice a day makes a good cure; Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water taken once or twice a day brings relief; Rub the aching joints with hot vinegar to get some relief from pain; Two parts pure olive oil and one part kerosene makes a wonderful liniment to bathe afflicted joints; Add one tablespoon cod liver oil to the juice of one orange, whip and drink before sleeping; One raw clove of garlic every day is very beneficial. This clove can be fried in ghee (clarified butter) or castor oil. Take for 2 months; Guggulu is very helpful in curing arthritis. Eat half a teaspoon twice a day after meals with warm water; Exercise the afflicted joints in a tub full of hot water; Drink carrot juice, cucumber juice, eat cooked vegetables and/or vegetable soups, and drink coconut water for a healthy body & massage your joints daily to cure arthritis; On an empty stomach eat 2-3 walnuts or some coconut; Avoid mental tensions that lead to stress. Lose weight, if necessary, to get close to your ideal weight. If you weigh less, there is less weight on your joints and less pain;

Effetive and Proven Results For – Arthcare Oil (Anti Inflammatory and Muscle Relaxant Herbal Massage Oil) :

Arthcare Oil is the best natural solution for your problem, manufactured under the guidance of renowned MD Ayurveda Specialist doctor. Arthcare is an anti-arthritic herbal oil which not only gives a sure relief in rheumatic arthritis but also strengthens the bone tissues, the skeletal and the neuromuscular systems, giving a comfortable movements of joints and muscles. It is a powerful antioxidant and increases the energy level. Arthcare penetrates the body tissue faster than any other ointment because of its strong anti-inflammatory action. It removes stiffness and improves mobility of limbs. It brings relief from backaches, muscular strains, rheumatic pains, joint pains etc. Body massage with Arthcare oil, relaxes an asthmatic person. Arthcare is scientifically proven Ayurvedic formulation containing the herbal combination of well known traditional herbs described above. Within few minutes of application you will feel relaxed from pain. For Best Results Take 2 Arthcare Capsules twice a day and massage the affected area with Arthcare Oil 2-3 times a day.

Herbal Remedies:

The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. The following have been used traditionally to treat rheumatoid arthritis:

Shallaki also known as boswellia (Boswellia serrata), comes from a tree that yields gum when its bark is peeled away. In clinical trials, promising results were observed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, chronic colitis, Crohn’s disease. Researchers found that standardized Boswellia extract significantly reduced swelling and pain and usually reduced morning stiffness for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Ashvagandha (Withania somniferum) is an Asian plant of the potato family. Its roots have long been used to treat “rheumatism,” high blood pressure, immune dysfunctions, erection problems and also to ease inflammation. Because of all this, it’s sometimes called the “Indian ginseng.”

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) may be among the best-studied of the four. Research suggests ginger root inhibits production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, which are involved in pain and inflammation. In an uncontrolled 1992 Danish study, 56 patients who had either RA, OA or muscular discomfort took powdered ginger. All of those with musculoskeletal pain and three-fourths of those with OA or RA reported varying degrees of pain relief and no side effects, even among those who took the ginger for more than two years.

Herbal oils are applied to the arthritis to loosen stiff joints, restore mobility, remove pain, inflammation or swelling, nourish tissues and relieve pain. The experienced hands dipped in the pleasantly warmed oil will travel all over the body with pressure. Arthcare not only increases blood circulation but also gives a sure relief for rheumatic arthritis, spondylosis, paralysis, muscular disorder, slipped disc, asthma and tuberculosis. Brings in relief from stress, strain and tensions. It is also very good for tonning of one’s muscles and nerves. Get instant relief within minutes of application of oil.


Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate): Magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti- arthritic properties and it can be absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important of the essential minerals in the body, and it is commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath of Epsom salts. The heat of the bath can increase circulation and reduce the swelling of arthritis.

Dosage and Directions: Fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can stand. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts. Bathe for thirty minutes, adding hot water as necessary to keep the temperature warm. Do this daily as often as you’d like.

Herbal Remedies

Gingko has been promoted as a memory enhancer, merely studies rich person cast doubt. Nevertheless, the American English Diary of Medicine recently reported the herb’s manipulation as a treatment for intermittent claudication, a painful circulation problem in the legs. Maidenhair tree was found to wealthy person a modest effect on patients’ ability to step-up the distance they could walk without pain–the plant having the same benefit as conventional drug therapy. But neither type of medication proved as helpful as a regular exercise program.

Ginkgo biloba is rich in antioxidants and contains several active compounds that improve circulation. It makes the bloodshed a little less likely to coagulum and whitethorn strengthen vessels, according to Varro E. Tyler, Ph.D., World Health Organization researched pharmacognosy (plant-based pharmacy) at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Though considered condom, ginkgo English hawthorn increment the risk of bleeding if you are using aspirin; Coumadin (warfarin), which thins the gore; or other clog-busting medications. Kavakava users claim it aids them in coping with brief periods of extra emphasis–a crunch of job deadlines, for instance. It also Crataegus laevigata help defuse dread of an anticipated situation, such as fear of flying earlier a trip, as well as ease anxiousness-induced insomnia.

Research seems to support these assertions. A couple of years ago, scientists at the University of Exeter in England did a meta-analysis, which is a review of combined results from the best studies, and concluded that kavakava was effective at reducing . Active ingredients in Crataegus oxycantha green goods muscle-relaxing personal effects; that is, they May act on brain receptors and suppress “fight or flight” accent hormones. International Relations and Security Network’t habit-forming or addictive, simply herbal experts don’t recommend long-term usage. High dosage levels causal agent grogginess that tin can be dangerous if you’re driving or using machinery. Also, avoid combining with alcohol or sedatives.

Don’t utilization it if you’re pregnant or nursing. Saw palmetto berries green groceries a potent extract that is used to treat manpower’s urinary problems caused by prostate gland enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This experimental condition ISN’t cancerous just involves swollen, inflamed tissue that develops with aging. About half of all over age 50 suffer some symptoms, including frequent urination and urinary stream problems.

A survey of almost 3,000 patients that appeared in the Daybook of the American language Medical Association (JAMA) in 1998 showed that power saw palmetto lav growth urine flowing and reduce the number of nighttime urination episodes. In some research, it has matched the results of its counterpart drug therapy, Proscar (finasteride), which campaign side , such as loss of sex drive or impotence. Saw palmetto doesn’t shrink the prostatic gland significantly. A recent sketch found that it didn’t affect hormones, which explain why it doesn’t garden truck side typical of Proscar. Anyone WHO considers taking sawing machine palmetto to treat BPH needs to check with his doctor to rule out cancer.

Herbal Medicines

The medical use of herbs is widespread. In a multi-ethnic group of patients attending an emergency department in New York 22% reported that they used herbal medicines; use was highest among Asians, 37%. It is important therefore for clinicians to document use of herbal medicines as part of the patient’s drug profile. Plants synthesize complex (organic) molecules for their structure and function, and therefore are a rich source of chemicals. Active chemicals purified from plants are accepted effective medications e.g. digoxin, and morphine. When parts of plants or crude extracts of plants are used for medicinal purposes they are called herbal medicines.

What is the active ingredient in herbal medicines?

Most herbal medicines contain hundreds of chemicals and there is often no agreement as to which is potentially active. An example is garlic, comprised of many sulfur compounds, several of which are candidates for possible therapeutic activity.

How can one be sure that herbal medicines contain what is on the label?

The only regulatory requirement in The US markets is that all products intended for medicinal use, including natural health products, are issued a Drug Identification Number. However, these numbers are not required for raw materials such as bulk herbs. Herbal medicines are not required to pass any regulatory analysis to be sold as a health food supplement. There are many examples of herbal medicines that have been adulterated with other (more toxic) herbs, potent drugs (e.g. phenylbutazone, synthetic corticosteroids and other prescription drugs), or heavy metals.

How are herbal medicines standardized?

The chemical constituents of plants vary depending on the species, variety and part of the plant, with conditions of growth (soil, water and temperature), and with the age of the plant. These complexities and variations of chemical content make standardization essential. In some cases standardization is attempted, but it is difficult and seldom accomplished.

Plants are rich sources of chemicals and potential sources of effective herbal medicines. However, more research, regulation, and standardization are required before herbal medicines can be recommended as effective and safe therapies.

Hemorrhoids Treatment – The Natural Way

Over 150 million of the living people in America today will experience some kind of hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Most will do nothing about it. Only 500,000 are expected to seek help this year. It is a crazy statistic, because for most people, hemorrhoids can be prevented and cured by making a few simple changes to lifestyle, diet and the use of an anti-inflammatory gel/cream.

There are 2 types of hemorrhoids, internal and external, both of which left unchecked can lead to more severe cases, and ultimately surgery. But that is if you do nothing about it. And there is not much to look forward to if you need surgery. Surgery is an excruciatingly painful experience, especially post-op. Many patients have reported days, if not weeks of pain during the healing period after surgery. You see the outer rectum is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, and the most prevalent surgeries involve burning off hemorrhoids, or banding (tying a band around the affected area until it drops off) which leaves the area extremely tender, and when the patient needs to have a bowel movement, the pain can be even more excruciating than the hemorrhoids ever were.

But that is what happens if you do NOT attend to your hemorrhoids early. And considering that one of the major causes of hemorrhoids is from straining during bowel movements due to poor diet/lifestyle, then there really is no reason that most sufferers can’t avoid getting more/worse hemorrhoids. That is, most people strain during a bowel movement because the stool (feces) has become hard and requires a lot of pushing and straining. Simple changes to diet and lifestyle can improve regularity and reduce painful ‘straining’ bowel movements, and thus wipe-out the cause of hemorrhoids.

This is where the health of your colon kicks in. The colon (large intestine) can hold anywhere between 6-40lbs of fecal matter in the average adult. People who experience regular bowel movements (at least once daily), typically have a lot less of this fecal matter in their system, and quite obviously people who are less ‘regular’ have a lot more in their system. The colon, the last major part of the digestive system, actually draws a lot of water out of the fecal matter (stool) before it reaches the rectum. If the stool spends too much time in the colon, or if your diet is missing some key foods, then too much water is drawn out of the stool, and this is when you experience a hard bowel movement that requires straining and pushing….resulting in hemorrhoids.

There is much debate about what causes the stool to spend more time in the colon and thus become harder, but most agree that a clean and clear colon will assist in helping the stool to move freely and smoothly through the intestine. Couple this a diet rich in water and fiber (which assists in making the stool softer and easier to pass) and you’re on the right path towards reducing the cause of hemorrhoids.

Exercise is another major factor in improving you inner health. Many experts believe that exercise assists in speeding up our metabolic rate which actually sees our digestive system work quick, thus resulting in ‘regularity’ and less fecal matter sitting virtually idle in the digestive system (colon).

So if you have a diet that incorporates a lot of fiber (wholemeal breads/cereal and fruits), you drink ample water (6-8 glasses daily) and you partake in regular exercise, then you could well be on your way towards improving your inner health, improving your bowel-movement regularity and reducing your hemorrhoids.

And for many people who are already ‘dealing’ with hemorrhoids, the use of an anti-inflammatory cream/gel can be the first step in helping to cure, and rid themselves of their hemorrhoids. Poor diet, laziness and lack of hydrating fluids are CAUSES of hemorrhoids, so making improvements in these areas will probably help to ease the current hemorrhoids, but will NOT FULLY CURE the sufferer. The use of an anti-inflammatory will assist here (in most cases) by soothing the affected area, and also helping with circulation in the rectum area. These products act as a kind of decongestant in the rectum by reducing the swelling, which naturally brings with it better blood circulation in the veins, which in turn helps to diminish the size and existence of the hemorrhoids.

There’s a lot more to learn about hemorrhoids, and you can do it at http://www.hemorrhoid-relief.com

Hemorrhoids and Enlarged Rectal Veins

Hemorrhoids, in the rectum, occur when the veins are not returning enough blood back to the heart. When this happens, the vein walls do not receive enough oxygen and release a substance into the blood that causes them swell and become inflamed. This swelling weakens them and their more likely to break when they are rubbed, like during a bowel movement.

If your stools are hard, you have a higher chance of breaking a swelling vein. For this reason getting your stools softer is one step in clearing your hemorrhoids. You can do this by eating a diet and using remedies that help relieve constipation.
Hemorrhoids, which are enlarged or swelling can exist,

On the inside just above the muscle that closes the anus and into to the rectum. They are near the surface of the rectum mucus membrane
On the outside, they occur on the skin that surround the anus and protrude or hang outward.

In a way, hemorrhoids can be considered varicose veins of the rectum. Just like varicose veins in the legs, the rectum veins become enlarged and come to the skin surface and bulge out.
Hemorrhoids occur when you are constipated for long periods, sit for long hours, lift heavy items, or are pregnant.

If you’re constipated, you’re probably having a difficult time having a bowel movement. And when you do, your stools are usually small, hard, and dry. If you have to push and strain or sit on the toilet for 10-15 minutes, then expect to have hemorrhoids at some point. Two to three minutes is all you normally need to have a natural bowel movement.

Over 85% of the population has hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a sign that fecal matter is not passing through your colon like it should. Simple hemorrhoids are not dangerous to your health, but hemorrhoids that have been building for a while will cause you some discomfort, such as,
Mucus discharge

Bleeding showing up in your stools or dripping into the toilet water
Itching on the outside of the rectum
Pain in the rectum area and during a bowel movement
Pain in the rectum area, when you sit
Soft bulging area in the rectum or anus that give you a sensation that something is there

See your doctor if your hemorrhoids are painful, have excess bleeding, or stools have change in color from medium brown to dark brown or black.

Just be aware of any growth in the rectum, bleeding during a bowel movement, and a change in your stools color. Then take action to take care of these changes.


There are many unpleasant symptoms and diseases associated with constipation. Hemorrhoids is one such symptom and many doctor or practitioners say, ”its not a serious condition.” As a natural nutritional consultant, I say, “Hemorrhoids is a condition you need to treat or better yet eliminate.”

You need to listen to all symptoms you have to decide if you need to take some action to correct the cause. Some times just acknowledging a simple symptom is enough for symptom and the cause to disappear. Hemorrhoids, whether simple or severe, are telling you there is something wrong somewhere and “I hope you take care of it before it get worse”

Taking care of hemorrhoids or the hemorrhoid symptoms is the first thing you should take care of. Then, you want to concentrate your effort on the cause of these hemorrhoids. In this way you can help to eliminate your hemorrhoids and prevent them from coming back.

The first signs of hemorrhoids are when you need to take action. Don’t wait until your hemorrhoids get large, give you pain, start bleeding, or protrude

The first question you should ask about hemorrhoids is what caused them.

What causes hemorrhoids?

It is always the cause of an illness that you try to eliminate. Doctors don’t always have the time to determine what the cause is so they will treat the symptom to get rid of it. The result is that your illness will come back or the symptom will come back or appear as a different symptom.

Hemorrhoids are cause by excess pressure in the rectal veins and the veins in the surrounding area.

There are many causes of hemorrhoids of which constipation is a major cause. By first using some natural hemorrhoid remedies that I will discuss in future articles, you can eliminate or diminish your hemorrhoids. Then by using some natural remedies for constipation, you can prevent hemorrhoids from coming back.

Using natural remedies for treating your hemorrhoids is the best way to deal with this condition. In their book, Natural Prescriptions, 1994, Robert M. Giller, M.D. and Kathy Matthews, gives you their opinion of drugstore medications,

“If you are suffering from hemorrhoids right now, you want immediate relief. What about all those over-the-counter remedies? Just last year the FDA clamped down on the manufacturers of these products, and some of them are being removed from the market because they’ve never been proven to be effective. Other must limit their claims. Those that claim to shrink tissues must carry a warning because people with diabetes or heart disease, for example, shouldn’t use them. In the final analysis, while you may get some temporary relief from these products, you could do as well by applying zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, or witch hazel, which are just as effective and far cheaper.”


Heartburn occurs when there is an abnormal backflow of stomach juices into the esophagus, the tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach. The backflow or reflux causes a feeling of burning, warmth, or heat beneath the breastbone. The discomfort may spread in waves upward into your neck and you may get a sour taste in your mouth.

Heartburn can last up to 2 hours or longer. Symptoms often start after you eat. They grow worse when you lie down or bend over and improve when you sit or stand up.

Don’t be concerned if you have heartburn now and then; nearly everyone does. Following the home treatment tips can prevent most cases of heartburn. However, if backflow of stomach acid into your esophagus happens regularly, you may have gastro esophageal reflux disease called GERD.

GERD can cause continuous irritation of the lining of the esophagus which can lead to other health problems. It is important to visit a health professional if you have frequent heartburn and home treatments do not relieve the discomfort.

Home Remedies

Try other home remedies before taking antacids or stomach acid reducers to relieve heartburn. If you take medications to relieve your heartburn without doing other home treatments your heartburn will likely return. If your symptoms cannot be relieved by home treatments or if they last more than 2 weeks see your doctor.

Eat smaller meals and do not have late night snacks.
Do not lie down for 2 to 3 hours after eating.
Avoid heartburn foods like chocolate, fatty foods, fried foods, peppermint, spearmint, coffee, caffeinated drinks, alcohol, carbonated drinks
Limit acidic foods that can irritate your esophagus. These include citrus fruits and juices like orange juice or tomato juice.
Avoid spicy foods.
Avoid clothes that have tight belts or tight waistbands.
Stop smoking. Smoking promoted heartburn.
If you are overweight loose weight.
If you get heartburn at night raise your head 15 to 20 cm. Use blocks or foam wedges.
Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and other anti-inflammatory drugs that can cause heartburn. Acetaminophen is much easier on the stomach
Take over the counter heartburn products such as Maalox, Mylanta, Tums, Gelusil to neutralize stomach acids.
Take stomach acid reducers such as Pepcid AC, Tagemet HB, and Zantac 75.
Ask your pharmacist to help choose a product then follow the package instructions or your doctors advice.
When To Call 911:

Pain in the upper abdomen with chest pain that is crushing or squeezing and feels like a heavy weight on your chest which could be symptoms of heart attack.
Signs of shock
Call Your Doctor If:

There is blood in your vomit
You suspect that a medication is causing your heartburn. Antihistamine, antianxiety medications, and anti-inflammatory drugs including Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can cause heartburn
If you routinely have pain when you swallow solid foods.
If you are losing weight and don’t know why.
If heartburn persists for more than 2 weeks despite home treatments. If symptoms are severe and not relieved by antacids or stomach acid reducers you should see your doctor sooner.

Healthcare products from online pharmacy

Health care is an important and necessary thing. But what if you do not have enough time for visiting usual real-life drugstores? In this case you will be interested in internet purchase of the necessary medicines.

Statistics shows that there are more than half of Internet users in the USA who are interested in the medical information such as information about doctors, illnesses, and also about work with online drugstores. This trend is developing dynamically as internet drugstores have possibility to enlarge the potential consumer circle easily, to create new directions for medicament sales.

The main assortment of online drugstores – rare drugs, and also vitamins, means against depressions and general strengthening means. Such medicines are often sold without a prescription from physician, and that’s why their sales are absolutely legal and safe.

If you have decided to make your purchase in internet drugstores first time, don’t worry: you will be able to read all important information.

Internet drugstore web-sites are usually simple in navigation, and ordering of medical products takes just a few minutes. All goods are separated based on categories that also simplifies search and allows to be guided easily among all variety of drugs. Internet drugstores usually give detailed information about medicine characteristics.

Web-sites of online drugstores dispel all possible fears of potential buyers, giving answers to the basic questions. So, the buyer will receive information about online-drugstore agreements and with what insurance fund they were signed, terms of delivery of ordered medical products, drugstore specialization, and as well information about what certificates pharmacists of the internet drugstore have.

The positive thing of such drugstores is constant communication with a potential consumer. Internet drugstore networks constantly run sociological questionnaires concerning quality of products, drug effect, and also convenience of delivery system. In case the buyer is not satisfied with purchased medicines, he can easily claim it.

The most important problem for owners and employees of internet drugstores is to provide full safety of their buyers. Therefore among provided assortment you will not find the medicines which usage has not been confirmed by the special commission.

Internet drugstores aspire to recreate possibilities of usual drugstores for in-home buyers as much as possible. For this reason there are such services as a free online consultation, helping to choose medical products, and a professional description of medicines. Similar services are provided by the certified pharmacists.

For many buyers the possibility to compare price-lists of different online drugstores is also very important. By means of simple search you can find a drug at best cost. The main task for the buyer is to choose necessary medicines and to make order. The rest of service will be entirely provided by employees of online drugstores, and also services which will be engaged in order delivery.

Internet drugstore – a successful way of pharmaceutical business expansion and a new buzz word in health service and informing.

Health Solutions with Ashwagandha

Also known as Winter Cherry and Indian Ginseng, Ashwagandha is one of the most valuable herbs in the Ayurvedic medical system, dating back more than 3,000 years. Its Sanskrit name Ashwagandha literally means ‘that which has the smell of a horse’, so named because it is said to give the strength and vitality of a horse. Ashwagandha is specific for a wide range of conditions including arthritic inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, respiratory disorders, nervous disorders, gynecological disorders, male infertility and impotence.
It is a herb that enhances resistance to stress, increases stamina and promotes general well-being. Many Western herbalists refer to this herb as “Ayurvedic ginseng” because of its reputation for increasing energy, strength, and stamina, and for its ability to relieve stress. Modern research has found several types of alkaloids in it of which somniferin and withaniol are responsible for its multiple actions. The roots of the plant have been reported to have Alkaloids, Withanolides and many Glycosides.

According to the Ayurvedic system, Ashwagandha is the best herb for balancing Vata in the body. Vata governs all movement in the body, including the movement of nerve impulses throughout the nervous system. When the root is taken as a milk decoction and sweetened with honey or raw sugar, it is used to inhibit ageing and build up strength by catalysing the anabolic processes in the body.

Ashwagandha is also a proven immune-modulator, antioxidant and hormone precursor which tends to regulate important physiological functions. Research has shown that it can protect the activity of immune cells that are exposed to chemicals that would otherwise inhibit their normal function.

The antitumor activity of Withania somnifera is known and that it also enhances the effects of radiation in chemotherapy

Ashwagandha for Sexual Debility: Ashwagandha has an affinity for the reproductive system in both men and women. It is the main rejuvenative of masculine energy used in Ayurveda, improving the quality of reproductive tissues and increasing sexual potency. It has also been used to increase libido and potency, for it is said to bestow upon its user the vitality and strength of a horse. It is often added in herbal supplements that are reputed to improve sexual desire and function. Ashwagandha has also been helping women boost their desire for sex. Long considered India’s most potent sex-enhancing plant, the country’s women have used Ashwagandha for years to rev up their sex drives

Ashwagandha For Stress: Ashwagandha is considered as one of the best remedies for stress. While most adaptogens primarily work by helping the body to mobilize and maintain the physiological response to stress, Ashwagandha appears to work first and foremost by reducing the stress-related excesses of the alarmed nervous system. It improves the body’s ability to maintain physical effort and helps the body adapt to various types of stress. It has also been reported to enhance mental function and memory. It acts to calm the mind and promote sound, restful sleep.

Ashwagandha as a Anti-Inflammatory Agent: Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that contains several active phytochemicals known as glycowithanolides, which research has shown may relax smooth muscles. As a natural anti-inflammatory agent, ashwagandha may help to reduce the discomfort associated with arthritis. Forty-two patients with osteoarthritis were randomly placed in two groups–one receiving ashwagandha, one a placebo. After three months, pain and disability were markedly reduced in the ashwagandha group.

Ashwagandha for Weak Memory: Ashwagandha is a medhya rasayana, helping to enhance mental ability and performance. It helps support memory and problem-solving skills and enhances the coordinated functioning of all aspects of the brain. It corrects loss of memory arising out of long term stress, illness and overwork. A 2001 study in rodents showed ashwagandha had memory boosting ability.

Ashwagandha is also used for High Blood Pressure, as an Immune-Modulator and an AntiOxidant.

Overall Ashwagandha is a promising herb in many different fields.

Health Sanatorium

Enjoy nature at its best. Matheran is a one of its kind hill station near Mumbai,India (About 100 km. away). Matheran literally means jungle on top. All vehicles (Except emergency vehicles) are banned here. The only modes of transport are on Horseback, by man-pulled rickshaw, or on foot. Every one living in cities needs this sort of change once in a while.

Situated near Monkey point it is equidistant from Dasturi (Car park) and the Market away from the crowd where there is just you and nature. Two old heritage bungalows have been taken over and remodeled and two more bungalows have been added. All bungalows face a lush green forest. Each bungalow is divided into 2 or 3 units. The place is pure vegetarian and even alcohol is prohibited.

The units have been specially modeled for 4 people and consist of a double bed, a sofa-cum-double bed, a modern toilet, a fully equipped kitchenette and a verandah. Apart from this there is a large compound, which can be used for recreational activities. Games like carom and badminton are available.

For further details you can contact the Mumbai office situated at 204 Venkatesh chambers, Prescott Road, Fort on +91-022-22070548 (11am to 5pm on Weekdays and 11am to 1pm on Saturdays) or email at cdtrust@gmail.com. The trusts rules apply.
Note – This trust is a public charitable trust.

Health care for globe trotters

50% of people, who travel, suffer a travel – related illness. All travelers should be well prepared for travel and be prepared to protect themselves from travel related illness. In this issue various aspects of travel related illness have been discussed with related protective measures.

According to ayurveda traveling causes vitiation of vata dosha. Vata dosha regulates all the activities of body like digestion, respiration, excretion, transmission of nerve impulses, reflexes, body movements etc. When vata gets vitiated due to traveling all these normal functions of body also get imbalanced .The imbalances in body functions project themselves as travel related illness.

Motion sickness:

Almost every body are susceptible to motion sickness. Fatigue, giddiness, deprivation of sleep, nausea and vomiting are the main unwelcome symptoms of motion sickness. Avoid consuming alcohol, pain killers, spicy foods, fried foods and junk foods during traveling. Try to relax and chose a window seat. Do not read or talk. Or watch someone who is motion sick.

Eat light food. Include pomegranate, ginger and curds in your diet while traveling. Rinse your mouth and wash your face with cold water as soon as you take your food.


Though travelers’ diarrhea is mild inconvenience to a traveler, it may at times be life threatening too. Upsets in digestive system frequently occur in travelers due to stress, time zone changes, irregular meal times and new foods. But serious diarrhea during traveling is caused by bacteria, viruses or parasitic infections. The best way out is to take ample precautionary measures.

Wash your hands frequently. Use sanitizing liquids, hand washes or gels which cleanse the hands without water. Always use disposable hygienically packed tissue papers than towels. Avoid street, roadside foods, buffet meals. Select food which is well cooked and served hot. Thick-skinned fruits which you can peel yourself are usually safe. Avoid raw or undercooked meat, fish, uncooked vegetables, salads. Be care full with unpasteurized milk and milk products. Always use sealed mineral water, canned juices and beverages. Never use ice cubes or unsealed bottled beverages. Bottled Beer, wine and hot coffee or tea are safe. Drink from original containers or clean glasses
If you get mild diarrhea eat light ,soft and semi solid foods like idli, soups etc which are easily digestible. Avoid heavy, spicy and non vegetarian foods. Drink plenty of fruit juices.(canned or hygienically packed.). Keep yourself well hydrated. Consult a doctor immediately if diarrhea leads to dehydration.


people often become constipated when traveling because their normal diet and daily routines are disrupted. Drink plenty of water and consume food which are rich in fibers to avoid constipation .

Try to adhere to routine food timings .Drink a big glass of water every day morning. Avoid frequent consumption of tea or coffee. Taking two thriphala tablets with warm water before going to bed helps to normalize bowel movements. These tablets should be avoided during pregnancy.

Tired feet

Even healthy people can get blood clots in their legs after long hours of traveling. Try to walk every now and then. Drink water, stretch your calf muscles while you’re sitting and wear support stockings.
Foot bath for tired feet: Massage your foot with little coconut oil and soak them in warm water . You can add few drops of lavender oil or peppermint oil or sandal wood oil to warm water. After a foot bath rub your foot. Relax after a foot bath.

Prevention of Malaria:

To prevent mosquito bites and malaria wear mosquito repellent .Stay indoors between dusk and dawn. The malaria spreading mosquitoes generally feed at this time. Apply mosquito repellent, to your clothes and bedding. Wear socks, long pants, and long-sleeve shirts when outdoors. Use a mosquito net while sleeping. Stay in air-conditioned, screened accommodation.

Jet lag

To avoid jet lag get plenty of sleep before you leave. Don’t drink a lot of alcohol while on flight. Eat well-balanced meals and avoid over eating. Exercise as much as you can on your trip. Get used to a new time zone by going along with the local meal and bedtime schedules.


Do not drive in unfamiliar places where you know less about that regional language, road conditions, rules of the road, condition of the vehicles. etc. Choose your transportation carefully. Check the security, life saving facilities provided in the transport. Chose, the cab with seat belts, hotels with fire escape and ferries with life preservers. Never swim in unknown rivers or seas when you are not familiar with sea currents and waves.


Have a safe sex when you are with unfamiliar new partners. Alcohol, drugs and sex are dangerous combination


Get immunized with vaccines before traveling. Avoid animal bites and saliva. If you are bitten by dog wash the wound immediately with soap and water.

Travel during pregnancy:

If you chose to travel during pregnancy the second trimester (weeks 14 to 27) is the best time. Before traveling take the opinion of your consulting doctor and provide him the sufficient details about the places you are visiting, mode of transport etc.

Tips for older travelers

See your doctor for a checkup and discuss your fitness .See your dentist and ophthalmologist. Keep a spare pair of glasses, any medications you need in a small medical kit. Organize travel health insurance with pre-existing illness cover if needed. Make sure it covers emergency evacuation. Make sure routine immunizations are done before traveling. Consider your back – use luggage with built in wheels. Take clothes and hats to suit the climate.

Other safety precautions:

Check with the regional office or through internet the situation of places you are planning to visit. The destination places must be free from riots, terrorism, floods or other calamities.

Mental tensions:

Preparations for traveling lead to worry and tensions. Here are few relaxing tips before and during traveling.
1. Close your eyes , take five deep breaths through your nose and pay attention only to your breathing while doing this.
2. Taking a hot shower relaxes your muscles, and the break from more stressful activities helps too.
3. Laugh. Laughing helps to relax. Find people who can make you laugh and make your moments lighter..
4. Listen to relaxing music.
5. Take a walk.
6. Get a hug.

A visit to your family physician and some thought and planning ahead make your trip more successful and memorable. We wish you a rewarding, memorable, safe and healthy trip.

Dr.Savitha Suri

Health Benefits Of Foot Massage

Massage of any kind is relaxing and promotes a feeling of calmness. To many health practitioners, in fact, foot massage has been known to be good for health and well-being. Foot massage is common throughout the east as a healing method. In the east, foot massage is not only practiced on adults but on children as well.

Foot massage or reflexology works in the same manner as acupuncture. Each area of the foot corresponds with another area of the body and by massaging each part of the foot, you may be working on your liver, kidney, colon, stomach, etc. Thus, if you experience constipation, a massage through your feet can help in your bowel movement problems.

Health benefits are not entirely proven, but many claim they work. It is said that reflexology can get rid of toxins, help your circulation, improve body functions and even improve memory. A professional foot reflexologist can even diagnose the health problems that you are facing just by massaging your feet.

Foot massage can be really painful. This is especially if more pressure is applied. Screams of pain from a patient in a foot massage center is not uncommon. However, this should not deter you, if you are considering a foot massage. Just explain to the foot reflexologist about your low tolerance for pain and ask him to adjust the pressure applied.

If nothing else, a foot massage will help melt away the day’s stress. Your feet take the biggest beating throughout the day. They have to get you where you need to go and hold up your entire body weight. People tend to overlook their feet. However, hurting feet may just render a person immobile.

With many new age ideas filtering to the west, foot massage has also become more popular in areas like the United States. It is a natural way of treatment after a long hard day. The health benefits may be disputed but it never hurts to try it out and see what benefits it may hold for you.

Healing Through Qigong

The word ‘Qigong’ is made up of the two words ‘Qi’ (meaning breath or gas in Mandarin) and ‘Gong’ (meaning technique or work). Thus Qigong basically means ‘breath work’. Qigong, therefore, is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine involving the regulation and coordination of breathing patterns to ensure good health.

Qigong is believed to be the result of decades of struggle by the Chinese people for survival.

It was noticed that certain breathing techniques used in conjunction with mental concentration greatly improved bodily functions. Qigong has also borrowed heavily from Taoism and Buddhism. Thus religion and spirituality plays a very important role in Qigong techniques. Some forms of Qigong even believe that an individual can attain higher levels of accomplishment only if he is very virtuous.

Traditional Chinese medicine operates on a simple but effective premise – that of ‘Chi’. Chi is the energy or life force that travels through the human body and suffuses all our organs with health and well being. When this flow is blocked or disturbed, there is a disturbance within the system that manifests itself as a disease. According to tradition, all that a doctor has to do to restore good health is to analyze the reasons for the block and to take measures to facilitate the free flow of energy once again.

Qigong teaches an individual to live in such a way that the free flow of energy happens always, so that he is free from diseases. As the two words indicate, Qigong deals with the manipulation of breath to achieve and maintain robust health. This art has found a strong role in the martial arts of ancient China where people had to mobilize energy and stamina in coordination with the physical act of breathing.

This Chinese healing art is an effective form of alternative medicine that uses a series of gentle focused exercises to coordinate the mind and the body. It is believed that most people use only a small portion of the energy within them. Most people get sick because they do not breathe properly. These two facts have been juxtaposed in Qigong, where proper breathing helps bring good health. As such, Qigong is mostly taught for health maintenance purposes. But rarely the doctor also uses Qigong for therapeutic purposes.

In the modern world, millions of people all around the world practice Qigong for maintaining their good health. Qigong and other related arts are still associated with meditation and martial arts. But as opposed to the past, these people are no longer the sole custodians of the intricate techniques involved in Qigong. These techniques have become so popular now that medical Qigong has been officially recognized as a medical technique in China.

The practice of Qigong began nearly 5,000 years ago. Today there are almost 3,000 forms of Qigong. Tai Chi is just one of the more popular forms.
Western medicine accepts that Qigong can improve the overall health and vitality of a person. But the religious connotations that are lying just below the surface have often proved to be a matter of controversy. But there are no two opinions regarding the level of effectiveness of this practice.

Healing Herbs for Rashes and Skin Irritations

There have been literally hundreds of enquiries this month for herbs to cure skin rashes and irritations, so I thought I’d take a moment to share some of my favorite skin treatments.

First, let me remind you that the best overall skin care product you can use is olive oil. Weather you suffer from dry or itchy skin, or just wish to improve the appearance and texture of your skin, you would be hard pressed to do better than pure, extra virgin olive oil. This can be applied straight from the bottle, and can be used on any part of the skin including the face.

The curative properties of Olive Oil, both internal and external are nothing short of miraculous and I would like to share with you a recent experience that serves as a reminder to me how some of the most common elements surrounding us often remain overlooked.

My neighbor and I happen to share the same birthday. She is a widow whose children and grandchildren often come to visit. As our birthdays approached, I made her up a bottle of my favorite after-bath oil (made primarily with olive oil) as a gift. Unfortunately for my neighbor, I ran into her daughter first, who had suffered a severe exposure to Poison Ivy. In all honestly, it was undoubtedly the worst case of poison ivy I had ever seen. Her legs were almost completely covered in an angry, purple rash. In a number of areas, the rash was crusting and developing a greenish tinge. The itching was so intense that even after two weeks she was still on sleep medication as well as the prescription strength antihistamines and ointments.

I gave the oil to her and sincerely hoped it would help to alleviate her suffering. I’m pleased to report that five days later, my neighbor called, overjoyed. Not only had the oil relieved the itching, but also the crusty, green scabs were gone and the huge purple blotches had begun to fade.

The oil I mentioned is extremely simple to prepare and is an excellent curative for virtually any skin irritation including eczema and psoriasis.

After-Bath Oil:
Please remember that while a lesser grade of olive oil can be used for everyday purposes, if you are attempting to treat a serious skin condition, the extra virgin is made from the first press of the olive and retains the most important curative properties that you are searching for.

· 3 parts extra virgin olive oil
· 1 part sweet almond oil
· 1 part apricot kernel oil

Blend the oils together, and if desired, add several drops of your favorite essential oil for fragrance. This can be applied to the skin at any time. For all-over skin conditioning, apply the oil immediately after your bath or shower, then pat dry.
A special note for women who shave their legs: This oil treatment will completely eliminate any itching or dry flaking skin after shaving. It is simply the best after-bath oil you will ever try.

Please check back next week when we will be discussing herbal treatments for many common irritants such as bee stings, nettles, burns and more.

Healing Your Child and Flower Essences

So far there’s never been a time where I haven’t had great results whilst taking these essences. They’re not conventional medicine; rather their healing qualities are vibrational and work on the mind, body, and spirit concept.

With their unique vibrational qualities, flower essences have been used throughout the ages by many cultures for health and healing. They’re used to clear, and resolve emotional states and imbalances found within our system by taking drops under the tongue. I sometimes use them in combination with essential oils (aromatherapy) in my oil burner and sometimes even in the bath water.

Everything in the known Universe vibrates (quantum physics) even we have a unique vibrational rate, and so do flowers and other plant life.

I love flower essences because they’re safe to use not only for adults but also for animals and children. Of the many different essences I’ve tried over the years, the Australian Bush Flower Essences have been the most effective for me. I live in Australia and resonate at a very deep level with this country although my origins lie in Europe.

There are many wonderful and unique essences to choose from around the globe including, but not limited to, the following:

Flower (Bach, Alaskan, Australian Bush Flower, FES), Ancient Rainforest,
Animal, Shell, Coral, Gem, Crystal, Angel, Goddess, EarthSpirit.

To locate a practitioner and/or supplier near you simply do an internet search for any of the words or phrases above and ending with ‘Essences’ (eg. Flower Essences, Animal Essences etc).

From personal experience the more often these essences are used the greater the benefits. However, if there’s no issue, there’s no reason for taking them. They’ll only work when an issue has presented itself.

Not only does my son take them on occasion but so has my daughter, particularly when she was entering her teenage years. The drops she was taking at the time were called ‘Adol’ Essence and helped her deal with issues of insensitivity, rebelliousness and a ‘not fair’ attitude, among other issues teenagers face as they move into a new phase of life. ‘Adol’ Essence was a great sanity-saver for her mother!

How do I or did I know they worked you might ask?

Because I know the behaviours of my children and their personalities I’ve been able to monitor any changes however subtle when they take these essences. What I notice and become aware of I write in a journal and compare the before and after.

Taking flower essences doesn’t mean ignoring conventional medicine. I use both where and when appropriate. The two can easily be used to complement each other.

I’m all for health and healing the mind, body and spirit without the use of drugs, particularly for my children. Flower essences are simply another avenue (of which there are many) along the path of healing.


Drinking for many is a social activity which many people love to do. Even though it may not be healthy, drinking in small quantities would not cause much harm. The problem starts when there is excessive drinking. You may enjoy being drunk and may not realize things that is happening around you. The next morning is the time you realize it’s after effects which is known as a hangover and can be one of the sore mornings which you would not like to remember.
We should always be in control of alcohol and not the other way round. If it happens the other way round there are dire consequences to be borne. Even though you may be well aware about your drinking limit there are times when you cross that limit and you happen to bear the brunt.

Some of the common symptoms of having a hangover are * Severe headache * Nauseating feeling * Diarrhea attacks * Dizziness * Dry mouth and dehydration * Unpleasant feeling
Getting drunk depends upon the way you drink. If you happen to drink lots in a short period of time you will get drunk very fast.

Some of the common Do’s and Dont’s while drinking alcohol

* Never drink on empty stomach. If you happen to eat, the food helps in absorbing the alcohol content rather than directly getting into your bloodstream * Consume water (more times than ever) while taking in your doses of alcohol as it would help you from dehydration * Don’t have different alcoholic drinks at one time * Avoid colored drinks such as such as red wine, whiskeys, dark rum as they have strong alcoholic content * Do not indulge too much into sweet concoction as they are high in sugar and alcoholic content.

Hair loss prevention through Ayurveda

Hair loss is experienced by all of us at one or the other time. To know the causes of hair fall, it is very essential to know the structure of hair and its normal growth cycle.

Structure of hair

The hair on our scalp can be divided into two parts, the root and shaft. The root part of hair is in the skin (epidermis) of scalp. The hair root is surrounded by a pouch like structure called follicle. The base of hair root is in the shape of a bulb. This bulb is indented by capillaries and nerve fibers. The cells in the center of bulb divide. The newly divided hair cells push the previous cells up. The cells which move upwards die slowly forming hard hair shaft.

The hair shaft has three layers the cuticle, medulla and cortex.

Cuticle is the outer layers and protects the inner layers. It is transparent. Healthy cuticle gives a shiny appearance for hair and unhealthy cuticle gives lifeless look

Medulla is the innermost layer composed of large cells.

Cortex is the layer between cuticle and medulla. This contains pigment and keratin. Cortex determines the bulk and strength of hair.

The hair follicle contains oil secreting glands which make the hair shiny .Stress and illness diminish secretion of oil and pigments causing graying of hair.

According to Ayurveda the hair is considered as a tissue which uses the same nutrients of bone and considered as a tissue which is formed as bi-product of bone tissue.

Normal cycle of hair growth.

About 10 % of the hair on the scalp is in a resting phase at any given time. The resting hair falls after 2 to 3 months and new hair starts growing in its place. The growing phase continues for 2.25 to 6 yrs. During this phase each hair grows approximately 1 cm per month. At any given time about 90% of the hair on scalp will be in growing phase.

Few strands of hair fall as the part of normal hair growth cycle. But some people may experience excessive hair fall which is more than normal cycle. Excessive hair loss can affect men, women and children.

Causes of hair loss

1. Hormonal imbalance in men and women: In men high concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles causes hair fall. In women hormonal imbalances during pregnancy and after delivery cause hair fall.

2. High amount of sebum in scalp clogs pores of scalp and prevent nutrition to hair follicle.

3. Inadequate nutrition causes hair fall.

4. Stress, worry, lack of sleep, worry and anxiety cause hair fall

5. Long standing diseases like typhoid, viral infections, anemia, surgery etc cause general debility which lead to hair fall

6. Some medicines used for gout, chemo therapy of cancer , birth control pills , antidepressants etc cause hair fall

7. Diseases like lupus, diabetes cause hair fall.

8. Tying hair tightly pulls the hair from follicles and cause traction alopecia.

9. Heredity also causes hair fall.

10. Dandruff or Fungal infection of scalp.

11. Accumulation of dirt on scalp causes blocking of pores and weakens hair roots. This leads to hair fall.

According to ayurveda the causes of hair loss are described as follows

1. Too much exposure to dust, sunlight, water and other pollutants.

2. Too much of sweating.

3. Irregular sleeping pattern.

4. Anxiety, depression, insomnia.

5. Unhygienic way of living

6. Diseases

7. Alcohol consumption.

Hair loss Remedies

1. Liberal intake of vitamins.

2. High protein and iron rich diet.

3. Consumption of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, green leafy vegetables regularly.

4. Washing hair regularly ( twice weekly ) with suitable shampoo.

5. Using relaxing techniques to overcome stress, anxiety and sleeplessness.

6. Preventing fungal infections of scalp.

7. Preventing hairstyles which pull hair.

Due to these causes the tridoshas get vitiated and cause hair loss. The vitiated doshas affect the scalp skin and cause hair fall occurs. Medicated oil with the herbs Bhringaraja ( Eclipta Alba ), Amalaki ( Embelica officinalis ), Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula ) and Vibhitaki ( Terminalia bellirica ) is a best remedy for hair fall.

Green Tea Health Benefits

For many centuries people of China used green tea for treating various diseases. However with the advancement of time, today people of west use green tea, realizing its several benefits. Green Tea has long been esteemed in China for its involvement to good health. Fame of Green tea in the United States persists to develop, viewing that green tea is an innate foundation of antioxidants. These antioxidants aid defend the body from accelerating aging and augmented danger of ailments. Years of research reveal that green tea restrains the expansion of objectionable cell colonies, thus building it the healthiest tea obtainable.

Let us take a look at the benefits of green tea:

Green tea has many health benefits, and it can be used for avoidance of the diseases: Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, High Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Disease, cataracts, Infection, and Impaired Immune Function.

Green tea helps in weight loss course. The green tea leaves augments metabolism in the body there fore consumption green tea helps you burn more calories.

Green tea has the capability to fight bacteria and this can be counted as one of the chief benefits of green tea. This boosts your immune system thereby increasing the resistance power. It also helps kill bacteria that cause plaque and succeeding tooth decay. Green tea can help in fight food poisoning.

In addition, green tea can help lessening blood sugar level and cholesterol level in your blood.

Also green tea helps in getting rid of bad breath. Some element is present in green tea that stunts the growth of bad odor causing bacteria. Therefore a cup or two of green regularly can help in maintaining fresh breath.

If you are a chain smoker and also you consume around six cups of green tea a day then the propensity of risk caused due to the toxins emitted by cigarette smoke is reduced to a great extent.

Green Tea also contributes to maintain your beauty. With the help of green tea you can freshen up your face and apply around your tired eyes to get soothing feeling. If you have freckles or blemishes on your face you can apply the green tea to get rid of the spots. The green tea also has benefits for antiseptic purposes. It can be used to treat minor cuts, rashes and also can be treated to cure sunburn.

Green Tea is organically grown and the customary drying method used with Green Tea prevents the tea from the harmful effects of fermentation.

Products of green tea are available in different strength levels. Some supplements are comprised of low strengths of the active polyphones, whereas others go as far as using un-standardized green tea leaf powder.

It has been confirmed that green tea is stuffed with health benefits. It acts as a influential antioxidant, which has been identified to assist prevent cancer, pull through from the harmful cholesterol, and guard against harm caused by free radicals.

It has been reported by National Cancer Institute that Green Tea has Cancer avoiding aptitudes and components for fighting against insert fresh life to the market. People who have depended on costly anti-oxidant products are finding that Green Tea is very cost-effective and organic. Tea is one of the foremost selling fresh drinks, only after water.

However you manage to incorporate green tea in your diet, as well as it on a standard basis will help you receive utmost results. Put in green tea to a vigorous, balanced diet and exercise schedule for general fitness.

Green Tea and its amazing health qualities

The Chinese have known about Green tea as a powerful medication for at least 4000 years. According to legend, tea was discovered by a Chinese emperor called Shen Nung. Some tea leaves accidentally fell into boiling water, and he tried it and found it invigorating. Green tea became part of the Chinese diet and many important health benefits were attributed to it. Now recent medical studies in both asia and the west are providing a scientific basis for the claim that drinking green tea has very significant health benefits.

Green tea, like black tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. The difference between the three main types of tea is the way that they are produced. Green tea is unfermented tea meaning that the leaves used for green tea are steamed soon after been plucked in order to prevent the oxidation of the leaves. In this way the leaves remain green and the active substances within the leaves retain their qualities. Black teas on the other hand are made from fermented leaves and as a result have less nutritional and enzyme content as the green tea. Thus green and black teas have different chemical properties.

Modern science has in recent times been able to demonstrate that green tea is beneficial to one’s health and this is mainly due to the fact that tea contains high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols or flavonoids. The antioxidant activity of tea has been compared to that of fruit and vegetables in a number of studies. One study concluded that consuming three cups of tea a day produced a similar amount of antioxidants as eating six apples. Antioxidants help your body fight against free radicals which cause damage to cells and tisuues in your body.

While all tea is healthy to drink, it is green tea that contains the highest level of flavonoids. Recent medical studies suggest green tea to be beneficial in many areas including the following:

-Digestive and respiratory health.

-Lowers cholesterol levels

-Boosts your immune system

-Reduces high blood pressure

-Arthritis – anti-inflammatory effect.

-Oral hygiene – due to antibacterial properties.

-Skin conditions such as acne

-Lowers blood sugar

Weight loss is another area that is attracting huge attention. Recently published research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that an extract from green tea may speed up fat oxidation. A study was conducted of ten healthy men over a period of 6 weeks. It was discovered that those men who were given green tea extract burned more calories per day than those who were not given the extract. Much more research needs to be conducted in this area but the signs are certainly very encouraging.

Anyone for tea

Green Tea

Green Tea has long been valued in China for its contribution to
good health. Popularity of Green tea in the United States continues
to grow, showing that green tea is a natural source of
antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect the body from
accelerated aging and increased risk of diseases. Decades of
research show that green tea inhibits the development of
undesirable cell colonies, thus making it the healthiest tea

Green tea has higher contribution to health than other teas,
because of the way it is dried. Green Tea is organically grown and
the traditional drying technique used with Green Tea prevents the
tea from the negative effects of fermentation.
Green tea products come in potency levels. Some supplements
contain low potencies of the active polyphenols, while others go as
far as using un-standardized green tea leaf powder.

It has been proven that green tea is bursting with health benefits.
It acts as a powerful antioxidant, which has been known to help
prevent cancer, recover from the harmful cholesterol, and protect
against damage caused by free radicals.

Medical Benefits:

Green tea has many medical benefits, and is known for prevention
of the following diseases: Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, High
Cholesterol, Cardiovascular Disease, Infection, and Impaired
Immune Function.

Other Benefits:

Promotes weight loss- the leaves of green tea plants help raise
metabolism in the body. By increasing the amount of calories
burned in a 24-hour period, green tea promotes weight loss.

Prevent bad breath- an element found in green tea decreases the
growth of odor-causing bacteria. It is said that drinking a cup or
two of green tea may help maintain fresh breath.

Reduce smoking risks- cigarette smokers who drink up to six cups
of green tea daily reduces their susceptibility to risks caused by
the toxins emitted in cigarette smoke.

Beauty remedy- green tea may be used to freshen up the face and
sooth tired or strained eyes. It can be applied to spots and
blemishes to lessen their visibility.

Antiseptic properties- Green tea is also known to treat minor cuts
and rashes, and is an effective treatment for sunburn.

Green teas inhibit the expression of antigens made by the body,
substances that can trigger an immune response.

National Cancer Institute reports that Green Tea has Cancer
preventing abilities and Cancer fighting components add new life
to the market. People who have relied on expensive anti-oxidant
products are finding that Green Tea is very economical and all
natural. Tea is one of the top selling consumable drinks, only toped
by water.

Green Drink for Constipation

A green drink is a powerful drink that can help detoxify your colon and your blood. This drink keeps your colon and your whole body working better and longer.

There are many types of green drinks that are prepared with powders. But the green drink that I like is made using only liquid chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll has many benefits. It is capable of neutralizing substances that cause cell mutations and strengthens the cell walls of the small intestine and colon. It has an exceptional deodorizing effect on your body and on the stools you have during a bowel movement.

I drink my green drink the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This helps to activate your colon and stimulate it to have a bowel movement.
Here’s how I prepare my green drink.

* Add 1-2 oz of pure liquid chlorophyll into an empty glass (you may want to start with a tablespoon or two)
* Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the glass
* Fill the glass with 8 oz of distilled water
* Drink the combination completely

I add lemon juice to the chlorophyll because chlorophyll has a dull and blank taste that is uncomfortable for me. With lemon, it’s a drink that I enjoy taking every morning

If you have other health issues you want to work on, you can add other nutrients or liquids to this green drink. You can add a few drops of a product called Oxygen Elements Plus, which also is good for constipation and helps to detoxify your colon even more. You can add Alkalife, an alkaline water booster, which adds minerals to your drink.

From the clients that I have worked with, I have found that this chlorophyll drink helps them get better blood test results. Their blood is a little thinner. They carry more oxygen into the cells. Their blood cell count goes up.
Use this drink and you will keep drinking every morning just like I do, especially if you like lemon juice.

Gout Treated with Alternative Medicine

The name of the disease is not what concerns the person who treats the patient holistically, for they are looking at the die-ease in the patient, not the gout. Gout is a manifestation of the dis-ease in the patient, treating the presenting symptoms with drugs for the inflammation and pain may well relieve the symptoms temporarily, but it’s not treating the cause of the condition.

So what is the cause of gout? One might be told that some families have a predisposition to gout, and you may be told that some foods exacerbate the condition, and that’s about all that can be done if you are treated conventionally, you will also be given some prescription drugs to alleviate your pain, and to reduce inflammation. If you do nothing else to correct the cause of your gout, then it’s very unlikely you will see any improvement in your health.

You may say that since you have been taking a certain drug that you haven’t had any gout attacks, and as far as you are concerned not much else matters. Unfortunately the prescription drugs have only palliated your condition, and with constant ingestion of anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers your gouty condition will continue to develop behind the scenes, and your general health will deteriorate as a result of the drugs you are taking.

Alternative medicine, depending on what modality you have chosen, would firstly want to overhaul your diet, for a diet rich in purine foods would certainly exacerbate the condition, and may even be solely responsible for your gout.

Foods high in purines and are therefore to be avoided: Meat gravies, stocks, organ meats, shellfish, anchovies, sardines, herrings, mussels, mushrooms and asparagus. Alcohol, particularly beer is high in purines, and for that reason must be avoided. Any alcohol taken should be followed by copius amounts of water to avoid dehydration and consequent uric acid build-up. Meat, white flour, sugar, poultry, dried beans, fish, oatmeal,cauliflower, spinach and peas are moderately high in purines, and may need to be avoided.

The ideal diet should contain lots of organic fresh fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, and a very important dietary addition is wheatgrass. Fruits, vegetables and juices assist the excretion of uric acid, and foods that neutralize uric acid are strawberries, cherries, and celery juice, also drink lots of filtered water. Many people have found that the addidition of cherry juice to their diet has prevented further gout attacks.

You may be given herbs or homeopathic remedies for your condition, however a change in your dietary habits may be all that is needed to improve your health. What a simple answer to what could remain a lifetime problem if you may no effort to change your eating habits. If you wish to rid yourself of your gout, alternative medicine can certainly help you.

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng tea is great for short periods; this tea can alleviate many symptoms of common aliments and lessen fatigue. Ginseng is the main ingredient to many of the medicinal teas. However, prolonged use can lead to insomnia and heart trouble, so be sure to consult your physician before drinking ginseng tea regularly as an alternative to coffee for that afternoon pick me up.

In China, ginseng is held in high regard. It is believed that ginseng has rejuvenating powers and provides stimulation to the whole body. Ginseng also offers protection against fatigue. Ginseng is known to be a stimulant for the central nervous system. This root can also help with inflammation, fever, and hormonal imbalances to name a few.

The tea is usually made from the Wisconsin ginseng root. Slices can be steeped to create a tea that is a strong as the consumer would like, or purchased as a powder and brewed using tea balls. Both of these methods let the drinker control the amount of tea used. There are ginseng tea bags available from specialty stores, but it is not recommended to buy the tea without reading all the ingredients as some packaged teas are sold as ginseng but in fact have very little of this herb in them, instead using mostly fillers

Consult an herbal practitioner or naturopath as to the right type of ginseng and how to brew your tea. The tea can be sweetened with a little honey or stored cold in the refrigerator, as this tea is quite good served iced.

Take note, if you are pregnant use ginseng sparingly or not at all.

Ginseng and Its Many Uses

Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb. It is the most widely recognized plant used in traditional medicine. Various forms of ginseng have been used in medicine for more than 7000 years. Several species grow around the world, and though some are preferred for specific benefits, all are considered to have similar properties as an effective general rejuvenator.

Ginseng is a slow growing perennial herb (reaches about 2 feet tall) native to the mountainous area of north eastern China, Korea and far eastern regions of Russia. The older the root, the greater the concentration of ginsenosides, the active chemical compounds, thus the more potent the ginseng becomes. Ginseng roots can live longer than hundreds of years. Ginseng has been cultivated extensively in China, Korea, and Japan, and Russia. Ginseng starts flowering in fourth year, and the roots take 4-6 years to reach maturity. Ginseng is a protected herb in China and Russia: exporting ginseng seeds is banned in China, and harvesting wild ginseng is illegal in Russia. Natural white ginseng is often steam- processed to produce “red ginseng” with different, higher medicinal potency.

It is used to reduce the effects of stress, improve performance, boost energy levels, enhance memory, and stimulate the immune system. Oriental medicine has deemed ginseng a necessary element in all their best prescriptions, and regards it as prevention and a cure. It is said to remove both mental and bodily fatigue, cure pulmonary complaints, dissolve tumors and reduce the effects of age.

Ginseng is native to China, Russia, North Korea, Japan, and some areas of North America. It was first cultivated in the United States in the late 1800’s. It is difficult to grow and takes 4-6 years to become mature enough to harvest. The roots are called Jin-chen, meaning ‘like a man,’ in reference to their resemblance to the shape of the human body.

Native North Americans considered it one of their most sacred herbs and add it to many herbal formulas to make them more potent. The roots can live for over 100 years.

Ginseng contains vitamins A, B-6 and the mineral Zinc, which aids in the production of thymic hormones, necessary for the functioning of the defense system. The main active ingredients of ginseng are the more than 25 saponin triterpenoid glycosides called “ginsenosides”. These steroid-like ingredients provide the adaptogenic properties that enable ginseng to balance and counter the effects of stress. The glycosides appear to act on the adrenal glands, helping to prevent adrenal hypertrophy and excess corticosteroid production in response to physical, chemical or biological stress.

Studies done in China showed that ginsenosides also increase protein synthesis and activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. Ginseng is used to restore memory, and enhance concentration and cognitive abilities, which may be impaired by improper blood supply to the brain.

Ginseng helps to maintain excellent body functions. Siberian ginseng has been shown to increase energy, stamina, and help the body resist viral infections and environmental toxins. Research has shown specific effects that support the central nervous system, liver function, lung function and circulatory system.

Animal studies have shown that ginseng extracts stimulate the production of interferons, increase natural killer cell activity, lower cholesterol and decrease triglyceride levels. Men have used the herb to improve sexual function and remedy impotence. Ginseng is believed to increase estrogen levels in women and is used to treat menopausal symptoms.

It is also used for diabetes, radiation and chemotherapy protection, colds, chest problems, to aid in sleep, and to stimulate the appetite.

Korean Red Ginseng is also known by the names Asian Ginseng, Asiatic Ginger, and Chinese Ginseng. Korean Red Ginseng is a deciduous perennial shrub whose fleshy root requires 4-6 years of cultivation to reach maturity. Korean Red Ginseng is now used as a natural preventive, restorative remedy and valued for its adaptogenic properties. Korean Red Ginseng is considered most suitable for males and for older people. Used for centuries in China, Korean Red Ginseng was believed to be and anti-aging herb. By equalizing the system levels in the body, Korean Red Ginseng has been used to lower cholesterol, balance the metabolism, increase energy levels, and stimulate the immune system.

Korean White Ginseng is an adaptogen having yang properties and an arousing and stimulating metabolic effect on the central nervous system, brain, head, and blood vessels. It may benefit blood sugar levels, histamine levels, inflammation, stress levels, mental and physical abilities, impotency, anemia, artery hardening, depression, diabetes, ulcers, edema, immune and lung function, appetite, libido and may offer protection against radiation exposure and easement of cocaine withdrawal.

North American White Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) is believed to give a cooling effect to the body.This cooling, energy giving, endurance enhancing factor is believed to be the most beneficial for our fast paced, stressful world.

Siberian ginseng is a distinct plant with different active chemical components. Prized for its ability to restore vigor, increase longevity, enhance overall health, and stimulate both a healthy appetite and a good memory, it is widely used in Russia to help the body adapt to stressful conditions and to enhance productivity.

• reduce the effects of stress
• boost energy levels
• assists with mental and body fatigue


Ginseng is a plant with a very important role in traditional Chinese medicine. They believe that it relieves stress, improves circulation, increases quality of life, cures flu, cures impotence, and even that it can stop cancer. In fact, like many traditional remedies, it has been claimed to be a cure for almost everything.

Obviously, scientists are quick to point out that it is difficult to test whether ginseng actually has any effects at all in a scientific sense, but that doesn’t stop it from being wildly popular. It is one of the biggest-selling items at Chinese-run shops, sold both to Chinese people and believers in traditional medicine.

This huge demand has led to problems with the supply of the more potent wild ginseng, as it is being harvested faster than it can grow back, meaning that ginseng users have recently had to rely more on farmed ginseng. Today, ginseng is grown not only in China, but also in many East Asian countries such as Korea and Vietnam, and in the United States and Canada.

Although ginseng is usually thought of as a Chinese remedy, the ginseng that grows in America was independently discovered by Native Americans, who also used it for its medicinal properties. The fact that two cultures discovered it separately without influencing each other makes it seem more likely that there could be some truth in the traditional claims about ginseng. Areas where scientific tests seem to indicate that it might make some difference include impotence and cancer, but nothing has been proven conclusively.

There are many ways to eat and drink ginseng: the most popular is tea, but it is also possible to make soups, put it in food, or even just eat the plant’s leaves as it is. Ginseng isn’t that expensive in small quantities, so if reading this has made you curious, why not give it a try?