
Hypnosis is a Greek word which means “sleep”. This is also referred to as hypnotherapy. With the help of a hypnotherapist, you reach a trancelike state of restful awareness. When you are under hypnosis you are actually not sleeping, though it may seem like you are. You tend to be more focused and more responsive to suggestions. The main purpose of this is to help you gain self control over your emotions and behavior.

How does it work?

Though it is not very clear how it works, it tends to synchronize the body and the brain through nerve impulses, body chemicals, and hormones. It is said that the mind has two parts; the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. When you are hypnotized, you are said to be in your subconscious mind. It helps you relax and quieten your mind. We tend to go into the hypnotic state in our day to day life also. Many a time we lose track of the time and get engrossed in our work, or while reading a good book or listening to good music, this is similar to the hypnotic process.


When you are under hypnosis, you tend to concentrate intensely without any distractions. As you become more open to suggestions, you tend to listen to what you are being told, which could help you give up your bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, improving your health and well being.

You are said to go through three stages in Hypnotherapy; the first being the superficial trance, where your eyes may be closed, but you still exist in the present stage and you are aware of your surroundings. During this stage you are more open to suggestions, but since the trance is very light, there is a possibility that you may not accept it. The second stage is the alpha stage, which is deeper than the first one. Here the person accepts what he is being told. The therapist can actually control your response to any physical pain or allergies and control your immune system. Your blood pressure and your heart rate can also be controlled. The third stage is called age regression, which is even deeper than the alpha stage. In this stage the person can be sent back in time to remember events which had occurred years back. This technique is helpful to make the person come out of any physical, mental, or emotional problems, which could be related to his past. Cases like sexual abuse during childhood can really disturb the mind, causing physical and mental torture.


Deep hypnosis can also relieve pain from your body and control allergies. Chronic pain such as arthritis, fibromyalgia and back pain are said to be improved with hypnotherapy. Practising this can relieve symptoms up to 70 percent. Even sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring can be improved. This technique is even used in the emergency rooms in hospitals to help relax a severely injured victim, and even in the ICU to control the heart rate and respiration. Dentists also use this technique to decrease pain, calm the patients, and to reduce bleeding. Even during childbirth it is used to relieve pain.

Hypnosis can work only when you fulfill three conditions – A peaceful environment without any disturbance, good understanding between the therapist and you, and your cooperation and willingness to be a part of the therapy.

Hypnosis performed by a certified hypnotherapist is said to bring good changes in your health. It helps you give up unwanted habits like smoking, overeating, give up alcohol, and overcoming stress. It can also help control phobias, and this therapy has shown positive results in controlling asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, and high blood pressure.

Remember to go only to a certified and recognized practitioner, as the success of the therapy will depend on the competence of the therapist. It is best to take opinions from friends and those around you.

Hypnosis and Alien Abduction

I remember before I became a professional hypnotherapist I read a book about UFO abduction and learned that one of the “tools” that these investigators use to gather details about reported abduction experiences is hypnosis and hypnotic age regression. I don’t know what to think of this, but as Fox Mulder’s poster on the wall of his office stated, “I want to believe.” I’ve seen the X-Files and enjoyed the show a lot. But, I’m sad to say that now, after years of doing hypnosis sessions and conducting thousands of sessions, not one person has reported an UFO abduction experience! I’m a bit disappointed really.

This lack of uncovering UFO experience while clients are undergoing hypnosis also goes for the many hypnotherapists who have worked at the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. who have conducted thousands more sessions. Why is this so? Well, of course there is the distinct possibility that there is no such thing as an alien abduction experience. So far, that hypothesis carries the greatest weight with me, although I must admit that in the back of my mind I would love to have a client reveal such an experience while in hypnosis in my office. And, I would be most likely to see such a session as real evidence of alien abduction if it occurred in a specific way, under certain circumstances. Let me give you an idea of what that would be.

First, I would prefer if that person was a scientifically minded person who did not give UFOs much of a thought. This person should be mentally healthy and of normal intelligence. He or she should be coming in to see me for some unrelated issue such as smoking cessation, over eating, motivation, some exaggerated fear of public speaking, or such.

Then I’d like the regression to be spontaneous. By that I mean that while I was conducting an age regression for something else, i.e., to determine the cause of a fear of snakes, we wind up in the middle of the client recounting an alien abduction.

I have an open mind. I kind of hope that Bud Hopkins and other self-proclaimed UFO researchers are right about UFOs, not necessarily the idea that innocent people are being taken against their wills so that aliens can conduct experiments, usually of a sexual nature, from what I have read and seen on the television. No one would want to think that people are really going through those kinds of experiences. But the idea of life being “out there” is appealing in some way.

But, so far I have found no evidence of it. I’ve trained over 500 hypnotherapists over the last few years, and so far I can’t remember one ever telling me about such an experience. I have to ask myself honestly, why could this be? Well of course, the aliens could do some kind of brain work that keeps the “inductees” in a state such that deep hypnosis is unable to reveal the events, at least in any such case that may have come through our offices undetected.

But, other hypnotherapists seem to find these individuals who report such abductions all of the time. How could this happen? Now, I have to insert here that I am not an expert in the area of UFO investigation; I’m just sharing my thoughts on this phenomenon of people reporting UFO abduction. How it is at least curious to me, how after seeing thousands of clients, perhaps tens of thousands of clients, when you add up all of the therapists who have worked at our center, plus all of the graduates of our hypnosis training program, none of these well-trained hypnotherapists have reported a client who has revealed a UFO abduction when in hypnosis.

Everywhere they look, it seems like some hypnotherapists can “discover” that nearly every difficulty that an individual client may have has come as a result of an alien abduction. It seems that these hypnotherapists are magnets for such cases. Can it be that for some reason these cases just seem to cluster around those hypnotherapists? Perhaps there is an unseen power at work guiding the abductees to these hypnotherapists. It is possible. Or, they could be suggesting such events to their clients, either purposely, or accidentally. Remember that hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility, so the latter could certainly be the case.

Another possibility is that individuals who believe that they may have been abducted may seek hypnotherapists out who have experience working with those kinds of cases. In these kinds of circumstances, even the best trained and careful hypnotists could conduct sessions which reveal pseudo abduction scenarios. You see, any well trained hypnotist knows that clients tend to experience what they expect to experience when they are in hypnosis. So, with that in mind, if a potential client walks into a hypnotist’s office with the intent to re-experience an alien abduction, then it is likely that is exactly what he or she will experience, even if such an event never occurred. The events experienced in a hypnotic age regression session are not necessarily historically true. There is almost always some level of confabulation (distortion of the memory, usually adding information) in every hypnotic age regression experience.

One problematic aspect to such hypnosis sessions in which either a client is led into a confabulated experience, or one that occurs out of either the client’s desire to prove what they suspect to be true or fear to be true, is that, once a client has experienced this made up event, it is experienced in hypnosis as being true. As a result, after the individual emerges from hypnosis, then they will remember the event as if it were true, making any further exploration with that individual useless if your intention is to determine if the event actually happened. Now the individual will almost certainly continue to build on that hallucinated experience with similar experiences, resulting in more false memories.

Since I have not been fortunate enough to have a client who fits my requirements enter my office and recount an abduction experience, I wonder if others have. If so I would love to hear about it. I’d even much more like to be able to examine a recording of such a session so that I can examine it for signs that the client was being led by the hypnotist, and as such either purposefully or inadvertently suggested the experience to the client.

Again, I like to think of myself as an open minded individual. By some people’s measure, I do believe in some “strange” and “supernatural” things. I believe in a Creator. I believe in life after death. And, I believe that we come into this life for a purpose. And, I want to believe in aliens coming to our lovely little planet. But, I am sad to say that the more experience I have with hypnosis, the less convinced that such a phenomenon is occurring, or has ever occurred. Although I must admit that the lack of evidence of such phenomenon does not disprove it.

Calvin D. Banyan has a Masters Degree in Psychology, and is the CEO of the Banyan Hypnosis Center for Training & Services, Inc. He is a NGH Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Instructor, and Fellow of the NGH. He also serves on the NGH Advisory Board, and Ethics Board.


What is hypnosis and why does is it intrigue us so much?

There are many different definitions of hypnosis, the first result in search engines is:

A trance-like state in which a person becomes more aware and focused and is more open to suggestion.

The Oxford dictionary tells us that hypnosis is the induction of a state of consciousness in which a person loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction.

Many hypnotherapists would disagree with the Oxford dictionaries explanation of what hypnosis means. The idea of losing power over your actions during hypnosis is not what hypnotherapy is about in their opinion.

Hypnotists will tell you that hypnosis is to do with relaxation of your mind and body; however, you are in total control and can not be made to do anything you don’t want to do.

Hypnosis is more about making someone so relaxed that the therapist is able to speak directly to your subconscious mind, which will have a positive affect on your mind when you are fully conscious.

If for example you are afraid of spiders and you went to see a hypnotherapist to overcome this fear, the therapist would put you in a relaxed state, and speak to your subconscious mind about your fear of spiders. They would tell you that when you see a spider, they will no longer scare you etc.

If a therapist spoke these thoughts to you whilst you were fully alert, it would probably make no difference at all, but by speaking to you in a relaxed state of hypnosis, you cannot argue in your mind with the idea that next time you see a spider you will still be afraid.

Our subconscious mind is influence everyday without us really realising. We can hear a tune on the radio and think to ourselves, where have I heard that before? It was probably playing in the background somewhere where you have been.

We used to have a colleague at work who would deliberately walk into our office, whistle a tune whilst sending a fax, no one really took any notice as they were getting on with their work, however, a few minutes after he had gone, someone else (normally me) would hum the tune without really realising why and other people said they had that tune running around their head.

Oddly as it seems, the tune was planted into our subconscious mind without us really noticing.

That isn’t a magic trick, that is someone recognising that although we may be concentrating on one thing, our subconscious picks up everything that is going on around us.

The difference with us and hypnotist is that they have learned the art of this and how this can have an affect on us.

Even the stage hypnotist would like you to believe they have some kind of magic power, but infact, all they are really doing is talking to your subconcious through signs so that you will be more susceptible and amazed when they hit you with their trick.

Genuine hypnotherapists recognise that they can have a positive affect of people by using their skill, whether it be overcoming a fear, loosing weight, stopping bad habits or building up your self confidence, whatever it may be, you can at least know that there is no magic involved, and it is not a tool to make you do things you would not want to do in your normal alert state.

Human growth hormone supplements benefits and safety

From the moment the natural growth hormone was discovered in the human body it’s been a puzzle. Even though researchers have identified a lot about human growth hormone, there are still some questions. For instance, how intrinsic is the union between energy levels and the aging process? Consider the connection.

After All…

What is it that makes a child so energetic? Those vitality levels are considered to be unswervingly tied to the natural growth hormone located in the human body. If you compare the levels of human growth hormone in an individual at 20 to a person three times that age, you’ll discover a significant decrease in the amount of this protein blend. Which gives rise to the question, does the diminished human growth hormone protein level prompt lower vitality levels? Asked a different way could the introduction of human growth hormone supplements expand the amount of energy a person has?

All things considered…

Imagine what you could do with an everyday energy boost? If you doubt the benefits of more energy, grab a look at the plethora of products available that are geared for no purpose other than to extend energy. The selection is bewildering. But there’s another advantage to human growth hormone supplements.

Not only does human growth hormone augment energy, it also helps combat the aging process. Anti aging products are also available in abundance, but the natural human growth hormone may very well be the solution you’ve been looking for. You may even want to try a human growth hormone releaser to stimulate your body’s manufacture of this protein. After all, your body knew how to develop adequate supplies of human growth hormone when you were a child!

Every man dies. Not every man really lives. William Wallace in the movie Braveheart

Think for a moment about the interaction of youth, aging and energy. If you can recall back to your childhood, you are possibly awe struck at how hard you worked at every day, including playtime. And at the end of the day, you can likely remember drifting off to sleep as soon as your skull hit the pillow, and then sleeping a deep, restful sleep all through the night. Do you think it was all just because you were younger? What if the decrease in human growth hormone has impacted all those factors, how much energy you had for work and play, how well you slept, and how rested you were when you woke each morning? Human growth hormone is released in pulses shortly after you settle asleep. The amount of human growth hormone diminishes with age and may plummet by three fourths between the ages of 20 and 60.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers

If you’re concerned about the potential side effects of human growth hormone supplements, you should take some time to hear what the experts are saying. While human growth hormone occurs naturally in your body, you’re probably wise enough to realize that increasing even naturally occurring compounds and proteins isn’t often a good idea.

In this instance, side effects are generally negligible and most individuals appear to find the risks worth the benefits. As with any dietary supplement, that becomes a personal choice and only you can determine what you should (and should not) bring into your body. Being astute with your supplement choices is just everyday sense.

How To Use Grapefruit to Lower High Blood Pressure

Heart disease is the number one killer of women. If you are a women, and even if your not, here is what you need to start doing.

The food you eat is critical in determining if you will have high blood pressure and if you can lower it. Eating less meat and eating more fruits and vegetables can lower your blood pressure.

High blood pressure occurs when fats, cholesterol, and nutrients in the food you eat start to accumulate along your artery walls. This narrowing of your arteries restricts the flow of your blood, increases your blood pressure and making you more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes.

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high trigylcerides, grapefruit has been found to reduce the effects of these conditions.

So which is better yellow or red grapefruit? Well, in a study made where people who had a history of high cholesterol, those that ate the red grapefruit had the most effect in lower their blood pressure. The yellow also lowered blood pressure but not as much as the red grapefruit.

It was found in this study that grapefruit had a better effect in lowering blood pressure than statin drugs.

Red grapefruit are extra high in anti-oxidants and these nutrients are able to reduce your trigylcerides: the yellow are not.

Eat the red grapefruit when available and when it is not eat the yellow. Eat at least one – two per day. If you eat ½ just before your meal or drink a glass of fresh grapefruit, you can expect to lose 1 or 2 lbs during the month. By eating 2 grapefruits a day expect to lose more weight.

Eating grapefruit has many health benefits, but one other is in controlling your insulin level. Studies have shown that those that eat grapefruits have lower insulin and glucose levels in their blood.

It is believed by researchers that grapefruit enzymes help to control insulin increases that happen after you eat. These enzymes help digest your food better and this results in less nutrients being stored as fat.

Grapefruit has also been found to be caner preventative. It’s the phytonutrients – antioxidants – and especially lycopene that has been found helpful in preventing cancer.

Grapefruits are high in fiber, vitamin C, Vitamin A, and antioxidants – carotenoids, limonoid glucosides, flavonones.

You can buy red and yellow grapefruits from November to May here in the US. If you don’t have any in your area go online and order some.

CAUTION: If you are on any drugs, do not eat grapefruits in combination with taking drugs. Grapefruit enhances the effect of drugs and can cause symptoms of overdose.

How to Use Citrus Juices to Relieve Constipation

Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts of the body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peristaltic action and promote a bowel movement.


Lemons are filled with minerals, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. They have a cleansing action for the entire body.

Fresh lemon juice is the king of fruit juices. It contains citric acid, which acts in the body in a way no other juice does. First it acts on the liver to build up its enzymes so it can detoxify toxins in the blood. Then it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances. This makes it effective in removing kidney and pancreatic stones, plack build up along artery walls, and other calcium deposits that occur in the body.

When the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion is affected. This in turn will create constipation.

Use lemons moderately since they break up oils during digestion and in our body they make oils less available to our cells and joints.

If you have lemon allergies or ulcers then you should avoid lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons are not a good choice.

Here’s what to do:

Squeeze one lemon into a glass of warm distilled water. Drink it first thing when you wake up. Don’t drink anything else for at least 1/2 hour

You can use a citrus press to juice the lemon or just squeeze it to get the juice out.

Grapefruit Juice

Another constipation remedy you can use is drinking a glass of fresh squeezed grapefruit first thing in the morning. Again wait at least 1/2 hour before you eat anything.

If you are taking any anticonvulsant drugs, birth control pills, estrogen, protease inhibitors and even other types of drugs avoid drinking grapefruit juice. It slows the breakdown of certain drugs allowing them to increase in the blood to dangerous levels.

Grapefruit and Orange Juice

One drink I like in the morning is a combination of grapefruit and orange juice. Just prepare a half and half drink of these citrus fruits and drink it first thing in the morning.

How To Use Aromatherapy Candles To Create A Welcoming Atmosphere

Burning aromatherapy candles scented with pure essential oils is a wonderful way to add fragrance to a room. Not only does an aromatherapy candle smell nice, it can have therapeutic effects on the body and mind. Essential oils are extracted from certain aromatic plants and are used by aromatherapists to promote emotional and physical well being. When a few drops of a particular plant essence is added to a candle, its powerful aroma molecules are diffused into the surrounding air as the wax melts. When inhaled, the fragrance can help soothe and revitalize.

Aromatherapy scented candles can be made with oils from various types of plants. Aromatherapy essential oils can be made from different parts of plants, including flowers, berries, leaves and bark. As well as having a unique natural perfume, they have many different healing qualities. For instance, lavender is well known for its relaxing properties. When added to a jar candle, it can be used to create a soothing and peaceful atmosphere. The rich aroma of sandalwood can help ease feelings of anxiety and stress. As well as being used individually, oils can be used in blends to create uniquely fragranced candles. For example, a seasonal Christmas blend could include mandarin, cinnamon, clove or nutmeg. Or a refreshing mix of oils could include peppermint, lemon, rosemary or bergamot to help stimulate the senses.

For maximum aromatherapy benefits, candles should be made from natural based ingredients that don’t release toxins as they burn. Aromatherapy soy candles made from soybean wax are a popular option, as these are considered better for the environment than petroleum based candles. It’s worth reading the labels when buying a candle to make sure it contains pure aromatherapy oil and no synthetic fragrances or dyes. Using scented candles in the home is a simple but effective way of influencing the mood of a room, to create a tranquil and harmonious environment. Products such as candles, oil burners or other types of aromatherapy diffusers can make inexpensive gifts and offer a natural alternative to chemical air fresheners.

Adding aromatherapy candles to the home is a quick and easy way to enhance the atmosphere in a room and create a peaceful space to unwind in at the end of a busy day.

How To Take a Sauna

How to Take A Sauna

With the recent popularity of far infrared saunas and steam saunas comes the necessity of learning to use them properly and safely. Listed below are the traditional steps the Finns would take in order to benefit fully from their cleansing saunas. And the Finns should know, as roughly one in five inhabitants possesses a sauna.

It should be stated that one should consult their health care practitioner before embarking on any kind of sauna program, though it’s interesting that sauna usage doesn’t seem to harm the five million plus Finns and many others who know how to take a sauna correctly.

How to Take a Sauna – Traditional Finnish Style

1. First of all one should disrobe completely before entering. It is also important to remove watches, rings and all other jewelry because the heat of the sauna may distort the metal and burn the flesh that wears it.

Contact lenses and glasses should also be removed, as should dental plates and the like. It is common to wear kick-off sandals to walk into the sauna though these are usually left on the floor and never used when on the benches. In the
old country, sandals were not used, but instead a bowel of water is placed inside the sauna on the floor and the feet are dipped in this as one enters.

2. Hikoilu – When entering the sauna for the first stage, it is important to remember that there will be at least two levels of benches – the high bench is always the hotter, and the corner of the room diagonally opposite the stove is always the hottest.

This stage is a dry heat where the outside cares of your life can be discarded and the mind and body refreshed. By tradition hikoilu is invariably a period of silence and lasts about 10 to 20 minutes.

3. Vilvoittelu – When a heavy sweat has been reached – one can hear the perspiration dripping down to the floor – this next phase of “vilvoittelu” has been reached and one can then leave the sauna. Traditionally users have sought a cool place of any kind like a swim in the lake or pool, maybe a cold shower, a roll in the snow, or just a bucket of very cold water. Some people simply sit down in the cool outside air.

Instinct will tell you when the correct time comes to return to the hot room, usually when the heartbeat returns to the regular rhythm. Both the heat and the cold produce a slight increase in the rate of the heart beat, but this adjusts quickly to normal in healthy people. If there is a pounding or feeling of faintness, the person must leave the heated room and sit quietly. Drinking water with electrolytes would prove helpful also as well as fresh fruit juice.

4. Vihtominen loylyssa – This is the second session inside the hot sauna room. Traditionally birch twigs were heated in a bowel of warm water near the stove and the bathers sitting on the benches would use them to beat their bodies back
and front to release the oil from the leaves and to open the skin’s pores.

Perhaps in modern situations, a dry skin brush would prove helpful before one’s sauna session to open up the pores and remove dead skin cells. This third stage lasts about 10 minutes followed by a second cooling off before proceeding to the next step.

5. Peseytyminen – One brings a bucket of cold water, soap and scrubbing brushes into the sauna and scrubs the body. Traditionally, people would pair off to scrub each other’s backs.

6. Huuhtelu – This is a longer session outside, rolling in the snow, a long swim or a washing with shower or buckets in the coldest water available.

7. Jalkilammittely – A fairly short warm up in the sauna which is usually followed by another short swim, dip or shower. Always finish with the cold, but not for a long exposure.

8. Jaahdyttely ja kuivattelu – This is an air bath for cooling and relaxation. Generally, except in harsh winters, one dries with a towel only the hair and back of the neck; after a good sauna the body can dry itself and adjust naturally to any temperatue without difficulties or harm.

The Finns really know how to take a sauna, you say? You may notice that a sauna is far from being another steam bath. The idea is that enough water is used to keep the hot, dry air from drying eyes and mucous membranes, but this depends upon the host. In Northern Finland, it was a social status symbol to be a man who could take a lot of hot steam and smile about it.

Today this information about how to take a sauna may sound old-fashioned or impractical but in a few localities it still works and works well. The same principle of cleansing impurities from the skin can be found in aromatherapy portable steam saunas that come in convenient home or office structures like
these: Portable Steam Saunas

Also, far infrared saunas have become popularity because of their ability to penetrate deep into the sweat and sebaceous glands to remove toxins. Some of the higher quality models are discussed here: Far Infrared Saunas

For those who merely wish to read about the efficacy of far infrared sauna therapy a free guide to sauna usage is available online: How to Take A Sauna

How to Stop Suffering from Constipation

The most important thing to remember is that “Constipation is not a sickness, or illness or disease. It is a symptom of something we do (or don’t do)”. Constipation is generalized as a condition where bowel movements are infrequent, resulting in a hard, dry stool. Many experts suggest that you should have at least 1 bowel movement each day, and some even suggest you should have a bowel movement for every meal!

The causes of constipation are many and varied, but the most common ones are: (i) a low-fiber diet (ii) insufficient fluids (iii) lack of exercise, and (iv) unhealthy colon. When you read through this list of common causes, the solution to constipation should smack you right in the face, and get you thinking about your diet, exercise and your outlook on life. If it doesn’t, you need to read on.

Here’s some little known facts. The colon (or large intestine) measures approx 1.5m (5 feet), and it is primarily responsible for storing waste, reclaiming water and some vitamins, and then converting wastes in feces. Most importantly, while the waste is travelling through the colon, the body will also absorb unwanted toxins. That is if your digestive system is working slowly. If your digestive system is working properly, the waste spends less time in your colon, and there is less chance of toxins being absorbed.

Constipation should never be ignored, because when the body is not functioning correctly, serious illness can ensue. In fact, a recent study into regularity of Bowel Movements in Japanese men and women suggests those with more frequent bowel movements had the lowest risk of developing colorectal and colon cancer. When you consider the fact that most people will have between 5-40 lbs of fecal matter in their colon (large intestine) at any given point in time, and that the fecal matter is rotting waste that is leeching toxins back into the body, is it any wonder that illness can ensue ?

So let’s address the common causes of constipation, and illustrate how some simple changes can relieve you of such a debilitating condition…..

DIET : changes in your dietary habits might just be the cure for your constipation. A typical diet for constipation would see the introduction of more fiber (especially in fruits, vegetables and whole grains), with restrictions on the consumption of fatty foods and sugar. Fibre is the key, and we don’t consume enough. Seriously, most Americans do not eat enough fiber on a daily basis – the American Dietetic Association recommends around 20 to 35 grams per day, most Americans consume only around 5-15 grams. The importance of fiber can only be appreciated by understanding how fibre works in the digestive process. Fiber actually travels right through the digestive process without being absorbed into the body. It actually absorbs water and becomes gel-like, hence making your stool/feces softer. In a low-fiber diet, the intestines actually draw nearly all of the water out of the stool, which becomes rock-hard and difficult to pass.

FLUIDS : the importance of water cannot be stressed enough. Our bodies consist of around 50% water, and this needs to be replenished daily to assist in flushing toxins out of the body and assisting the digestive system. 60-70 ounces of water and/or juices is recommended to be taken each day to assist is making bowel movements softer and more regular, and to help flush the colon at the same time. Many people believe that consuming copious amount of caffeine beverages such as tea and coffee help, but they in fact have a dehydrating effect rather than a hydrating effect.

EXERCISE : Our lack of exercise is another cause of constipation. We would much rather drive our cars to the corner store to buy milk than walk there, and our children are spending more an more time playing video games and watching TV. There is no precise explanation of why constipation is caused by laziness, but the lack of exercise works to slow our metabolism and in turn can be seen as a factor in slowing the digestive system and reducing the regularity of bowel movements

COLON HEALTH : as mentioned above, the colon plays such a big role in the digestive process and in constipation. A clogged or unhealthy colon can cause constipation by slowing the flow of fecal matter through the digestive process. The colon (large intestine) is that largest part of our digestive system, and adults on average have between 6-40lbs of fecal matter in the colon at any given point in time (10-20lbs of which can be compacted, and very hard to flush out). Having a large volume of such matter in your colon is not healthy, and a simple colon cleanse with a product like OxyPowder can assist in unclogging the colon, ridding it of the bad bacteria, and hence allowing a smoother passage for fecal matter to flow regularly.

Again, constipation is not a sickness, or illness or disease. It is a symptom of something we do (or don’t do). Constipation sufferers invariably display habits associated with poor diet (consisting of low fiber foods, and foods that are high in sugar and fat), not enough consumption of water, lack of exercise and stress. These symptoms typically lead these sufferers to opt for laxatives to help the regularity, but these people will do nothing to curb the problem at the source, leading to more severe constipation and a harder pathway back to normality.

Simple changes to lifestyle and eating habits are the key.

To find out more about the causes and cures for constipation, visit http://www.constipation-treatment.info

How To Relieve Yourself From Pain Using Natural Treatment Methods

With little awareness, I used to think that OTC medication such as paracetomol or the anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen are the only choices when dealing with pain. Increasingly, I become aware that there are a number of ways to deal with pain using natural methods. While these methods may not provide instantaneous relief, at least, you eliminate the problems or side effects that you may otherwise have with drug treatments. Here are a couple of natural methods to help you relieve your own pain.

1. Heat versus Cold. Some people swear by the use of ice packs and cold massage. These packs can be store bought or you can use a package of corn or peas from your freezer. Wrap the cold pack in a cloth and then gently massage the painful area for five to seven minutes. Once the area begins to feel numb that is the time to stop. Others prefer heat. A hot water bottle or heating pad applied to the lower back for fifteen to twenty minutes can chase away the back pain in a matter of days.

2. Exercise. Tai Chi or yoga are two excellent exercises for back pain. The stretching aspect of yoga lessens the tension on the muscles, increases blood flow and promotes healing. Tai Chi is similar in that it too promotes healing and prevention of back pain by the use of gentle movement and non-impact exercises. It teaches you how to improve your posture and balance. Tai Chi also helps to build muscle strength and balance.

3. Supplements. Supplements are used to rebuild bone and cartilage, reduce pain and inflammation as well as relax muscles. They are divided into two groups. The first ones build strength and the second relieves pain. When deciding to use nutritional supplements it is best to first discuss it with your doctor. Make certain that your back problem is not caused by something more serious that requires medical intervention. Then your doctor can help you determine the correct dosages of the supplements.

Some useful strength builders are Glucosamine sulfate, calcium, magnesium and vitamins C and D. All of these will help to build bone and cartilage. Niacinamide, a form of vitamin B, assists with the healing of cartilage and like white willow bark, boswellia, bromelain and turmeric are also anti-inflammatories. Devils claw diminishes muscle pain, is an anti-inflammatory and will enhance the affects of regular pain medications. S-Adenosylmethionine strengthens the muscles.

4. Water therapy. This allows someone with a back injury or severe back pain to exercise in a way that makes the physical effort much less. Although you will do very similar exercises to what you’d do out of the water, the buoyancy sports your weight, making it easier to do the workout. As well, warm water therapies are a good method of reducing pain and relaxing the muscles.

5. Massage therapy. This is highly recommended for anyone who has back pain or suffering from aches. Massage therapy helps to improve blood circulation and muscle tone. It also stimulates the release of endorphins. You can easily learn a few basic massage techniques to apply them on yourself or on your family members for relieve from pain and stress. energised.

With so many options, you just need to decide which combination works best for you. Also, work on good posture. Hold yourself straight; keep your shoulders back and your head up. Don’t lead too sedentary a lifestyle or you’ll find yourself inflicted with aches and pains. Adopt regular sleeping hours and make sure that you have enough rest every day.

How to Raise a Kid with Asthma part 2

Here’s the continuation of the article captioned above.

I had mentioned changing the child’s (and the family’s diet for that matter) as THE foundation for a natural asthma treatment.

Obviously, I presented a vegetarian diet in the first part and I am aware that as a parent you might ask: “where will my GROWING child get protein from?”

There are more than sufficient amounts of proteins in Fruits and Vegetables and documented information on the exact needs for protein according to Dr. Stanley Burrough’s is actually about a nickel’s weight worth per-day.

Now the whole protein propaganda is another subject into itself, but for growing kids, one should be more concerned about them getting adequate vitamins and minerals.

Thankfully, these are more than abundant in fruits and vegetables and namely the Banana, Dates, Avocadoes, Olives, Cabbage, Lettuce, Durian, Young Coconuts and even the Apple give more than enough protein for growing kids and even you.

Here are some other quick factors to consider and hopefully put you at ease:

1. It’s been scientifically proven that mother’s milk is about 2% protein, now if this is the ideal of a growing baby for the first 3 years; of course it shows the minimal need of it.

2. 98% of the human population is sweet toothed…which shows that carbohydrates are our main need contrary to popular belief.

3. Based on the John Robbins work titled: Diet for a New America, the number of people in the US suffering from diseases caused by protein excess is a mind-boggling 40, 000, 000 compared to a measly 3 people suffering from the deficiency of this substance.

In the belief that the subject of diet has been adequately covered, I will mention some other factors that could help in raising a kid with asthma.

To restore physical fitness for the child, you could introduce him to mild exercises such as Yoga. Most local YMCA and YWCA branches have classes designed specifically for kids or you could look into Yoga studios that offer them.

As an alternative, you could go to your favorite such engine and type up ‘Sun Salutations”. They are the core of yoga and trust me when I tell you the execution of them is fun and you will reap Yoga’s benefits for asthma and overall fitness by doing these simple exercises. Oh, and kids love them. I’ve read in India where they originated, they actually hold competitions to see who can do the most.

For you as a parent, if interested, Yoga of course can come in handy for you for basic stress relief and of course as a choice for exercise.

When your child’s fitness has improved, you may gradually at your discretion re-introduce other forms of exercise. But of course, they love to play so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Other simple steps to curb the effect of Asthma in your kid’s life are to:

1. Avoid excessive temperature changes.
2. Ensure dust mites are reduced as much as possible in your home
3. Use a humidifier in the cold seasons.
4. Keep fresh air circulating as much as possible in the home.

It is my hope that these steps may come in handy in restoring your child’s respiratory health. Of course your own parental discretion is advised in regards to these suggestions. But hopefully they would come in handy in helping you raise a kid with asthma.

How to Raise a Kid with Asthma Part 1

Besides you as parents, their siblings and friends, kids may love toys, play and…food perhaps the most. I know I did. Another thing I know from experience is some forms of play and food are factors that can trigger an asthma attack.

Boy, was it sad being told when I had my first attack as a kid that I’d have to stay indoors most of the time or I couldn’t eat my favorite foods, so I can empathize with any kid who is going through the same thing. But at this point, as an adult, I can also empathize with any parent who has to raise a kid with asthma.

Just how do you go about doing that?

It goes without saying that at times what may be the best for our kids is not what they may want simply because they just don’t understand. Now when, it comes to laying strict rules for children to prevent asthma attacks, it sometimes may cause friction between a parent and a child.

That considered, try to do the following:

Sit with the child and have a heart to heart talk with them about their health ‘challenge’ and why extra care has to be taken to not aggravate its symptoms.

You may have to be creative in explaining to them why they have such a disease as asthma in the first place, however with the tips I will provide you, (God, I wish someone told my parents of this in my childhood…), you and your child may perhaps altogether curb the asthma problems.

First, change the child’s diet. This might require a little bit of creativity here parents, because my suggestion for a diet for natural asthma treatment involves giving up all processed foods and animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and the like from your diet-plain and simple. These are mucus forming foods and we all know what one physical characteristic of asthma symptoms are: Mucus.

This is a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the “Breath Retaining Program for Asthmatics” developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to his advice, many a chronic asthmatic has been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

Replace these items with mucus binding or non-mucus forming foods. These are quite simply fruits and vegetables. Make sure they are organic if possible or at least not in the list of the “dirty dozen” i.e. the ones most contaminated with pesticides such as Apples, Mexican Melons, Grapes etc…

Trust me on this; I’m speaking from experience, you will do very well to avoid the fruits in that list when it comes to asthma. Nonetheless you’d still be much better off steering clear of those food substances labeled as mucus-forming earlier on.

In addition, from my own experience, DO NOT CONSUME LIQUIDS WITH YOUR MEALS AT ANY TIME. This inhibits digestion by diluting the necessary juices in your stomach designated for that purpose. As a result, it hinders the much needed expansion of the diaphragm and consequently a constriction of the lungs- the bellows of life giving air- which results in the wheezing sounds any asthma patient is familiar with.

Now, for kids, it surprisingly may not be too hard, however if need be, you may firmly, but lovingly have to put your foot down and say they can’t have the substances mentioned. You can explain why, kids listen. In addition, when kids see you eat the same things, they more than likely will follow suit. This in turn of course will help the whole family.

Besides kids love fruits, now vegetables, that’s another thing admittedly-but there are fun ways you can incorporate vegetables into your kid’s diet.

For example, you could juice a stalk of celery and add it to some fresh apple juice made by a juicer (if you are so inclined); you could blend it into a smoothie of bananas, dates and young coconuts… (Now this tastes good!), or you could simply bake some sweet potatoes or yams and have them with mashed and lightly salted avocadoes (just be sure its uniodized sea-salt)…that would work. Trust me, I have a sweet tooth and I know what tastes good.

You can also try salads with home made dressings made of simply blending avocadoes, a dash of un-iodized sea-salt and fresh tomatoes. These are all ways that I ‘sneak’ veggies into my personal diet.

Obviously, I’ve written a lot about diet here in regards to asthma treatment and your kids. That’s because it’s arguably the most important factor. I will go over the rest in part 2 of this article and it is with hope that this will lay the foundation for a successful asthma treatment regimen for you kid naturally.

Here’s to free breathing and happier kids

How to prevent your nasal allergy

Do you know why and how your nose could feel itching and sensitive? The substance that causes itching and sensitive of your nose is called allergen. These include pollen, mold, dust mites, certain foods, latex, animal dander, and others. These allergens sensitize the nasal mucosal membrane through a sensitization process, which typically involves a few types of cell in our body, such as macrophage, lymphocyte and mast cell. In the beginning of the sensitization, allergens penetrate through the mucosal surface in our nasal passage. The easiness of the allergens penetrate through the mucosal surface is due to the deficiency of IgA antibodies, which main function is eliminating micro organisms that adhere to the mucosal surface. Usually, patients, who allergic to the allergen, have lower level of IgA antibodies.

The second step of the sensitization process is scavenging of the allergen by the macrophage cell. Macrophage cell is the large scavenger cell in the blood, whose function is eating up antigen, which is from outside of our body. During the scavenging process, macrophage cells also pass information about the invasion of foreign antigen to the lymphocyte cell, which involves several enzymes. Lymphocytes are stimulated by this information and multiplied to transform into plasma cells, which would synthesize IgE antibodies. IgE antibodies move to the mast and basophil cells around the eye, mouth and nose via tissue fluid and blood where they bind to the mast and basophil cells. When an allergen forms a bridge between two IgE molecules on the mast or basophil cells surface, histamine, which is a primary chemical mediator, will be released. This chemical will stimulate exocrine glands, contract smooth muscles in the bronchi, dilate blood vessels and increase their permeability and cause itch. Second chemical; prostaglandin, which is a secondary mediator, is synthesized in all types of cell and this chemical will cause inflammation around the mucosal surface inside the nostril.

How to avoid nasal allergy? We knew that nasal allergy is caused by the allergen; therefore, the first method to avoid nasal allergy is eliminating the allergen in our house or room. People who are allergic to house dust may not have allergy to the road or field dust. This is because house dust containing house dust mite, which is the major allergic component. Mites like to live in mattresses and box spring that containing cotton fillers or kapok. So, we should replace this thing to foam rubber encased with durable impervious material. Besides, we also should replace eiderdown, blankets and pillows with the one that are less hospitable to mites. In addition, dust-collecting upholstered furniture and carpets should not keep in the room because it accumulates dust mites. To keep the house dust mites low in our house, we should vacuum-clean our house frequently.

Allergy condition for the people who are allergic to animal dander can improve quickly if they remove their animal from the house. However, if the particular person’s allergy condition is too critical, his nose may still feel itching for a period of some few months after removal of the animal. This is due to the animal dander that has left in the furniture and carpets. If the allergy continues for a longer period of time, it may due to an indirect exposure to hidden allergenic substances or other allergens. If what has been mentioned above still could not improve your allergy condition or it is inconvenient for you to carry out what has been mentioned above, you may go through immunotherapy.

The second allergen that could cause nasal allergy is pollen. Pollen is released from the tree or grass seasonally. Therefore, it is quite difficult to avoid this allergen even though you keep yourself indoor in the city flat or house with the window and door closed. People with hay fever should not live in the dark flat or house with window and door closed during these best months of the year. They can just go through a short period of systemic steroid treatment, which could allow them to live an almost normal life during this short period of pollen season. Pollen season is in the late spring and early summer in the seasonal country but it is almost 10 months long in the non-seasonal country. To avoid pollen outdoor, I think the only way is wearing filtration mask or make sure you have taken antihistamine medicine before going out. However, indoor pollen could be reduced by installing electrostatic air cleaner, HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters, air conditioning, dehumidifier, humidifier and ionizer (negative ion generator).

Electrostatic air cleaner is also called as electrostatic precipitator. It consists a fan, which is used to draw the air that containing particles to pass through electrical charged plate where the particle is trapped. The tedious job for this equipment is that you need to frequently clean the plate that traps the particles because when the particles accumulate too much on the plate, it may cause its trapping efficiency drops.
HEPA filtration can remove particles that as fine as 0.3 microns. Therefore, this equipment can remove most of the particulate matter in the room not only pollen but also including bacteria, dust mite, molds, yeast and spores, which are also allergens to nasal allergy. HEPA filtration is very efficient to relieve hay fever and asthma symptoms. It can relieve the hay fever and asthma symptoms within ten minutes to half an hour after switching on the equipment. When the potassium permanganate and charcoal is combined with the HEPA filter, it can clear the big particulate matter like dust and pollen as well as chemical odor. This is because potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent, which could decompose most of the dust and organic substances; whereas, charcoal could adsorb most of the volatile organic substances.

Air conditioning is also one of equipment that can reduce pollen count in a closed room air to around zero. Usually, pollen level in an unfiltered room with window open is about one-third the outdoor level. With this level, it is high enough to aggravate symptoms in anyone with pollen allergy. Similar to electrostatic air cleaner, air conditioning’s coils and filters need to be cleaned frequently to prevent mold contamination. Besides, air conditioning’s cooling temperature should not be set to too low because air that too cold can aggravate respiratory allergy.

It is better for them who have asthma or nasal allergy and other respiratory allergies to breathe moist air in order that their nose and bronchial passages will not dry up. There is not a problem for people who live in equatorial and tropical country because humidity level in these countries is very high. However, this level may be too high and it can promote growth of house dust mites, molds and fungi and tends to carry more dust and pollen. The suitable level of humidity in the house is about 35 to 50 percent. With this level, people won’t feel uncomfortable and it also could prevent proliferation of allergen around the house. Therefore, people who live in the seasonal countries need a humidifier in winter and a dehumidifier in the summer; whereas, people who live in the non seasonal countries need a dehumidifier to reduce their house moisture level to prevent growing of molds, dust mites and fungi. Humidifier and dehumidifier need to be clean frequently with stiff brush.

Ionizer or negative ion generator is a machine that generates negative ion into the air. Particles surface is positively charged; therefore, when negative ion is attracted to the particles surface, its positive charges are electrically neutralized by these negative ions. Particles with neutralized surface are tend to deposit on the wall or floor. With this equipment, particles in the air can be reduced with the condition that the air in the room is not blown up by a fan. Therefore, in order to make the house free of dust particles, wall, floor, carpet and furniture have to be vacuum-cleaned frequently.

Prevention is one of the ways to temporarily relieve nasal allergy symptoms. However, based on cost, there are other ways that are cheaper to cure nasal allergy without any side effect.

By Alexander Chong

Author of “How to cure your incurable nasal allergy without using any synthetic drugs, herbs and expensive devices”.

How to lower blood pressure using a natural treatment

More often than not, stress is a contributory factor to high blood pressure. When we feel relaxed, so is everything actually in our body, including our blood vessels. As we have seen, it’s the constriction and restriction of the blood vessels which causes high blood pressure so anything which causes these to dilate or relax is beneficial.

Here are some alternative ways to treat high blood pressure using herbs, aromatherapy and yoga.

Lemon Balm – (melissa officinalis)
This is a green leafy herb, similar in appearance to mint and almost as easy to grow. The herb is so-called because it’s leaves have a lemony scent. It is known for it’s calming and relaxing effects, and has a strengthening effect on the muscles.
It was introduced to Britain in 4th C by the Romans and is also good for digestion, abdominal cramps, stress and nerves. The essential oil is good as an insect repellent but, as with all essential oils, should never be taken internally.
Lemon balm leaves are wonderful in salads or used as marinade for chicken and fish.
This herb should not be used by pregnant women because it relaxes the cervical muscles.

Stinging Nettles
Stinging nettles have been useful in the treatment of arthritis and are full of vitamin C. They stimulate and cleanse the body and improve heart function.
Believe it or not, they actually make good tea. Pick the top fresh shoots from the plant and follow the instructions on the left to make herbal tea.

Hawthorne relaxes muscles, stimulates heart metabolism and strengthens heart contractions. It also causes the blood vessels to dilate and improves blood supply to the heart. Hawthorne can be found in English hedgerows and was believed to have magical properties in pagan times. It is usually the berries that are used medicinally.
You should never take Hawthorne without the advice of your GP AND a herbalist. To find a herbalist look at the useful contact listing at the bottom of this article.

Other Useful Herbs
Fennel, black pepper, ginger, oregano, basil, tarragon and hyssop all contain compounds which can help to lower blood pressure. Fennel and ginger also make delicious herbal teas and combine well with lemon balm.

Aromatherapy oils are easy and safe alternatives if they are used correctly. They should never be taken internally or applied neat on the skin, except in the case of lavender and tea tree oil. You can either burn 5-8 drops in an oil burner or make your own massage oil by diluting 5-10 drops in 10ml of almond oil.
Choose oils that have relaxing and calming properties. Try rose, ylang ylang, marjoram, lavender, cypress, chamomille, clary sage and rosewood.

Yoga can also help to reduce high blood pressure because it stretches, elongates and massages the blood vessels which improves circulation and encourages the blood vessels to remain soft. Stress can also increase blood pressure and yoga, with it’s relaxing principles can help combat that. It is worth noting that yoga is also a weight bearing exercises because some of the poses require you to hold up your own body weight. Weight bearing exercise can help to prevent osteoporosis, a disease which affects one third of women and two thirds of men over the age of 50.
Remember that all these are only a few from the natural ways to lower blood pressure. Many other useful information will be published in further articles regarding lowering blood pressure using a natural treatment.

How to introduce healthy food to your family

How to Stay Healthy?
A simple and very effective solution how to introduce healthy food to your family

If 10 years ago somebody would have told me that fruits are very healthy……. Healthy for everyday’s eating as an excellent source of vitamins…. And even necessary – eating fruits is A MUST as a natural medicine for human body…. I would have replied: “Yes, indeed! I know this very well! I love fruits and eat fruits every day!”

But with age (as early as after 25 y.o.) I began to develop problems of health: BIG problems – that brought with them many troubles, sleepless nights and worrying headaches. As well as small problems that obviously decrease my work productivity, made me less outgoing and rip me off for many hours of enjoying the good state of physical health when everything was OK.
In general, all these health problems took lots of my time and money… Until I realised the simply secret that……… Even during all my adult life, I never developed a well-deserved appreciation as well as correct attitude towards fruits and vegetables. I am not afraid to name the reason bluntly – usually it is a lack of knowledge and lack of understanding.

Only then I understood that in reality I used to take fruits ‘for granted’. That time the benefit of my ‘eating fruits’ was diminished to the very minimum as I eat only 1-2 fruits per day, usually after lunch or at breakfast time. If I happened to become hungry in between meals or on my way to work, home etc, I would rather prefer to have a light snack of a sandwich or a roll, but definitely not fruit. While it is the FRUITS that MUST be eaten on empty stomach – to derive more benefit as fruits are recommended to eaten separately without other food.

If…. If earlier I would have been told that I don’t use fruits for sustaining my good health, I would’ve replied angrily “No, what do you mean! Indeed I use fruits! But my life- style is very busy, lots of hard work, endless stresses and, on top of all, poor ecology. These all affect my health very negatively. And can fruits do anything about that????!”
But now, looking to past, I must and I will admit: “Fruits and vegetables CAN dramatically change one’s health. Especially if one knows HOW, WHEN AND WHAT TO USE for a particular health problem…..

In conclusion, the major reason of “Not going GREEN” and therefore, not benefitting enough from the Nature’s generous treasures is still hidden in the LACK of correct presentation of this valuable information!

Then even if parents don’t value these blessings of mother-nature, then how can one blame children for refusing to eat these Nature’s treasures while even those who want to lead a healthy life style, don’t have a full picture of WHAT vegetables and fruits can do to one’s body and mind!

Even if we have a basic picture such as: “carrot is good for eye-sight, oranges – to boost immune system, watermelon provides excellent cleansing effect”, still, in order to convince not only somebody but even yourself, we have to get more useful information. And, usually, this “info” comes in a form of boring statistic facts or dull, grey nutrition tables.

Stop! Please, stop for a moment! Don’t you understand that even you and I, like any other adult of any age, won’t pay sufficient (enough) attention to any information if it presented in a such ‘mind-numbing’ (dreary, uninteresting) form. This is not the method to encourage, rather on the contrary, it is a highly effective and quicker way to make somebody bored!
Nevertheless, then what to say about young children and their tiny inquisitive minds, whose learning skills performance is best when powered by bright, colourful associations and sharp fantasy-world imagination.
No doubt, anyone will agree with me, no matter what age we are, we all would prefer to read text that are combined with attractive, eye-catching images! That’s why the skill of colour-science is an independent science. And so many interesting books, research papers, scientific proof and related articles are dedicated to colours’ physiological effect on people’s mind.
Also, the second emphasis is on how the reading material is presented. Do not generalize, but personalize.
It is no longer a secret that the best, TOP read articles (with highest popularity and read coefficient) in magazines, newspapers etc. are stories with a main character i.e. a narration, with main hero, with sequential unwinding of a story: with a beginning, intervening occurrences and culmination, even if this is just a short narration about an event or product. If any readable material is interlinked with an individual and his/her personal experiences, it is always easier to read, easier to accept and easier to remember. That’s why we always read testimonials, as they come from somebody and are put in simple words that’s easy to digest.

As for myself, until the age of 30 I never showed much interest towards vegetables and, I am ashamed to say, even some fruits. And it is not that I wasn’t aware of healthy eating, of ‘greens’ benefits – indeed I heard and read now and then about it, but it didn’t create that bright image in my memory that would lead me on and be my ‘guiding star’ in my and my family’s eating plan (schedule).

Luckily enough, on my 30-th birthday I received not only best wishes and E-cards, but among numerous emails there was an unusual email from one of my friends. It contained a large juicy image of a pineapple, and a link with the unusual words
Healthy Birthday! A gift for your that hidden in… pineapples!??
The link leads to an article, actually more correctly, to an entertaining story about pineapples.

In a light form this story tells about a mother and her little son. And, at the same time, it is a very informative conception about benefits of pineapples (and fruits in general) that convey information to the HEART of the reader. This method not just narrates, it ensures that the one who reads (or listens to) will ABSORB, HEAR and REMEMBER the important information about this story!
Simple words make their way to the reader’s mind and heart, creating in his/her conscious ‘live’ images of a little sickly boy, his concerned mother and a deliciously juicy pineapple. The story also has a moral (and even business-minded) value as it concludes on a brief note that this little boy decided to help other people to stay healthy, and when he grew up, he became a medical scientist and businessman – he started a unique fruit-vegetables shop in his small town.

…To continue my own path to Healthy Food…
Being inspired by this first touch of this new approach and introduction to fruits and vegetables to the Mind and Heart, I was very excited to read the next story from the same book. Then the following, then all other stories which were available to be read online on the website (stories from the new book that is available in bookstore at amazon: The Storyteller’s guide to health food).
I can remember, the second story was about beetroot (again a very unique fairytale-like story about 3 sisters – beetroot of different types, but with lots of information, tips and even recipes). The third story was on watermelon. That particular story I happened to read in summer and this time I read it aloud to my friends because I wanted to check what their reactions would be. The effect can talk for itself – my friends’ appreciation towards watermelon and, of course, later towards all fruits and vegetables increased immensely. Moreover, they enthusiastically copied the story and shared it with their family, loved ones and even with neighbors.
No need to say that acquaintance with this brilliant ideas and innovative method exposed in these wonderful books of the project KindBook became a turning point not only in my life, but in life of my family and friends. Moreover, gradually and steadily it opened a new door in the lives of all those who are concerned about health and the value of healthy food.

If you are about to make your first step in HEALING yourself and HEALING our planet: leave those ‘boring’ %-tables for later! Firstly try to kindle in people a flame of interest in Nature’s gifts to humanity! Heal yourself, then Heal others. With this unique approach make them enthusiastic to increase their energy, productivity and health! And to teach our future generation how to be the best citizens of our Planet Earth: kind, healthy, successful!
And, last but not least! Remember the GOLDEN RULE: the more goodness you bring into the lives of others, the more goodness will come back to you!

Let me wish all of you what I wish for myself and my family – BEST HEALTH!

(With compliments from the thankful reader of the book that is available in bookstore at amazon: The Storyteller’s Guide to Healthy Food by A.Lopatina and M.Skrebtsova).

How to get rid of your allergies

Have you ever wondered why allergies occurs ?

Allergies are caused when the body over reacts to certain substances like pollen, ragweed, animal dander, certain foods, like nuts, eggs, milk, chocolate. Substances which cause allergies are called allergens.

When the body’s immune system identifies these foreign invaders, it sends out antibodies to get rid of them.

Usually, the amount of antibodies sent out is proportional to the amount of allergen. Allergies occur when the body over reacts and sends too many antibodies, which attack the allergen and the body’s own tissue.

This causes the symptoms of allergies, hay fever, itchy skin, they can be light and very annoying , runny nose itchy eyes, or serious, like asthma .

Sometimes allergies are inherited. They can run in the family. Also, if a mother does not have enough nutrition from fresh foods available to her during pregnancy, or if she is stressed and does not eat healthy food during pregnancy, the baby may be more susceptible to allergies.

Stress has been proven to be a major cause of allergies. This is the reason I believe, that alot of people begin getting allergies in their late 20’s and early 30’s. Stress weakens a person’s immune system, and causes over reaction to allergens.

A long time ago, there was no hay fever but since the advent of junk foods and instant food ( frozen foods), hay fever has become rampant. If your hay fever is not inherited , then it could be from the foods you are eating.

How to cure allergies ?

The best way to get rid of allergies is to find out which allergens are causing your allergy and then avoid them.
Of course, this is not always possible.

The medications that are usually recommended have many side effects , sometimes serious, and they don’t address the underlying cause of the allergy.

Same thing goes for allergy shots. They may work for one season, but not for the next.
Fortunately, there are better natural remedies. They go to the underlying root of the problem, and balance the body so that it does not over react to allergens.

Here are some of the natural remedies which are good for allergies.

Nettles, Marshmallow, Acerola Cherry, Cayenne, Ginger.

* Nettles is a longtime favorite of herbalists. is is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and chlorophyll.

* Marshmallow is soothing to all parts of the body it comes in contact with, and contains large amounts of vitamin A, calcium, zinc and also contains some iron, sodium, iodine, and B-complex.

* Acerola Cherry is excellent as an anti-histamine and has one of nature’s highest natural content of Vitamin C.

* Cayenne contains quercitin, a natural antihistamine, which helps those with allergies and breathing problems.

* Ginger is a good pain reliever and fights asthma . Also when you can’t quit coughing, good to drink hot ginger tea or hot water with ginger and honey in it because ginger stimulates circulation and helps clear your sinuses and lungs of mucus.

For foods,

Eat a balanced diet of fresh foods, red, green, black, yellow, orange color foods every day. In asia, it is believed that if you eat 30 kinds of foods a day can keep you healthy.

Here are the foods recommended for your allergies and health,

Leeks, green onions, Daikon, dark green leaves, Raddish, beans, seaweeds, potatoes, sweet potatos.

* Potatos have alot of Vitamin C and calcium .
* Leeks and green onions soup is excellent for allergies and cold and flu.
* Daikon (asian raddish) is a kind of Asian raddish that is really good for itchy skin
* Sweet potatoes are great to avoid colds.
* Beans have alot of Vitamin E .

The easiest way to get a lot of nutrition is eat vegetable soup with many vegetables in it every day.

Foods and drinks to avoid

Junk foods , instant foods ( frozen foods ) , soda, alcohol

The remedies above are good for allergies and keep your body healthy and it will usually take a while to get the effect. For immediate relief , you can find much faster natural remedies at http://www.thenaturalremedies.com

How to get rid of hay fever

Hay fever is caused by windborne substances like pollen and ragweed. The allergy is caused by an over reaction to these substances. Usually, the body sends out antibodies to fight off the offending invaders and the amount of antibodies sent is usually proportional to the amount of damage.

But if you have an allergy, the body sends out too many antibodies, which then attack the allergen and the body’s own tissue, causing the usual hay fever symptoms of runny nose, itchy eyes, sinus pressure.

In order to alleviate this problem it is best to avoid whatever is causing your allergy. Of course, this is not always possible.

The usual medications that are recommended only work for a short time. They only alleviate the symptoms, they don’t go to the core of the problem. Allergy shots are the same. They may work for one allergy season, but not for the next.

Natural remedies are much safer, and often go to the root of the problem, fixing the underlying cause of the body’s over reaction in the first place.

There are several herbs that help with hay fever.

Nettles has been a longtime favorite. It contains many vitamins and minerals that help the body overcome the allergy

Leeks and green onions are also excellent. You can make leeks and green onion soup. This will go a long way toward helping alleviate your symptoms.

Cayenne pepper. This herb is very hot, and if you can tolerate it, is excellent for almost any allergy or illness. It contains many vitamins and minerals which are circulated throughout the blood stream. One of the best ways to cool off after taking cayenne, is to drink a glass of cold milk.

Elder flowers is another herb that’s very helpful

How to get a lower blood pressure using medical treatment

The treatment for lowering the blood pressure is usually recommend by physicians for patients with a blood pressure of above 160/95mmHg. For those with a blood pressure immediately bellow these values it is taking into account age, sex or other individual factors of the patients before taking the treatment.

The first kind of treatment recommended by all the doctors will be a change in the your lifestyle.

First important change will be stop smoking, second is the moderation of drinking, the consume of alcohol increase the blood pressure. Another good point in lowering blood pressure is the correct alimentation like choosing food low in salts and sodium, consuming a lot of seaweeds, they will dissolve the ‘fatty build-ups’ from the blood vessels. The final tip regarding natural way to lower blood pressure will be working out; you need to make light exercises like walking, swimming, running for about 30 minutes per day.

But this is not always showing results. And then will begin a medical treatment to lower the blood pressure.

First drugs prescribed are diuretics and beta-blockers, these two represents the medical treatment for lowering blood pressure excluding complicating problem like heart disease. Diuretics are increasing the elimination of salt and water from the organism, lowering the blood and also lowering the blood pressure. As for the beta-blockers, they are reducing the amount of blood that the heart is pomping.

The also-called second line treatment is used only the previous one is ineffective or the patient suffers of other medical problems. There is a list of drugs that is used in severe medical treatment for lowering blood pressure:

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors is stopping the production of a hormone which increases blood pressure called ansiotensin.

Calcium-channel blockers are lowering blood pressure by relaxing the vessels so the blood will flows more easily trough them.

Vasodilators are relaxing the muscles of peripheral arteries, reducing the resistance to the blood flow, and therefor are lowering the blood pressure.

The last type of drugs, the most powerfully of them, are centrally acting drugs. These kind of drugs are blocking the transmission between the nerve impulses and the autonomic nervous system, system that controls involuntary actions of heart and blood vessels.

How to Fight the Common Cold And Flu

Symptoms of cold & flu

A runny or blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, headache and mild fever are all signs of the common cold. Flu symptoms are similar but the fever is usually higher, alternating with chills and accompanied by sweating, aches and pain and fatigue.

Why we get cold and flu ?

Many different viruses can cause colds and flu. They are passed on by inhaling infected droplets that have been sneezed or coughed into the air or by touching an area with live infection.

Infection is most likely to occur when immune function is low because of tiredness,stress, poor diet and digestion function , lack of exercise or smoking.

According to Chinese Medicine and naturopathy, susceptibility to colds can be increased by constipation and sluggish bowel function.

Treatments for cold and flu

People spend billions of dollars every year trying to fight off the misery of the common cold.

Want to try something different?

Here are natural ways to knock out a cold or flu using herbal a remedies.

1. Eat plenty of leeks and green onions. These herbs have powerful cold fighting properties.You can eat healthy vegetable soup with leeks or green onions in it. This will make you sweat , but don’t take a shower whlie you have fever. Just clean your body with wet towel and change the night clothe and sleep well.

2. Take a large clove of Garlic, peel and keep it in your mouth. Bite down every so-often to release the natural juices. Replace with a new clove every four or five hours. Your cold symptoms should be to gone in twenty four, to forty eight hours.

3. Your nose all stuffed up? Try eating some hot or spicy foods which should open up those blocked nasal passages and you won’t have the rebound effect of taking too many nose drops!

4. Not hungry? Try a few minutes of vigorous exercise. The increased oxygen demand of your body will almost certainly cause you to breathe deeper and help open-up your blocsked nasal passages naturally.

5. Chest congestion can be effectively cleared up by breathing a mixture of hot vinegar, or white wine. Breath in the vapors for a few minutes, and you should get relief!

6. Coughs and sore throats can be controlled with several home remedies. A classic requires a large lemon. Start by slowing roasting it until it just splits open. Now take up to half a teaspoon of honey with the juice from the lemon. Repeat at hourly intervals until the cough is under control.

7. Feel better with elderberry – elderberry tea to treat respiratory infections, now scientific evidence suggests that taking a standardized elderberry extract can shorten the length of time you’re sick by 50 percent.

8. Soothe a sore throat – Drink a tea made of mucilaginous herbs such as marshmallow or slippery elm, which coat the throat.

9. Stop the cough .- When you can’t quit coughing, drink hot ginger tea. Ginger stimulates circulation and helps clear your sinuses and lungs of mucus. You may also get some relief with the natural cough suppressant, bromelain, an enzyme from pineapple.

10. Breathe easier – One of the best ways to open clogged sinus and bronchial passages is to breathe warm steam to which you’ve added essential oil of eucalyptus.

How to Cure Anxiety

Many of you are aware that people are made up of a body, a mind, and a spirit. Actually, most people are made up of a body, a mind, and several spirits. Think of the body as a container for your white light God spirit. (Psalm 82:6 “You are Gods, children of God, All of you.”) God is like gravity. He/She the white light Holy Spirit lives in us all, no matter what our beliefs, and pulls us in a morally correct way, just as gravity holds you down on a rapidly flying and turning ball named Earth no matter what you call it or whether you believe in it or not.

Inside of your body, along with your white light God spirit, live demon spirits. Demon spirits are like your white blood cells. When a germ invades your body your white blood cells automatically form an army and attack and kill the germ. We needed these demon spirits in the jungle for 5 million years to kill off the lions and snakes and wolves and other tribes and to kill and eat animals. The problem arises when there are too many white blood cells and then we have blood cancer, leukemia. When you have too many demon spirits all sorts of physical and emotional diseases occur. Just prior to her death Mother Theresa underwent an exorcism. Psychiatrist and author M. Scott Peck M.D. deals with demons and exorcisms and evil people in his best selling books People of the Lie and Glimpses of the Devil. Inside of many of our bodies there are also discarnate spirits, people who died, did not go into the light, and then made a home in your body. All of these spirits are the cause of much multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia, people hearing and being commanded by voices. The voices are people living inside of their bodies. Growling vicious lion/snake demons darting rapidly back and forth inside of human bodies are also the cause of much anxiety, and rude and violent behavior, including crime and war.

The date today is December 1, 2005, and humans have given control of their mental health to psychiatrists, spirits who do not know or believe that spirits exist. They have been trained to medicate schizophrenia, ADD, and anxiety. They give medication to suicidal patients that they know full well makes the patients even more prone to kill themselves. They call visions delusions, a major psychosis. They would have put Jesus, Prophet Isaiah, Prophet Muhammad and Nostradamus in straight jackets, given them medication, and shocked their brains with electricity. They recently gave up on blood letting. This is during the week. On weekends they can be found in their churches, synagogues, and mosques, hedging their bets, in case there is a heaven.
Tommy was an 11 year old boy with Attention Deficit Disorder. He went to a special school. He had difficulty concentrating and attacked and hurt girls in his class. Tommy’s mother Donna was dating an accountant named Ian. Ian did exorcisms as a hobby. After 1 exorcism from Ian, Tommy went to school the next day. The teachers immediately phoned his mother Donna and said, “Who is this boy you sent to school? He’s calm, polite, focused, and non violent. What happened to him?” It is now 2 years later. Tommy has now grown into a 6 foot tall 13 year old perfectly normal boy, who loves to play basketball. While running down the basketball court, his opponent Ken fell down, through no fault of Tommy’s. Tommy stopped to help Ken up. The referee said to Tommy, “What are you doing?” Tommy said, “He fell, I’m helping him up.” The referee said, “We don’t do that in basketball.”
Here is how you can cure your own child by exorcism, by casting out the evil and lost spirits, and inserting a beautiful calming healing white light spirit, no matter your religion or lack thereof:

First of all evil spirits reside in each and every one of us. They can appear as dark clouds, or snake lion growling darting around vicious alien monsters. Sometimes you cannot see them but you can feel their creepy presence. The good news is that the white light God Angel spirit also lives in every one of us. The other good news is that the power of God is infinitely more powerful than the power of Satan, and that is why you all have the power to banish the evil spirits. A battle rages in every person between good and evil, angels and demons, God and Satan. It is all about who inside of you is in control. O.K. Here we go:

First of all sit on a couch. Have your patient sit in front of you on the floor legs outstretched and not touching each other and arms to the side. Place your hands 2 inches above the patient’s head. Next the patient will lie on the floor with a pillow first on their front then on their back. Now you need to put yourself into a trance. Close your eyes, and say to yourself: “20 means deep inner peace and quiet, my body my mind and soul and nerves are very very relaxed. 19 means deep inner peace and quiet, my body my mind and soul and nerves are very very relaxed.” Count down to zero then say to yourself, “Free from stress, free from stress.” Now visualize a white light extending all around you for 3 feet, and ask God to protect you from evil spirits backing up into you. You never need to touch the patient. If your hands are 2 inches above them then they will be in the patient’s aura. The patient should close his/her eyes and think constantly, “I love you God.” Keep your eyes closed throughout.

Now silently think this prayer: “In the name of the Lord God (Jesus Christ, God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Buddha, Chinese Gods, any name or names or all names of God will be fine) may Michael, the protection of God be at my right hand. Satan, Demons, Lost souls, in the name of the Lord God (insert any name or names of God here) I command you to come out of, leave the body of (name of person) and I command you to leave the Universe, and I cast you off the face of the Earth and the Universe once and for all! You can take your right arm and raise it up and sharply point it at the demons and lightning will come out of your fingers striking and killing the demons. Say to yourself, I command every angel in the Universe to massacre kill destroy and cast out every devil and demon inside of (name of patient). Now use your hands to pull the snakes out of the person, it may take awhile, and break the heads off of the demons, and throw them away. Say to yourself, “Dear God, please fill (name of patient) with your white light, your love, your Holy Spirit. Fill them with light, fill them with light. I love you God (over and over).” Be patient and don’t stop until you “see” in your mind’s eye the patient fill with bright white light.

Next, repeat the process with the other archangels. Start off next by saying “May Gabriel the power of God, be at my left hand… Before me you Uriel the light of God… Behind me Raphael the healing of God… Above my head Shekinat El (or any name or names of God) the presence of God…”
Say to yourself, “Satan, Demons, Devils, I renounce you, I rebuke you, you filthy slimy stinking demon devils! I command you all off the face of the Earth and off the Universe once and for all!”

The patient can repeat these prayers after you: “Blessed be the glory of God from his heavenly abode.” “Into the light let us approach do not shut us out for we have sinned O Glorious God.” Also use the Lord’s Prayer. The patient can say, “Satan, Demons, I renounce you, I rebuke you, I love you God.” Inside of an hour, the schizophrenia, mental illness, ADD, and anxiety could be gone forever. Surprisingly, physical ailments that you didn’t even know were there clear instantly too. There are also thousands of trained Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Spiritual Healers to help you. People have been doing this successfully from the beginning of time. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t forget to have your own demons cast out of you. Remember, Doctors can often be extremely helpful, but they are not Gods. As long as these lying spirits remain in the patient, the root cause of the illness will remain, and the medications will merely mask the symptoms, often for decades.

How to relieve eczema

Also called dermatitis, eczema is a noncontagious skin inflammation that produces itchy skin, red, rashlike areas. These occur on the face, scalp, wrists, and hands, as well as at the crease of the elbows, in back of the knees and sometimes elsewhere on the body.
Eczema can spread or worsen if you scratch the affected areas. And persistent scratching or rubbing can bring on chronic eczema, chronic itchy skin, with its distinctive dark, thickened, scaly red patches.

There are different types of eczema, some classified by causes, others by specific symptoms. Atopic dermatitis is marked by a hypersensitivity, or allergy, to a food, inhalant, or other common substance that doesn’t bother most people. It tends to be genetically linked, affecting individuals with a family history of hay fever, asthma, or eczema.

Flaking and scaling on the face and scalp are typical of seborrheic dermatitis, while contact dermatitis produces an acute local rash after someone sensitive to it comes in contact with an irritant (say, the nickel in jewelry or the oil on a poison ivy leaf).
A separate type of itchy skin, stasis dermatitis, affects the lower legs and ankles and is associated with insufficient circulation of blood in those areas.

Key Symptoms

Itchy, red rashlike patches of skin that are dry, rough, scaly or cracked
Small red pimplelike blisters
Leaking (“weeping”) of fluid, crusting and flaking in affected areas
Chafing and peeling
Thickened, dry patches of skin in persistent cases
Itching, swelling and inflammation in lower legs and around ankles (stasis dermatitis)

What Causes Eczema?

Allergies are a common cause of eczema. People who are susceptible tend to have a personal or family history of allergic reactions to foods, pollen, animal fur or other substances. Many people with eczema also have (or eventually develop) hay fever or asthma, and their bodies often contain above-normal amounts of histamine, a chemical that triggers an allergic defense reaction in the skin when it’s released.

Eczema symptoms can be triggered by such foods as milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts, wheat, strawberries, and chocolate.

They can also be aggravated by contact with various substances, including animal fur, plant allergens, such as poison ivy and poison sumac, jewelry containing chrome and especially nickel (watchbands, rings, earrings), cosmetics (including nail polish), fragrances, deodorants and antiperspirants, shaving lotions and skin creams, different types of fabrics (particularly wool and silk), dyes, latex and rubber, leathers, and household cleaning agents (including dishwashing and laundry detergents

Other factors associated with outbreaks of eczema are dry air; too much sun; stress; topical medications and certain drugs, such as penicillin; hot baths; and exposure to dust, pollen, and animal dander.

Treatment and Prevention

Soothing creams and ointments can help to lessen the excruciating itchy skin of eczema–and it’s important not to scratch, as this can worsen the condition.
A variety of nutritional supplements can also provide relief.

How Supplements Can Help

Because people respond differently to supplements, many eczema sufferers have to try several before they find one (or a good combination) that works well for them.

Evening primrose oil (in capsules, soft gels, or liquid) contains essential fatty acids that can help revitalize the skin and relieve itching and inflammation. Studies have shown that recommended daily doses of evening primrose oil can reduce the need for creams. Alternatives to evening primrose oil are the less expensive black currant and borage seed oils.

Flaxseed oil contains equal amounts of both omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, which can be helpful in the treatment of any chronic allergic condition, including eczema.

Fish oils were found to relieve chronic eczema in a double-blind study. They appear to work by reducing levels of leukotriene B-4, a substance in the body involved with the inflammation of eczema. Eating cold-water fish regularly is the best source for fish oils, but if you’re not a fish fan, you can always take fish oil capsules.

Grape seed extract is rich in flavonoids (antioxidant substances that inhibit the body’s allergic responses). Grape seed extract can help relieve and prevent the itchy skin flare-ups of eczema.

How the Qlink can help you

In our every day lives we are being affected by forces that we cannot see and these forces are wearing down our health, both mental and physical, on a daily basis. These forces originate from EMFs, Electromagnetic Fields, which are present everywhere, but is concentrated in certain areas, like near power lines. In the home the EMFs are concentrated around power outlets.

The Q-link was created by group of professionals who combined their research to produce a device that would help people to resist the effects of the EMFs. The Qlink is intended to help to build up your bio-field, the field that permeates and extends out of our bodies, and help you to combat the effects of radiation on your health. The Q-link is also intended to help those that live or work within a highly irradiated environment to continue to function at a peak levels.

The Qlink is an attractive, stylish pendant that can be worn any time and should be worn as often as possible to ensure that you receive the greatest benefits from it. This pendant will look good while providing you with a multitude of benefits. That something that looks so good can help you so much seems almost too much to believe, but the Q-link does just that. It is worn by many celebrities and many top performing athletes.

The athletes attest to the fact that the Qlink helps them to perform better than when they are not wearing it and even if you are not a top level athlete this pendant can help you in many ways. The Q-link has 3 chief functions and through the performing of these functions you will be the recipient of many health benefits, both mental and physical.

The chief functions are strengthening you capacity to function within an EMF inundated atmosphere, the bolstering of your resistance and resilience to the effects of stress encountered in the course of daily life and the third function is the increasing of your energy and the enhancing of your mental performance especially in times where you are submitted to large amounts of stress and tension to help you cope with the addition pressure.

The Qlink provides you with a myriad of benefits, including protection from the EMF radiation that is so prevalent these days, the enhancement of mental alertness and lucidity, the aid in balancing your emotion to help achieve the mental alertness and lucidity, helping you to achieve deep and refreshing sleep on a regular basis, as well as an improvement in athletic performance.

The more you wear your Q-link, the more emphatic the benefits will be that you receive. Your Qlink should be worn as often as possible, including while you sleep at night. If you wear it at all time then you will be helping to enforce your bio-field in a major and this will help to combat the lethargy, ailments and weariness that you feel when your bio-field has deteriorated.

How Successful Is Alternative Health Therapy

More and more alternative health treatments are available these days, however how successful are they in solving our health problems. In this article I write about this subject, I hope you find it interesting and enjoyable to read.

A few years ago my girlfriend was having some trouble with her health, she complained of constant aches in various areas of her body. She felt lethargic and generally low. She went to the doctor and tried conventional treatments and tablets. This unfortunately did not remedy the situation and she became more and more frustrated.

A friend recommended reflexology and despite many reservations and doubts my girlfriend agreed to give it a go. She returned from her appointment full of excitement and stated that she had never felt more relaxed. Now this is not to say that reflexology will work for everyone but her experience was very positive.

With this positive outcome my girlfriend became more open to alternative therapy and then decided to attend an aromatherapy appointment. She really enjoyed it and is now looking into other treatments such as reiki and things like an indian head massage, she is becoming hooked.

As for my own experiences, I am somebody who had a speech impediment known as a stutter from the age of four. My parents regularly took me to traditional speech therapy over the next eleven years. The advice from what I remember was two fold, firstly they advised me to take a deep breath before talking and secondly to speak slower. I had no confidence with these therapists as a lot of my friends spoke quicker than I did and not one of them took a deep breath before they spoke. They also had never had a stutter themselves and therefore I felt it was impossible for them to understand what I was going through.

After working very hard for nearly year I managed to overcome my stutter. I did this by reading many books to do with positive thinking and mind over a matter as well as studying people who I thought were very good at talking. This was my own form of alternative therapy and it worked for me.

How Should Alternative Medicine Be Defined

There is still no strict definition on what alternative medicine really is. But presently, it borders on the broadness of description covered by what we know of as conventional or orthodox medicine. However, to define alternative medicine as we believe it to be, it may be a knowledge that is considered as unaccepted, untested and unscientific. All these were true if we are to look some years back. But since alternative medicine has been studied in the later years, employed by numberless institutions (such as spas and the likes) and accepted by many as cure to their ailments (even those that may be resolved through conventional medicine), this definition for alternative medicine may already be considered as obsolete.

On other terms, alternative medicines are practices that may be considered false that sometime go to the extent of quackery. However, this definition is much abused by several authorities that have their own systems of beliefs and other things to support to. Still others would define it as practices that may not be tested, refuse to undergo tests and may continuously fail tests. On other peoples’ view, this may be too unfair for those practicing the knowledge that comprise alternative medicine and too sweeping a statement since many have gained healing by means of alternative medicine.

This debate on the authenticity of alternative medicine is further made complicated by the number of practices that are labeled as alternative medicine, which has some truths in them. In actuality, alternative medicine covers procedures involving metaphysical principles, spiritual and religious underpinnings, new sets of healing approaches and non-European medicine practices. These are enough reasons why alternative medicine is much harder to accept in the West rather than in the East where most these practices originated. In addition to these, many proponents of alternative medicine contradict and many individual belief systems may reject others.

Furthermore, critics of alternative medicine may further define it as therapy, treatment and diagnosis that may be performed legally by unlicensed practitioners. Yet, a number of doctors and physicians find good uses of alternative medicine when combined with the conventional medicine when they are trying to hit the balance.

But there are more logical and unbiased definitions that are accepted by most. Many of which deal only on the safety and affectivity of the alternative medicine without the protection on economic interests, political views and turf protection. One such definition is that alternative medicine is a field of healing, therapy and diagnosis that are not based on controlled studies.

There are however some therapies that were once covered by alternative medicine that are now accepted within the medical community since they passed approval over their affectivity. On the opposite, there were medical practices that are now disregarded within the medical circles since there are no profound evidences that prove their efficiency in healing.

In reality, the term alternative medicine is quite misleading. Both critics and advocates of the said practices support this view. Some support the idea that Western medical practices are the alternative medicines since they were preceded by ancient practices, which is somewhat true. Others would claim that the term “alternative medicine” was only devised by advocates of conventional medicine to discredit the natural methods of healing.

Detractors on alternative medicine claim that it is not worth as being accepted by the medical circles since it lacks components that may be used to support its efficiency. Yet many assert that once alternative medicine is fully tested, then there would be great rooms for wide acceptance.

How Sesame and Sunflower Seeds Can Relieve Constipation

Sesame seeds for constipation

Using sesame and sunflower seeds for constipation make a lot of sense. If you like to eat seeds then this is once way you can add more fiber, vitamins and minerals to your diet and at the same time reduce your constipation.

Maoshing Ni, Ph.D., C.A. and Cathy McNease, B.S., M.H. in their book, The TAO of Nutrition,1987, recommends using black sesame seeds for chronic constipation. Here’s what he says,

“Grind black sesame seeds into a meal by using a small coffee grinder.
Mix with dark honey into a small ball.
Eat one three time a day dipped in rice wine.”

Black sesame seeds also provide nutrition and action on the liver, intestines, kidney, and blood.

You can also prepare a sesame seeds soup with brown rice.
Soak 10 parts of sesame seeds with 1 part brown rice in distilled water
After they are soft, about an hour, pour out the water grind them in a small food grinder to produce liquid. Strain the remaining liquid to remove coarse particles.

* Dilute liquid with distilled water and add some honey.
* Cook on low heat until liquid becomes syrupy
* Drink around two cups to relieve constipation with in hour or so.

And also, peas and brown sesame seeds – help to lubricate the intestinal walls. This makes it easier for fecal matter to move through your colon.

Sunflower seeds for constipation

Sunflower seeds promote regularity. Use them raw shelled and unsalted every day. They contain omega-6 fatty acid just like olive oil. You can use them grounded and add them to your morning smoothie, 1-2 teaspoons, or to your homemade salad dressing

* Add them to your salad
* Add them to your morning cereal

Here’s a sunflower drink you can make.

Take 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds. Grind them in a coffee grinder. Add them to a cup of boiling water. Sweeten this mixture with honey, maple syrup, or blackstrap molasses. Drink this combination morning and night to help you with you constipation.

When you use grounded sunflower seed to add to your salad dressing your can also use sesame seeds at the same time. Use both of these seeds and experiment and find out how you like preparing them and eating them.

How Mental Attitude and Digestion Affect Acne

Mental attitude

Acne is an expression of toxins in the body that are not being released through normal channels of elimination, so they come out through the skin. Since mental attitude and thoughts cannot be separate from the body, thoughts and feelings are also being expressed as acne.

Negative thoughts and feelings produce chemicals that are toxic acids. Just like toxic acids created in the colon, the toxic thoughts need to be eliminated through the 5 elimination channels

Acne can be an expression suppressed past traumatic experiences. As a child, when you were exposed to experiences that overwhelm you – constant mental, physical, or sexually abuse, you suppress them. So now as an adult, as your defense system weakens, you’re not able to completely suppress this information, so it becomes expressed as acne or other skin disorders. Of course, these suppressed experiences can be expressed as other diseases.

Acne can also be related to the emotion of fear or anxiety. It can also be an expression of holding onto old junkie or unpleasant memories. It’s a way of holding on to and burying the junkie or toxic memory into your face. It is these memories that are trying to surface and, in an usual way, asking you to face them. Many times, you and other people may not want to remember them or deal with them.

To deal with them requires a lot of strength and help from a psychotherapist.

Stomach Acid

Your stomach uses Hydrochloric acid (HCl) to break down protein. It also has many other functions,

* Kills pathogens and microbes and prevents them from getting into the colon and blood
* Controls the adsorption of B12
* Controls the adsorption of iron calcium zinc, copper, magnesium and most B-complex vitamins
* Controls the adsorption of vitamin C
* Created indigestion
* Prevents constipation

When you have low levels of HCl chances are that you will be susceptible to getting acne. HCl can be increased by using a digestive enzyme that contains HCl.

Pancreatic Digestive Enzymes

When the food you eat passes the stomach and enters the small intestine, the pancreas releases digestive enzymes and bicarbonate to help complete the digestive process.

The bicarbonate helps to reduce the acid strength in the food coming from the stomach. The digestive enzymes digest carbohydrates, fats, and protein.

When the pancreas loses its efficiency and starts to release less digestive enzymes, less food is properly digested. This results in more undigested food reaching the colon. When this happens, the undigested food, if it stays to long in the colon, becomes a source for rotting matter and toxic material. This toxic material can get into your blood and cause skin disruption such as acne.

A healthy pancreas, which provides the necessary digestive juices to digest the food you eat, is needed for healthy skin and for eliminating acne and other skin sores and eruptions.

When you have acne or other skin diseases, they are created when there is an in-balance in your body and that includes many different organs and body processes and systems – your thoughts, digestion, liver, kidney, lymphatic system, lungs, and pancreas.

How Many Bowel Movements Should You Have Each Day

Most doctors don’t ask you about your regularity. They may think it is not important to have a bowel movement every day. In fact, some doctors think its ok when you have 2-3 bowel movements a week.

If you have one, two or more bowel movements a day, you may still be constipated. If you are leaving fecal matter along your colon walls because you don’t eat enough fiber this is considered constipation. Remember constipation is really the elimination of all fecal matter that passes through your colon from the food that you ate in the previous meals.

If you sit on the toilet and have to stay there over 5-10 minutes pushing, straining, or paining to have a bowel movement, then you are constipated. Straining to have a bowel movement, overtime, leads to hemorrhoids, varicose veins, or fissures.

If you eat three meals a day, then you should have three bowel movements each day. The first bowel movement should take place in the morning when you wake up or soon after you have had breakfast. Typical you should experience the urge for a bowel movement 20-30 minutes after you eat. The other bowel movements should be during the day and just before bedtime.

In her book, Healthy Digestion the Natural way, 2000, D. Lindsey Berkson defines constipation as,

“A healthy person should have at least one bowel movement a day. Medical textbooks state that individual variation goes from several times a day to several times a week. However, having worked with people for many years on improving their health, I would define constipation as not having one to several daily bowel movements, or having too long an intestinal-transit time.”

If you eat three meals a day and only have one or two bowel movements, then the second and third meal are backing up in your colon and staying there too long.

When your fecal matter stays too long in your colon, water and toxins are pulled out of the fecal matter and absorbed through your colon wall. This makes the fecal matter stiff and hard. Your colon will now have a hard time moving this hard fecal matter through its sections and out the rectum. The result is puffing and straining in the bathroom.

How Magnetic Therapy Can Help You

Magnetic therapy has been in use for many thousands of years and it is still just as effective as it was when it was in use by ancient civilizations, such as the Ancient Greeks and Romans. This form of therapy has become more popular in recent years due to people’s movement towards alternative medicine. This type of therapy is possibly more effective than it was previously since there have been many developments in the field since it was originally discovered.

One of the premium applications of magnetic therapy is magnetic jewelry that performs magnetic therapy while you are wearing it. This form of magnetic therapy can help you in various ways. Each different type of magnetic jewelry will provide you with different benefits, but certain beneficial attributes are common to them all. The potency of the beneficial effects corresponds to the length of time that the magnetic jewelry is worn. Therefore the longer you wear the jewelry, the more beneficial effects you will receive.

The magnetic therapy as provided by the magnetic jewelry will act as a pain relief for two reasons. Firstly, the magnets can help to stimulate the release of endorphins which are the natural pain killers of the body, which also help to stimulate the bodies healing process. The other means by which magnetic therapy can help with pain relief is that it can help to increase the rate of circulation, which can in turn help to flush away the toxins that may be a major cause of pain.

The magnetic therapy can also increase the level of oxygen in the blood stream that gets distributed within the body. This can help to increase your energy levels since the oxygen will be distributed to muscles and tissues. The increased level of oxygen can also help to increase your mental clarity and awareness. You are encouraged to wear your magnetic jewelry while you are sleeping so that you can increase the likelihood of having a long, deep sleep and waking up refreshed in the morning.

Magnetic necklaces can help to relieve pain caused by migraines and headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain as well as potentially relieving the pain caused by muscle spasms and lock jaw. Magnetic bracelets can help to relieve pain associated with, tennis elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, tendonitis and bursitis, as well as helping to relieve the pains caused by arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Magnetic anklets can be of help when it comes to lowering the levels of pain associated with lower back and knee pain, spurs and inflammation in the legs and feet as well as helping to alleviate numbness of the legs. This is addition to the increase of mobility that the areas around the pieces of jewelry will experience. Not only do these pieces of magnetic jewelry give you amazing health benefits, they also look stylishly elegant and the ranges of styles that are available are sufficient to cater for anyone’s requirements.

How Lemon Juice Power Gives You Asthma Relief

If you just found out you have asthma or are a long time asthma sufferer, here’s step one to start off on your natural remedy lifestyle to reducing and controlling your asthma.

Use of lemon juice has been found to have tremendous benefits in the body and of course for stopping and controlling asthma attacks.

So, step one is to use lemon juice every morning. Forget about the idea that lemon juice is acid and is bad for you if you have arthritis. Yes, lemon juice can cut into and breakup oil. But, when it enters the body as an acid, it ends up as alkaline residue after your cells use it up. Besides if you aren’t eating enough oils such as olive and fish oils this can contribute to the lack of oil to lubricate your joints and anti-inflammatory chemicals and this can accelerate the deterioration of your joint cartilage.

Step one for fighting back if you have asthma

Now, here’s what you don’t want to hear. First, do a two day fast using only water and lemon juice. Every morning after you get up, in eight ounces of distilled water, squeeze the juice of one organic lemon. Warm the distilled water slightly to give this drink extra energy and to reduce the work you body has to do to digest this drink.

Increase the power of this lemon drink

After your two day fast, continue drinking this lemon drink in the morning at least ½ hour before you have breakfast. Now when you prepare this lemon drink add two teaspoons of ionic manganese. Here’s where to read more about manganese: http://www.wateroz.com/minerals/Manganese.htm
Then go to google and search for Wateroz ionic manganese

Manganese is known as the love mineral. If you have a lot of anger, hate, stress, depression, anxiety this can aggravate your asthma. Manganese will help to lessen these emotionally conditions.

After you drink this lemon juice, rinse out your mouth with distilled water so that the lemon juice acid will not affect the enamel on your teeth.

Super charge your lemon drink

Now, here is one more thing. Add one two tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll to your lemon-manganese drink. Now you have a drink that will help to detoxify your colon little by little. Toxins that get into your blood from your colon weaken the tissues in your lungs and bronchials. So, it is best to keep your blood clean.

There it is. This is just a start. Go out and get some organic lemons, do the fast, add some manganese, then some chlorophyll and see your asthma attacks lessen day by day.

How Hypnotherapy Helps With Stress And Anxiety

Stress can be defined as a state we experience when there is a mismatch between perceived demands and our perceived ability to cope. Stress can also be defined as an adaptive response by a body to change in the environment. Stress response evolved to enable humans to deal with life-threatening dangers or stressors such as being confronted with a wild animal or perhaps a hostile human. Situations like this required action – the activation of stress response to wither stay and fight or to run away.

Today we hopefully won’t have to face the same dangers as our ancestors but the stress response to demanding situations we face is still with us and our mind and body still prepare for fight or flight when confronted with this equivalent of the wild animal. This is where the problem may begin as activation of the fight or flight response with no physical outlet, such as if we are stuck in a traffic jam and can’t fight it or flee it, or maybe an unfair confrontation in the workplace where once again the response for action may be triggered but we cant vent it by fighting or running away without consequences we would rather avoid. Perhaps both of these events and more are experienced on the same day, perhaps every day, and the stress builds within us until it can damage our health if a solution is not found

Stress isn’t always bad – the stress response was designed to help and protect us and some people even place themselves in stressful situations they know they can handle for excitement and ‘the rush’ as it is often called.

We all experience stress in different ways depending upon our personality type, conditioning and possible training also.

When we face a stressor but perceive we have the ability to deal with it successfully a feeling of success and achievement can be gained. Getting the balance right between good stress to motivate us and encourage us to grow, and our ability to cope with the stress is possibly the key to remaining healthy, positive and active in whatever arena of life we find ourselves.

Our ability to cope with stress can be affected by our diet and the intake of good substances that out body needs to remain strong and flexible and to repair itself when needed. Also we should avoid anything that could cause us to be more stressed or weaker such as drugs, alcohol, smoking etc.

Finally, stress can be external, some event or situation that is causing stress, or internal, attitudes or emotions that lead to stress (anxiety, guilt, low self esteem, fear, etc).

What is the Fight/Flight Response? Why do we still have it?

The ‘Fight or Flight Response’ is a physiological reaction and is the body’s response to a stressor.

Changes in hormones prepare a person to either stay and deal with a stressor or to take flight/run away. This immediate state of alarm is when the body prepares to take action, and in this state a person will be extremely alert to their surroundings but also very anxious and possibly unable to concentrate.

The body will slow down systems not vital in responding to the stressor, such as the digestive system, which is why a person in a fight or flight situation may have a dry mouth and a nervous/upset stomach. The body will make other preparations such as improved cooling for the body as more energy is used and this will result in perspiration.

The fight or flight response is a very old and very basic response and has been with us for a very long time. It was originally a response to danger that would prepare our ancestors to fight the wild beast or the enemy who might suddenly threaten or confront them, or to take flight and literally run away from the danger.

This response is triggered when we send a message of alarm to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This area of the brain will then send a signal to the glands to release adrenaline, cortisol and endorphin into the blood stream. Increased levels of adrenaline increase heart rate and blood flow which in turn brings extra oxygen and glucose to the muscles. Cortisol causes an increase in amino-acids and sugars in the blood. Amino-acids are crucial for the repair and recovery of damaged tissues which may occur under stress and the blood sugar adds to the availability of glucose (fuel) for the body.

The release of endorphin, which is a morphine like substance only more powerful, provides the body’s natural tranquilizing system. Pain is blocked and a feeling of euphoria may be experienced, both helping to get the body through the situation it may find itself in due to stress.

We still have this response, as it is still necessary to prepare and protect us in times of alarm, such as being involved in an emergency situation of any kind, or being confronted with any form of potentially life threatening danger.

Once the initial stages of this fight or flight response are over, a person will have a psychological reaction to the stressor which will be based upon many variables including, personality type, conditioning, age, physical and mental ability, and their knowledge relevant to the situation to be dealt with.

It is very often the resulting symptoms of this fight or flight response kicking in that we tend to call a panic attack. what actually happens is that we may be in a situation where we can’t fight or flight, such as a meeting or on a train, and so we become more and more anxious and may feel as though we will pass out, or be sick, or any one of a number of responses. What often happens then,is we find we have a desperate need to urinate, and that is another way the subconscious mind will sometimes attempt to gain our attention and force us to leave the arena in which we find ourselves at the time. It is normally the feeling of not being able to escape, and knowing that we might have this strong feeling to fight or flight that causes much of the anxiety and expectation of problems for most people who find they need help to overcome their problem.

Also, many people….no…that should be most people who suffer from panic attacks and anxiety will normally have the need for some Obsessive compulsive actions in their life…it can often be a type of coping, or controlling strategy.

Why hypnotherapy is totally different from any other form of therapy?

Hypnotherapy is different from any other form of therapy because of the way in which the therapy part happens while one is in hypnosis. Put another way, hypnotherapy is a very effective combination of hypnosis, a trance or altered state of mind and deep relaxation, and the chosen therapy, which might be for example; suggestion therapy, regression, ego states therapy, neuro-linguistic-programming or hypnoanalysis.

Hypnosis allows an individual to enter a state of deep relaxation which in itself is a very useful therapy for combating stress. It also allows one to become calm and focused, as all parts of the mind work together and concentrate on solving the problem at hand, and therefore making the very best use of the chosen therapy as it is applied.

Why it is so helpful in cases of stress, anxiety and panic attacks?

Hypnosis is a state in which the conscious critical faculty is temporarily suspended or distracted and in which all parts of the mind work in harmony for the good of the whole being.

When in hypnosis an individual can become very relaxed and at the same time very aware and ‘sharp’, mentally focused.

For the computer literate, I would liken hypnosis to the ‘safe mode’ on a computer, where if a part of the system is acting up or malfunctioning, placing the system in safe mode allows for investigation and repair to be carried out safely while minimising the risk to the normal operating systems. In some sports it would be like a ‘time-out’, where all parts of the team come together briefly to review the current state of play, to identify where poor choices may have affected the outcomes and to choose a new strategy to move forward with.

In the normal hurly burly of life we seldom have time to take a time out, or to go into safe mode to pull together our resources and to calmly take stock and plan our best way forward. Hypnosis then, is a safe, relaxing state in which we can let go the tensions in and around us for a short period, and in which, if we desire it, a skilled therapist can guide us through the stages of investigation, discovery, planning and repair we may need.

Hypnotherapy therefore provides relaxation (and clients of good therapists learn self-hypnosis so they can find this deep relaxation for themselves) and is therefore useful at even this basic level, as a kind of first aid. The good therapist will help the client to find any repressed emotions, triggers and false instincts from the past that are a kind of out-of-date, erroneous, or maybe just no longer wanted or needed programming, that loops around once triggered to cause us much anxiety and feelings of panic, but we often don’t know why. Following this, the wonderful power of hypnotic suggestion, and Neuro-Linguistic programming techniques will be used to provide new and efficient programming to support moves forward into a much more positive life with a better outlook on everything..

How Essential Fatty Acids Improve Your Brain

What is your brain made of?

Over 50% of your brain is made of good fat. Twenty percent of this good fat comes from EPA and DHA. Remember EPA and DHA comes from,

* omega-3 fatty acids
* eating fish
* borage oil
* primrose oil
* parilla oil
* NOK oil

I have covered all these oils in other articles except NKO Krill Oil. This oil is the new kid on the block. It comes from Antarctic krill, a crustacean found in the Antarctic waters. It provides EPA and DHA like borage oil does, but its chemical structure is phospholipids. Phospholipids are easier for your cells to absorb than borage oil’s EPA and DHA, which is in the form of triglycerides.

The essential fatty acids provide the chemical molecules to make Phospholipids. These phospholipids gather together to form a protective barrier around each cell in your body.

If the fatty acids are in phospholipids form, your body is able to use them quicker and more efficiently.

This is what makes NOK oil a more bio-available advanced oil than borage or primrose oil.

If you are deficient in the essential fatty acids, you will be more susceptible to these conditions:

* Alzheimer’s disease
* Anxiety and body stress
* Heart disease
* Attention deficit disorder
* Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
* Bipolar disorder
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Depression
* Learning disorders
* Memory impairment
* Parkinson’s disease
* Schizophrenia

Making Your Brain Work Like It Should

Your brain needs a good daily supply of the essential fatty acid omega-3. It also uses omega-6 and AA (Arachidonic acid). So this means taking a good dose of NKO oil is a necessary daily routine for keeping your brain from shrinking.

Alzheimer’s disease

Doctors believe that if every one lived to be over 120 years, they would come down with Alzheimer’s disease. It is a disease that once your have it, all you can do, at this time, is to slow its progression using certain drugs and nutrients.

Before your brain starts to deteriorate to where it contains nodules of toxins, excess oxidation due to free radicals, and weaken and narrowing blood vessels, it might be a good idea to start feeding it the food it needs.

DHA is in order for Alzheimer’s disease. When DHA is deficient in your diet, you can expect to have memory loss and become depressed as you age.

Lecithin is also in order since it helps to provide choline, a precursor to the memory neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It also provides the chemicals to produce RNA.

Heart disease is closely related to Alzheimer’s because the heart must be strong enough to pump plenty of blood into the brain and the arteries must open enough to circulate enough blood through the brain and throughout your body.

Even if you don’t come down with Alzheimer’s or your family history doesn’t support it, most of us are in line for dementia. Dementia is also attributed to deterioration of brain cells and support tissue. One of the causes of dementia is a diet that has been deficient in the essential fatty acids.

Here is my recommendation for supplementing with the essential fatty acids:

* Eat more good fish, at least once a week and occasionally twice a week
* Eat less fat and particularly saturated fat. A good number for daily fat intake is 15-20% of your overall calories.
* Take daily, flax seed oil and olive oil for the omega-3 and omega-6 oils
* Take a daily supplement of NKO or Borage oil, which supplies EPA and DHA

How does Allergic Rhinitis related to Otitis Media with Effusion

Otitis media is an inflammation that occurs in the middle ear. Middle ear space contains fluid that could be easily infected and the infected middle ear is called otitis media with effusion. The cause of the chronic OME (otitis media with effusion) for most of the allergic rhinitis patients is mainly due to the IgE-mediated allergies. IgE-mediated allergy is the allergy that happens when IgE antibody (one type of the white blood cell) binds with the mast cell. IgE antibody is being produced by the plasma cell when foreign particular from outside of the body entering into the blood through nasal mucosal surface. Once the IgE antibody binds with the mast cell around the nose, histamine is secreted from this cell and it is the main chemical that causes itching and hypersensitive of the nose. According to the publication by a group of scentists, 50% of the children who had chronic OME also had nasal allergy [Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1988;458(suppl):41-7]. Effects of the seasonal allergic rhinitis to the Eustachian tube function and middle ear pressure had been studied by a few groups of medical scientists. According to one of the studies, Eustachian tube of the pollen allergic patients become obstructed increases from 15% to 60% from the starting to the maximum of the pollen exposure. [Ann Allergy 1990;65:206-10]. In one of the studies, ragweed pollen , which is a seasonal pollen, was let it exposed to a group of people. What had been discovered is that it will cause immune reactions in the Eustachian tube and nose [Am J Rhinol 1988;2:155-61.].Apart from this study, the other study reported that house-dust mite, which was a perennial allergen, also caused Eustachian tube obstruction [ ArchOtolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;112:840-]. In the same study, they found out that 55% of the adults, who had nasal allergy, experienced the development of the Eustachian tube dysfunction when this group of adult was exposed to house-dust mite. In the following study, new thing that had been found out was Eustachian tube obstruction happened more frequently for the patients who had allergic rhinitis. [J. Allergy Clin Immunol 1987;79:27-31]. In allergen provocation studies, scientist found out that nasal obstruction usually occurred before the development of the Eustachian tube obstruction. In allergen provocation study, individuals who took part in this study were exposed to allergen to provoke their nasal allergy symptom. In this study, researchers also discovered that various of inflammatory mediators such as histamine have been detected in middle ear effusions of the children who had OME [Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1988;114:1131-3]. If Eustachian tube obstruction that was caused by perennial exposure to allergen such as house-dust mite was left it untreated for quite a sometime, it could form middle ear disease, especially, when priming phenomenon occurs in the Eustachian tube. Priming phenomenon happens when mucosa in the organ responds to lower doses of allergen with repeated exposure. Allergic rhinitis could have priming phenomenon too when the mucosa in the nasal passage responds to low amount of allergen that has been inhaled through the nostril. For the Eustachian tube obstruction that was caused by seasonal exposure to allergen such as ragweed pollen, its physiologic hyperresponsiveness could extend beyond the ragweed season.

Studies show that half of the newly occurrence otitis media are diagnosed immediately after patient had been infected by viral URTI (virus that causes flu and common cold). By using traditional standard culture techniques, it is quite rare that viruses could be isolated from the middle ear effusions in the patient with otitis media. However, with the newly developed PCR-based molecular analysis, viruses in the middle ear effusions could be detected and discovered that 53% of the middle ear effusions are positive for viruses [J Infect Dis 1995;172:1348-51]. An experimental, which was carried out by infecting real human with rhinovirus-39, had been carried out in Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh to study the effect of this virus to the middle ear pressure and Eustachian tube. Result of this experiment showed a substantial increase of Eustachian tube dysfunction and also abnormal middle ear in approximately 30% of the people who had been infected in this study. However, all these people who had been infected by this virus had less possibility to develop an otitis media disease. In another study, where influenza A virus was intranasally inoculated to a group of peoples, 59% of the inoculated people experienced the development of middle ear under pressure and only 25% of these people developed otitis media [J Infect Dis 1995;172:1348-51]. In this study, one of the inoculated people developed middle ear under pressure followed by purulent otitis media. This patient middle ear effusion was taken for PCR analysis and it showed positive result for both influenza A and Streptococcus Pneumoniae. Streptococcus Pneumoniae is some kind of spherical, Gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic bacterium and it is a member of the genus Streptococcus. In this group of inoculated people, 80% of them who had infected by this virus experienced the development of Eustachian tube dysfunction and 80% of them had middle ear under pressure [Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1994;103:59-69]. With this group of infected people, five of them had developed OME on the 4th day after the viral exposure. One of the patients had dizziness and vertigo symptoms, which is mainly due to the inner ear malfunction. All these studies support the causes of otitis media by URTIs virus and causes of otitis media starting from the development of Eustachian tube obstruction and abnormal middle ear pressure. In the recent publication about the study of a group of children with acute otitis media, micro-organisms in the fluids of the middle ears of the children were isolated by the investigator of this study. They found out that 65% of the fluid samples that had been collected contained both bacteria and viruses. These results show that virus infection in the middle ear creates an environmental that is suitable for the breeding of bacteria. [N Engl J Med 1999;340:260-4].

Based on the information that had been collected from a few recent publications of the studies of the relationships of the allergic rhinitis to the OME (otitis media with effusion), we could conclude that allergic rhinitis or common cold/flu will cause Eustachian tube obstruction and middle ear pressure. When the situation becomes uncontrollable, otitis media with effusion will develop and this may could permanent hearing impairment. Therefore, allergic rhinitis and common cold/flu should be treated immediately without any delay. This is because these common illnesses may become serious and develop to chronic sinusitis disease and otitis media with effusions, which is quite difficult to cure.

How Constipation Affects Your Colon

Seventy percent or more of the population struggles with constipation. Some believe the number is even higher, 80- 90%. The market for laxatives is now approaching 1 billion each year. It appears that constipation is an issue that most of us have to deal with at one time or the other. Using natural means to clear constipation is what this e-book is all about.

I believe that to have good health we need to use mostly foods and supplements that are free of additives and food enhancers that are harmful to the body. We need to eat the right foods and watch how we prepare them so we can digest and absorb them without creating or leaving residues that get turned into toxic matter in our colon.

The first question that a nutritionist or any other health practitioner should ask you on your first visit is, “how many bowel movements do you have each day or each week?”

If you visit a doctor, your colon is the last area they discuss with you. And perhaps, this is an area they may never discuss with you at all.

In his article, The Bowel is an Ecosystem, in Healthy & Natural Journal, April 1997, Majid Ali, M.D. recounts,

“When I returned to the clinical practice of environmental and nutritional medicine after years of pathology work, I began carefully testing the assertions of nutritionists, naturopaths and clinical ecologist who claimed that various types of colitis [a deterioration of your colon wall] could be reversed with optimal nutritional and ecologic approaches. To my great surprise, I found that such professionals, who are usually spurned by drug doctors, were right after all. My patients responded well to the unscientific therapies vehemently rejected by my colleagues in drug medicine.”

Without good regular bowel movements and colon function, you will create various illnesses, colon discomforts, and diseases – including constipation.

By concentrating on eliminating constipation and preserving colon health, you can take a major step in preventing many body conditions and illnesses that can shorten your life or make your senior years a miserable time.

As with so many past health practitioners, I believe your colon is so important that any improvement you can make in your colon’s health will help you avert many unnecessary illnesses and suffering. If you make only one effort in improving your health, it should be towards creating a clean and healthy colon.

Heart attacks, cancers, senility, pathogenic organisms and so on cause most deaths that occur in the US and throughout the world. There are few deaths related to natural causes or old age.

Your colon provides nutrients and water to all parts of the body. So, when a specific organ has degenerated it is important to see what part colon toxins have played in this degeneration.

If your colon is toxic, the blood will also be toxic. If your colon is toxic, these toxins will gradually reach all parts of your body through the blood and lymph liquid. The result is the body and various organs affected will become less efficient. Overtime this decreased efficiency will cause the body will become diseased and you will lose your good health.

How Come Acupuncture Brings Perfect Results For All

Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of extremely fine needles at specific points of the body. The theory behind acupuncture is that there are two thousand energy points on the body that are connected by twenty pathways [meridians] running throughout the length of the body. These pathways conduct flow of energy called “qi” or “chi”, meaning life force. Blockage of energy in any of these points can cause pain in the body. Acupuncture serves to clear any type of energy blockage in any of the pathways and thus reduce pain effectively.

Treatments offered by acupuncture schools

All the diseases prevalent in human body are the result of energy blockage in the pathways. So when these blockage points are removed, automatically you will be cured from all types of diseases. During an acupuncture treatment session performed by the acupuncture schools, almost one to twenty metallic needles are inserted into the body. While some of the needles rest on the surface of the skin, the others are inserted from one to several inches into the layers of fats. The needles are kept there in resting position for at least twenty to thirty minutes.

The acupuncturists to enhance the reduction in energy blockage often keep jiggling the needles. In certain instances like treating high blood pressure with acupuncture, electrified needles are used for fast and better cure. Often the practitioners also use an amount of burned herbs at the end of the needle to encourage negative energy to leave the body along with the smoke.

Acupuncture treatments for back pain, shoulder and neck pain

Atlanta schools of acupuncture follow some rigorous acupuncture techniques that promise sure results for all types of diseases. Back pain is a disease that can range from dull ache to a constant sharp pain that leaves people irritated. Even neck and shoulder pains can be equally disgusting as they continue to be acute and stop all your normal activities.

Acupressure is a wonderful remedy for back pain, neck and shoulder pain. The practitioner presses some acute points near the meridians of the body with the thumbs and fingertips to reduce pain. With the applied pressure the blocked energy starts flowing and all pains are reduced. Atlanta acupuncture for spinal injury is also effective as the blocked “chi” or energy in spinal chords gets released with application of acupressure and pains related to spinal injuries gets cured instantly.

Acupuncture treatments for smoking and skin diseases

Atlanta for stop-quit smoking is also effective, as permanent smokers have known to cease smoking completely with acupuncture. The treatment involves insertion of five needles into the ear [particularly in the cartilage and not in the ear canal] and a few on the hands and wrists. It also involves applying a mixture of oil of cloves and wintergreen extracts of Evodia fruits and Sichuan lovage rhizomes to quit smoking faster.

Acupuncture for acne, psoriasis and allergies are an effective treatment, as it reduces the diseases instantly. All these infections are autoimmune systems that occur due to inflammations in the blood vessels. So when the acupressure needles are pricked onto the skin, they are also manipulated through hands by rubbing the acupressure points or the ends of the needles are electrified to produce instant results.

How Colon Cleansing Takes Care of your Insides

Doctors promote cleansing of the colon to promote good health. If the colon is not working right, toxins must leave the body through other avenues. Bad halitosis, body odor can be taken care of with colon cleansing. Doctors say that cleansing the colon cleanses every tissue and cell in the human body. Toxic matter in the colon can cause colon diseases, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, lupus, and cardiovascular disease. Cleansing the colon can also get rid of unwanted parasites that our bodies might be harboring. These parasites can come from insect bites, rare meat, vegetables not cleaned properly, and pets and even through sexual activity. In fact, it’s more common to pass on parasites than it is to pass on a venereal disease.

Our body is designed for the bowels to move after every meal. In our western civilization, that is hard to do so we have trained our body to once a day. When our colons become backed up then serious problems can develop. A toxic colon can lead to food intolerance and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Even though you may have regular bowel movements, the waste can pass through the colon and still leave accumulated residue on the walls behind it. A dirty colon can cause the muscles of the colon wall to lose tone, and ballooning or pouches can form causing diverticulosis. Food is trapped in these pouches and become breeding grounds for bacteria.

How do you clean out the colon? There are several different ways, some that will do it quickly and some gradually. There is even colonic irrigation that is very quick and an efficient way to wash away years of impacted feces and toxins.

A more gradual process will do the same thing, but you will begin to see improvements within a short time after starting the process. Skin problems disappear, chronic fatigue is alleviated, and the whites of the eyes regain their youthful clearness. The gradual process takes a period of several weeks, with the patient starting out eating raw food as 50 percent of their diet. By adding two teaspoonfuls of Metamucil or Citrucel and drinking a lot of water can get you started on your colon cleansing. Water is an important part of the cleansing. Some people believe they shouldn’t drink a lot of water because they tend to retain fluids. The opposite is true. The body retains the fluids because it isn’t getting enough fluid and tries to hang on to what it gets. The recommendation is to drink two quarts of water a day and start the day with at least a pint of hot water before breakfast.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be helped with a colon cleansing. I can personally attest to that, as I was required to do a bowel cleansing before having a colonoscopy. I had suffered for years with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, I was terrified to eat at fairs or street festivals, or eat and then get right in a car to travel. After going through three days of fasting and laxatives and foul tasting stuff to drink, I had my test. Nothing was found, but the result was that I felt wonderful and had no Irritable Bowel Attacks for over three years after I had my test. I’m not saying it was a pleasant experience to go through as it wasn’t the gradual process described above, but it did leave me feeling great and totally rejuvenated.

There are supplements available that are designed specifically for colon cleansing. These come in capsule form and are not too expensive. They can be found at any drugstore or natural food store.

It’s been said that a positive effect of colon cleansing is a positive feeling and becoming extremely energetic. Reducing the toxins and the breeding ground for germs also can result in a dramatic increasing in immunity from any type of infection.

How Can a Colon Cleanser Keep Your Colon Clean

If you have suffered from constipation, you know how miserable it can be. You feel sluggish, tired, and depressed, not to mention the discomfort in your abdomen. Of course, laxatives abound on the market, but they offer a temporary solution at best. In addition, they can create a dependency. Enemas are unpleasant. Surely there is a better way to get your colon clean and keep it that way.

Adding insoluble fiber to the diet can help, but it basically only works to scrape out the material through the center of your clogged colon. It is not really a colon cleanser, because it does not clear out the old impacted fecal matter. It cannot really get your colon clean. It only helps to keep things moving.

Many people have as much as 15 or 20 pounds of old fecal matter impacted on the walls of the colon. Fortunately, there is a way to melt away this matter from the small and large intestines as well as the colon. A good quality oxygen based colon cleanser is one that consists of oxides and peroxides of magnesium that have been pressurized with oxygen. These chemical will release oxygen when they combine with the hydrochloric acid in your stomach.

This type of colon cleanser actually turns that impacted hard matter (that has been lodged in your digestive tract for a long time into a liquid or gas) so that it can be eliminated from the body. The chemicals oxidize the material safely and effectively. Naturally this means that the bowel movements will be watery and gaseous for a while. This is not actually diarrhea, but a result of the oxidation.

When you do a colon cleanse with an oxygen based product, it is wise to stay near a bathroom for a day or so. It is also helpful to drink a lot of water. Of course, drinking water is good for treating constipation anyway, but much water alone won’t clean out the colon. However, it will help flush out the watery, gaseous stools resulting from the cleanse.

The amount of water recommended is half your body weight in ounces. For instance, if you weigh 160 pounds, you will want to drink 80 ounces of water each day. This is the equivalent of ten cups or two and a half quarts. Conventional wisdom recommends two quarts of water a day for everyone, but most people don’t even drink this much consistently. Larger people will benefit from drinking even larger amounts of water.

The colon cleanse might make you feel like you have diarrhea, but true clinical diarrhea results from a bacterial agent like e. coli or other water or food contaminants. It can also be the result of a disease of the intestines, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Celiac disease, a condition in which you don’t tolerate eating wheat and other gluten grains, can also cause diarrhea.

There’s a lot more to learn about colon cleansing, and you can do it at http://www.colon-cleaners.com

How Brewer’s Yeast and MSM Clear Constipation

Brewer’s yeast can help to ease, reduce, or clear your constipation. If you can handle the taste, add it to your juices morning and night.
Brewer’s Yeast contains all B vitamins, except B12. It also contains many vitamins, minerals and is high in amino acids.

When you first use brewer’s yeast, it will create gas in your colon. Brewer’s yeast supplements your good bacteria in your colon, increasing its count. This increase in good bacteria activates a battle between the good and bad bacteria creating gas as a by-product. Keep using brewer’s yeast until the gas stops. This many take a few weeks but you are doing one of the best things you can do for your health – increasing good bacteria and reducing bad bacteria.

You can improve the benefit of using brewer’s yeast by eating cultured yogurt or supplement good bacteria capsules between meals. You want to do this between meals so when you take your supplement your stomach does not put out to much HCl acid, which would kill the good bacteria.
If you have gout or are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors do not take brewers yeast.


MSM stands for methyl sulfonyl methane. MSM is organic sulfur. It provides many benefits in the body and is widely used as an anti-inflammatory and is especially useful for arthritis pain. MSM is used in all body cells and tissue including joint tissue.

MSM is especially good for relieving constipation.

MSM in your colon stops or blocks the activity of cholinesterase (ko-li-nes-ter-ace.)

What is cholinesterase?

Our nervous system is composed of a network of nerve cells, which start at the brain and end on all parts of our body. It is nerves that direct muscle contraction or expansion for your bowel movements. After the muscle completes its movement, an enzyme cholinesterase is released, which stops the muscle from moving again. Without the nerve signal blocking cholinesterase, the muscle would continue to move nonstop.

MSM is useful in clearing up constipation. It allows more colon contractions to occur thus helping you clear your constipation. When I have used MSM, up to 6000-8000mg each day, I have experienced up to 3-4 bowel movements each day. As MSM blocks the activity of cholinesterase, it allows more peristaltic action to occur in your colon.

Using 2000-4000 mg of MSM, can keep your bowel movements to 2-3 times each day. Of course, for each person the amount will be different.

The action that MSM has in your colon is useful for older people who have less nerve signals for peristalsis. Cholinesterase stops the few peristalsis signals older people have, thus creating constipation.

In S.W. Jacob, M.D., R.M. Lawrence M.D.,Ph.D, and M. Zucker book, The Miracle of MSM, 1999, they say,

“As a dietary supplement, MSM offers great potential for anyone with constipation. MSM produces a general “tonic” effect in the bowels and normalizes bowel function, particularly for older individuals. We have given MSM to nursing homes, where constipation is a common problem. The nurses have said that MSM works well for patients, even for individuals not responding to Metamucil or stool softeners.”

Here’s where you can buy MSM torpedo’s. http://www.richdistributing.com/

Rich distributing has good quality products. I have always received good service and quick shipping. I recommend you buy the MSM torpedo tablet. It is a 1000 mg flat oval tablet. This allows you to take 4000-5000 mg of MSM by only taking 4-5 tablets. They are easy to swallow.

MSM has not been evaluated for effects during pregnancy so it is best not to use it during this time.

Get constipation relief by using both brewers yeast and MSM. MSM is easy to use. Brewers yeast takes a while to get use to.

How Alternative Medicine Fits into Today’s Society

Think you don’t know what alternative medicine is? It’s more common than you think, and now has a firm place in the world today. Certain therapies not formerly thought of as legitimate medical treatments are now being used on a more frequent basis to treat a variety of ailments, quite often with endorsement from the medical community. Some of the more common types of alternative medicine treatments include:

• Massage therapy
• Aromatherapy
• Hydrotherapy
• Acupuncture
• Herbal Remedies
• Meditation
• Spiritual therapy

More than likely, you are familiar with many of these treatments; maybe you have even experienced a few yourself. Many of these treatments are not only used to treat many common health problems, but are used by people all over the world in order to achieve total well-being.

For thousands of years, the treatments deemed alternative today were standard practice. And now, people seem to be turning to these optional therapies when they are in a health crisis, or if they feel they have nowhere else to turn.

There are factions of people throughout the world who prefer to take advantage of the natural effects that alternative medicines and therapies offer, rather than depend on synthetic drugs to cure or prevent ailments. Herbal medication have the benefit of being completely organic, or from the earth, and often provide equivalent remedies to prescription drugs.

Alternative medicines and treatments have become part of the fabric of our society today. While many of these therapies are meant to be used as a treatment for a health problem, some are used by people as simply a method of relaxation or reward. Chief among them is massage therapy. Massage has become incorporated into the routines of many individuals in today’s society as a means of stress reduction, rather than pain relief.

Meditation is another form of alternative medicine that has become an integral part of many lives in today’s society. With its roots steeped in ancient spiritual history, meditation acts like massage in that it provides a release for stress and anxiety. In order to perform mediation correctly, though, you should learn as much as you can about it first. Many people enjoy this type of alternative therapy a great deal because of the personal control they have when performing it. Many individuals in today’s society highly recommend meditation as a type of alternative medicine.

The stresses of today’s society have led some to cry out for change. Many find solace and healing in alternative medicine treatments. The natural treatments and calming effects of many of them are exactly what many people have been searching for in order to reduce their stress. The average person is forced to deal with a large amount of stress on a daily basis. Alternative medicine and treatments bring relief to the stresses and anxiety that people of today’s society feel weighed down by.

In today’s society, we see a great deal of stress, anxiety, and illnesses. Alternative medicine provides a viable option to traditional medicine that aids people in the maintenance of their well-being in their busy lives. Massage therapy and meditation are two common treatments that people can turn to, that can also have a positive effect on today’s society as a whole. As we move forward in society, you will continue to see a shift towards more acceptance of alternative medicine and therapy.

Horney Goat Weed

-“Believe it or not the horny goat weed was useful” – whispered my girlfriend shiny. She had a problem with her sexual performance since months. Horney Goat Weed is sold on the Internet, in herbal and esoteric stores in many forms: leaves, powder or capsules, pure or in combination with other aphrodisiacs. Epimedium increases vitality, stimulates brain cells and has an overall beneficial impression on human body.
Since thousand years Horney Goat Weed is well known for its positive effects, this mysterious plant was recommended by Chinese physicians for male sexual enhancement.
Unlike prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction the Horney Goat Weed isn’t a chemical, it makes the human organism stronger and not weakens it. So if somebody takes it regurarily he shouldn’t be afraid for it’s side effects, or that it will cause dependency.
Chinese scientist successfully used Horny Goat Weed for bronchitis treatment, and in curing fertility problems. The positive effects are caused by polysaccharides, the antiviral and antimicrobial compounds of Horney Goat Weed.
Horny Goat Weed ‘s curing effects on lounge and circulatory problems are still researched, also the property of Horny Goat Weed increasing muscular volume.
Epimedium it’s an endemic plant in all Far East countries forests, not only in China but also in Korea, Japan and Vietnam. Recently in these countries Horney Goat Weed is artificially cultivated.
The mystery of Horny Goat Weed is still studied by scientists however everybody agrees that epimedium has no harmful influence only positive impact on human health. It’s especially effective in curing male impotence but increases female libido too. There are many reasons for men to switch the popular blue pills to the time tested and natural Horny Goat Weed.
If women will start to use Horney Goat Weed too, at least they won’t forget the purpose of the bed other than sleeping.

Honest Smoking Cessation Advice

Acquiring smoking cessation help.

Getting smoking cessation help can be one of the most significant things you can do in your life. Obtaining smoking cessation aid can allow you to kick your smoking routine once and for all. If you can quit smoking using one of the accessible stop smoking products on the market, you will find that you have additional vitality and more money, and that you have an overall better sense of well-being than you ever did when you were a smoker. You and all of those around you will be healthier, and you will likely live longer, as well.

Smoking cessation Support

Discipline is wisdom and vice versa. M Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Traveled

Smoking cessation help comes in a diversity of different forms. You can join an actual smoking cessation support group where you can chat about your dependency and how it effects your life with others who are coping with the selfsame issues. There are numerous free nonprofit smoking cessation support groups available, and there is most likely one in your area. Another form of smoking cessation help comes in the way of stop smoking products or treatments. For instance, there are a variety of alternative medicine treatments like laser smoking cessation or acupuncture cessation smoking treatments that can help you to smoking cessation.

In addition to these, you can also get more regular smoking cessation help from your local grocery store or dispensary in the way of nicotine replacement smoking cessation aids. The most popular of these are nicotine gum and the patch. These types of stop smoking products work by transport nicotine to the systems of those who are trying smoking cessation. By replacing the nicotine that some person would otherwise be receiving via cigarettes with nicotine from the gum or the patch, the individual is less likely to have severe cigarette cravings or nicotine withdrawal symptoms connected with quitting cold turkey.

Do or do not. There is no try. Yoda, Jedi Master in Star Wars

You can also obtain smoking cessation help from the American Cancer Society website. They patron a variety of programs that supply people trying to stop smoking with smoking free videos and alternate support items that can make kicking the routine much easier. They can suggest the best smoking cessation ways available, and they can provide research findings supporting or debunking certain smoking cessation methods. The American Cancer Society also offers helpful stop smoking tips to get you through the hardest periods of withdrawal.

First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits, or they’ll eventually conquer you. Dr. Rob Gilbert

No matter how you choose to kick smoking, the most critical move is getting smoking cessation help, whether it is from relatives members and friends of from smoking cessation aids. Once you have the support structure in place and the desire to quit, it is just a matter of will power from there on out. It is helpful to remind yourself how agreeable you will feel once you have eventually stopped smoking for good. You might cogitate on placing a photograph of a set of smokers lungs next to a set of healthy lungs somewhere you can see it every day as a source of incentive to help you quit.

This information was a culmination from many different quit smoking places and resources. You should never simply believe one resource and you should study smoking cessation advice from a few different perspectives.