Think You Have Depression

If you have depression, or at least you think you have one, you must realize that you should not diagnose yourself. You need to have a healthcare practitioner that is skilled to give you a correct assessment and professional diagnosis of your condition.

There is absolutely no reason to feel shy or embarrassed when talking to a healthcare provider regarding any symptoms of your condition. There are many healthcare professionals that are very understanding of your problem. After all, they were trained to study and treat depression.

If you have symptoms like these, do not hesitate consulting a medical practitioner. Before getting any actual help or treatment for depression, you must need to first have a diagnosis that is correct.

You see, these symptoms are also symptomatic of other problems. For example, weight loss, fatigue and sleeping patterns may not be caused by depression, but by some medical problem. Other symptoms like losing interest in activities that you previously enjoyed or problems with attention or memory may not be related to depression at all but may be indicative of a undiagnosed medical condition.

You need to consult a doctor so that you can make sure that the symptoms you are experiencing are actually a result of your depression and from there, you can start what the best treatment for you individual case. The doctor might ask you to answer questions to fully assess and help determine if you actually have depression and possibly conduct tests to determine that your symptoms are a result of some other health issue.

Depression is a medical condition that is real. Remember that having depression is not something that you want to have. You probably would not think less of someone who has influenza or is suffering from heart disease. In the same manner, you must not be ashamed or feel guilty that you suffer from depression.

Depression will not go away by “toughing it out” or “being strong.” Being weak in your will does not instantly cause you to be depressed. Most cases of depression can’t simply go away just by trying to cheer up. You can’t simply make it go away by doing exercises, taking vitamins or going on a vacation. Treating your depression requires professional help – you can’t do it alone. Like any other serious illnesses, depression needs professional treatment from a healthcare practitioner. When you are suffering from depression, you need to ask for help to make the problem go away.

Your feelings might change when treatment comes along. You should be pleased to know that depression has proved to be one of the most easily treated conditions.

When you are seeking treatment for your depression, what type of healthcare professional should you see?

Although there are some issues raised on what treatment is the best for depression problems (whether it is drugs, therapy, or if it is a mixture of both), there is actually a type of healthcare professional that is highly qualified to help you recover from depression and various mood disorders that use medications or drugs: a psychiatrist.

Psychologists, in fairness, are also highly qualified to cure depression problems, but they are not medical professionals and as such, cannot prescribe medications. You should realize that psychologists specialize in therapy, especially talk therapy. If you do not know if you need drugs or medications, it might prove best to start your treatment of depression under a psychiatrist’s care.

If you think you might also have a good chance of eliminating depression through talk therapy, many psychiatrists can also be good in this, although there are some that may refer you to more experienced therapists. More on this in an upcoming article.

When Depression Takes Its Toll

Many writers have found the act of writing as a form of therapy. In writing, they have found a way to release their anger, frustration, and bitterness. With every stroke of the pen or line of sentence, many published authors and aspiring writers have found solace in their writings. Through self-expression, they have found a way to deal with their confusion and loneliness. At different times, writers have found the pen and paper, the typewriter, and the computer as faithful companions — inanimate yet effective replacements for human presence and interaction.

However, not all have experienced happiness and freedom in writing. Quite the opposite, they have found writing to be a means to temporarily escape their fears and struggles. But for all their prolific writing, they still failed to find meaning and hope in being “craftsmen of words.”

Ernest Miller Hemingway was one such writer. He is also one of the most famous people in history who committed suicide due to depression. In July 2, 1961, Hemingway pointed a shotgun to his head and pulled the trigger.

As a Nobel prize-winning author who wrote several bestselling books including the Old Man and the Sea and Farewell to Arms, Hemingway found fame and fortune through his literary style that was often characterized as crisp and understated. Despite his wealth and popularity, he struggled for many years with crippling melancholy and alcoholism. Throughout his life, Hemingway had encountered many physical injuries and diseases. He had five concussions, two plane crashes, four car accidents, and a motorcycle mishap. The famous writer also suffered from high blood pressure, a diseased liver, diabetes, and atherosclerosis. But perhaps the hardest situation that he had to face was the battle against severe sadness. Biographers have pointed to several possible causes for Hemingway’s depression. Some say that his horrendous experience as a medic during World War I had exposed him to death and destruction. Although undiagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a disease that was yet to be named during that time, many literary experts believe that Hemingway suffered from the said psychological problem.

Others believe that Hemingway’s unhappy relationship with his mother was one of the roots of his stress and anxiety. According to some accounts, Hemingway’s mother was a very domineering person who did not openly express love and affection for her son. In fact, Hemingway even received a pistol from his mother as a birthday gift. The said pistol was actually used by Hemingway’s father to kill himself — another tragic episode that could have triggered the severe sadness that hurt the famous author for most of his life. Many of his writings reflected the conflicts and so-called “destructive interactions” between male and female characters — perhaps mirroring his own life and relationships. Before he killed himself, Hemingway was actually undergoing Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT), a procedure that was supposed to make him feel better. Unfortunately, the ECT had allegedly worsened his psychological condition because the procedure caused Hemingway to experience memory loss. Hemingway had even blamed this form of therapy, in his words, for “putting him out of business.”

The latest research shows that Hemingway most likely suffered from manic depressive mood disorder. Other doctors claim that Hemingway’s family suffered from a genetic disorder called haemochromotosis, a condition characterized by an excess of iron in the blood. Overconcentration of iron in the blood stream damages the pancreas, which in turn, causes mood swings or depression. Aside from Hemingway’s father, two of his siblings and a grandaughter were said to have also committed suicide.

When he was still alive, Hemingway had already tried several treatments to deal with his psychological problems, in vain. Today, there are more effective depression treatment methods and strategies. Aside from anti-depression medications, people with depression can also receive counseling or obtain talk therapy. When self-expression such as writing do not provide relief from melancholy, people struggling with psychological problems should immediately consult doctors and other health professionals so that early interventions can be made. With medication and therapy, psychological disorders need not take deadly toll on human life.

What Should You Know About Depression Test

As depression has the ability to affect our lives badly, there should be early warning symptoms that can indicate whether we do have some form of depression disorder. We need to be able to differentiate between normal depression which passes in a few days to depression disorders which last for sometimes months or years on end. There are a number of depression test sites that you can investigate on the internet.

While these tests can indicate if you are suffering from depression, they can’t replace proper medical diagnosing. As these depression tests are conducted online, the level of information regarding your possibility of depression will be gleaned from the answers that you will be providing. Also your emotional and mental states during what might be a depression attack will not be evaluated. Therefore you must remember that any depression test can only help you, they can’t provide the necessary medical aid that you may need.

In order for the depression test to work properly you should read the question and click an answer that best indicates your feelings and emotional state for the past few days. You should have an answer for each of the questions that are asked. Any question on the test that you are unable to answer, because you are not quite sure of what to indicate, needs to be guessed at.

The questions that will be asked are aimed at your emotional state, your mental condition and your physical fitness level. An example of what sort of question that you might be asked is – I get very frightened or panicky feeling for no good reason at all. For all of the questions on the depression test there are four possible responses that you can choose from on the questionnaire. They are – No, not at all; No, not much; Yes, sometimes; and Yes, definitely.

Once you have completed the depression test you will need to click the Calculate Score button that is located at the bottom of the test. When the score has been tallied, you will be informed whether you have the potential for depression or not. Should the results of the test is not acceptable to you, you can click the reset button to take the test again.

Even though your depression test may confirm if you are suffering from depression you should seek medical aid and advice as soon as possible. The reason is that a correct diagnoses needs to be made so that the right treatment, medications and therapy can be administered to you. Taking a depression test therefore is only the first step towards curing your depression once and for all.

What Causes Depression

Usually in our adolescence, we are exposed to many sudden and inexplicable mood swings as a result of our body undergoing various hormonal changes that prepare us for adulthood.

Aside from increased social pressures, the onset of menstruation, for example, introduces adolescent girls to premenstrual tension (or premenstrual syndrome) and the menstrual cramps, the former being a mixture of physical and psychological symptoms, including temporary weight gain, fluid retention, depression, fits of temper and the like.

Of these, depression is perhaps one of the most commonly identified conditions that both males and females attest to, particularly at the onset of puberty.

Depression is a term we colloquially use to pertain to any particular period of prolonged sadness and lethargy. Colloquial use would even allow us to call depression any ‘low’ point in between periods of ‘high’ or happiness. A popular one-liner, which many of us are familiar with, even goes as far as saying that depression is in fact simply anger without enthusiasm.

However, the real essence of depression is the fact that you can’t simply ‘snap out of it’, and that it has the capacity to disrupt your daily activities. It is characterized by prolonged sadness, anxiety, unusual mood shifts accompanied by a degree of irrational thought, pessimism, and is responsible for changes in the way we eat, sleep, or interact with other people that in effect incapacitates us from participating in productive activities.

Depression is deemed a disorder that requires treatment and attention first because it may be a cause for withdrawal from society as it gives a semblance of suffering, pessimism, and low self-esteem. Secondly, depression may cause changes in physical behavior (like eating or sleeping) that may disrupt regular daily activities or may be mortally dangerous for whoever suffers from it. It may also, in effect, harm interactions with other people, particularly those within the atomic community (like family and friends).

Lastly, the accompanying decrease in rational thought causes some people to eventually result to thoughts of harming oneself or even suicide.

Should you find yourself potentially exhibiting that degree of depression, it is best that you seek immediate help from a professional. The reason is because the many forms of depression, each varying in degree of abnormality it lends, are currently treatable. It will also allow you to accurately determine whether you may simply be suffering from a common or minor depression, which is a mild but similarly prolonged form of depression, or a severe or major depression.

What is severe or major depression then? Severe or major depression, which medical experts also call clinical depression, unipolar depression, or major depressive disorder, is a sort of depression that necessitates medical treatment.

This is because severe depression is thought to be a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. This particular brand of depression is recognized as possibly hereditary by many psychiatrists and specialists.

Doctors detect severe depression by particular behavioral patterns that emerge. The first is that of a constant feeling of sadness or anxiety. This may be accompanied by feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Another is when you feel lethargic, tired, or without energy despite the fact that you did not engage in any physical activity of any form alongside a feeling of restlessness. You may also feel a decreased capacity to concentrate and make decisions.

The more ‘telling’ signs that accompany the previous symptoms, which may be attributed to seasonal hormonal imbalances, strenuous physical activities, or physical sickness for non-depressive individuals, have a more or less social implication to them.

If you are suffering from severe depression, you may have a feeling of being uninterested in usual activities or hobbies and you may eventually withdraw from them. Changes in your appetite may also emerge, leading to drastic weight loss.

Another change is in sleeping habits, which may imply difficulty in sleeping, waking up too early, or sleeping too much. With these physically notable changes and the previous general symptoms is a prevalent feeling of inadequateness, hopelessness and guilt. Altogether, these may lead to thoughts of suicide or obsession over death and dying.

The fact that depression can happen to anyone including you, should be enough impetus to better understand depression. Understanding that people around you (and there are many of them) suffer from depression will both allow you to better interact with them, or, should you be suffering from it as well, allow you to benefit from support groups or other people who can better help you deal with the disorder and stop you from succumbing to it.

Depression And Stress

When you say that the positive tendencies are the cause of happiness in an individual, in the same breath you can say that the negative tendencies are the cause of unhappiness. Well, extreme stress, anxiety and frustration pave a clear way towards depression.

It is the same old story through the ages- the eternal conflict between the Light and Darkness. These two forces can not exist at the same time at the same place. When the Light arrives, we need not order the darkness to go. It automatically disappears. Rather it has to. Similarly when the Light goes without thinking a wee-bit, Darkness arrives to boss over once again!

It is worthwhile here to contemplate over the common causes of depression and stress found in most of the people today. Distorted or ill-balanced economic condition is one major reason. Well, to have fallen short of the required funds shall not be the cause of your depression. With the right type of efforts, you can always overcome this trivial problem.

Next, your un-doings and wrong doings are one definite harbinger of depression and stress.

Nobody has ever said or ever proved that bad habits are good! Drinking alcohol, for example! Smoking is the other vice! If you drink and smoke regularly, can you really claim to be happy? You curse the habit always and yet you carry the curse on your head! This state of helplessness is one of the causes of your depression and stress.

An innocent looking habit like eating could also be the major cause of depression and stress. As the wise saying goes, “You should eat to live, not live to eat.” Human body for its proper maintenance requires certain discipline. Whether you are hungry or not, whether the food is wholesome or not you go on eating without worrying for the consequences. The type of food that you eat has a direct bearing on the various organs within the day. They are there to perform a particular type of job in a particular manner. Eating wrong type of food means extending invitation to obesity, heart failure and serious diseases like diabetes. These diseases could then cause serious types of depression and stress.

Coping with the various situations in life could also be the cause of depression and stress. Inability to cope with the circumstances can be due to your own creation or certain birth defects. Each one has limitations of performance. Sometimes the result you get may not be in proportion to the degree of efforts put forth by you. There is no sure or cut-out solution for meeting such situations. One needs to develop the right type of working philosophy in life. This can be achieved only by experience and gradually developing the expertise.

Make a periodical review of your habits, matters related to day-to-day disposition and try to identify the causes of depression and stress. Instead of going all out to reform yourself it is better to try to removes the deficiencies, one by one!

What About Drugs for Anxiety and Depression

As a counselor, I am often asked, “Can drugs be helpful for anxiety and depression?” The answer I give is “Yes” and “No.”

Yes, drugs may be useful for short-term help. No, drugs are not a good long-term solution.

Anxiety and depression are not caused by a lack of drugs. Drugs do not heal the underlying causes of anxiety and depression. However, when drugs are temporarily used to give a person a window of relief to do the inner work necessary to heal the underlying causes, they can be useful.

Anxiety and depression generally have two major underlying causes – emotional and physical.


Our bodies go into imbalance when we do not eat well or have enough healthy exercise. Our bodies are not made to handle the unnatural substances found in processed food. When we overload our bodies with chemicals, pesticides, sugar, and devitalized foods, our bodies become depleted of vital nutrients and go into stress. Anxiety and depression can be the result of this physical depletion and resulting stress.

Our bodies are designed to thrive on the food and water that God gave us – pure, clean, organic, unaltered food and water. If you take drugs for anxiety and depression and do not clean up your diet and get proper exercise, you are just using a Band Aid for a gaping wound.


Emotionally, anxiety is caused by dysfunctional thoughts – thoughts that are not true. For example, if you tell yourself that you are not good enough or you have to be perfect, you will likely feel anxious. Thoughts of not being good enough and having to be perfect are generally focused on our outer qualities of looks and performance, rather than on the inner qualities of kindness, compassion, and gratitude. When we choose to be kind, loving and compassionate with ourselves and others, we feel good about ourselves. When we choose gratitude for what we do have rather than dwell on what we don’t have, we create inner peace. Kindness and gratitude are wonderful antidotes to anxiety!

Anxiety is always a sign that we are telling ourselves a lie. The truth creates peace inside, while lies create fear and anxiety. This is a sure-fire way of knowing what is true and what is not true!

Emotionally, depression is caused by not taking good care of ourselves. If we ignore our needs, don’t speak up for ourselves, judge ourselves, and make others responsible for our feelings, the result may be depression. If you have a child whom you ignore and judge, that child will likely be depressed. The same occurs on the inner level when we ignore and judge our own inner child. Putting yourself last and taking care of everyone else but yourself may cause you to feel unworthy and depressed.

There is little point in taking drugs for anxiety and depression without attending to your dysfunctional thinking and to how you are treating yourself. However, if you take drugs for a short time and give yourself the opportunity to do your inner work, they may be helpful. Many of the people I work with find that as soon as they start taking good care of themselves, they don’t like the effect of the drugs. They don’t like the fact that the drugs take the edge off their feelings. They find that, rather than wanting to be numbed out, they want to feel all of their feelings deeply, both the highs and the lows. The more they learn to take responsibility for their feelings by attending to their thoughts and needs, the more they want to feel all of their feelings. They discover that, while drugs may take the edge off pain, they also take the edge off joy.

Most of the people I work with can avoid drugs completely by learning to take loving care of themselves, both physically and emotionally. Many of the people who practice the Inner Bonding process that we teach find Inner Bonding to be far more powerful in healing anxiety and depression than drugs.

If you are a person who does not want to learn to take personal responsibility for your pain and joy, then drugs may be a way out for you. But if you want to feel true peace and joy, drugs are not the answer.

Warning Signs Of Adolescent Depression

We are all concerned about the health of our children from the moment that they emerge into the world, but an overlooked aspect of their health could turn out to be one of the biggest factors. A child’s mental health, and, later in life, an adolescent’s mental health, have huge effects on the way that our children and teens live. Problems like depression can affect the quality of life for your adolescent, and can even affect their physical health.

If you think that your adolescent may be depressed, look for the signs described in this article. If they exhibit several of the signs, consult with your pediatrician to see if they think that your teenager might be suffering from depression. Adolescent depression can cause symptoms such as:

Irregular sleep – Sometimes teenagers are just on a different sleep schedule than their parents. It is perfectly normal for a teen to stay up late at night and to want to sleep in well into the next day. This is not an attitude problem, but a rewiring of their brains that drives them to these “abnormal” hours. They will return to “normal” as time goes on. What is not normal is a teen that sleeps all the time, going to bed early, sleeping late, and retiring for naps. It is also not normal for an adolescent to suffer from insomnia. While these could be symptoms of other problems, they can also be signs of depression.

Lack of energy – Despite all that extra sleep, does your adolescent still seem fatigued or tired much of the time? Low energy and lots of sleep could be signs of a problem with the thyroid, it could be something else entirely, or it could be an example of a symptom of depression.

Loss of interest – It might be hard to tell if your child has become disinterested in things that used to interest them if they are not open with you, but it pays to pay close attention. If your adolescent is no longer interested in things like keeping in contact with their friends or in playing the latest video games, whatever he or she used to be excited about, then it could be cause for concern.

Change of appetite – Is your always-hungry teen suddenly disinterested in food? Is your teenager suddenly and uncharacteristically eating all the time (particularly “comfort foods” or sweets)? These could both be signs of depression, and should be watched carefully. They could also indicate problems like an eating disorder, and so should be taken seriously no matter what the circumstances.

Irritability – While it can be hard to tell if your teen is irritable in general or just snappy with you as an authority figure, it is good to note that excessive irritability may be a sign of depression.

A bleak outlook – If your child is suddenly talking in the negative or talking about suicide, chalking it up to “mood swings” can be a mistake that can have deadly consequences. This may be one of the most overlooked of the depression signs in adolescents because many parents feel that it is normal to be pessimistic in the teenage years. This is also often paired with self-loathing, which may manifest in a variety of ways including verbally (“I’m such a loser” or “No one likes me, anyway”), self-abuse like cutting, or talk of suicide.

You should never treat these symptoms in your adolescents as a bid for attention. While one or two of the symptoms may be symptomatic of other problems or just of being a teenager, they could also be symptoms of depression. If you see any number of these symptoms in your adolescent, it is imperative that you get into contact with their pediatrician as soon as possible.

While you may be able to talk to your teen about the depression, it really depends on your relationship with your adolescent and how you think that they will respond to your line of questioning. You should never accuse if you see warning signs of depression in your adolescent, but should talk gently with them to find out if they are willing to share their problems.

Depression in adolescents is a serious problem, but with close attention on your part and the intervention of a pediatrician with the right therapies or medications, you can effectively eliminate the immediate dangers of this terrible disease. Diagnosis and intervention can be the tools that help you save your adolescent from the dangers and pitfalls of this illness, and your awareness is what will get them there.

Virtual Reality Techniques To Aid Depression

Who would ever think that a hugely popular virtual reality adventure video game Duke Nukem could provide crucial clues not only in diagnosing depression, but also in determining the severity of such illness? Instead of the usual series of probing questions about dreams and relationship with your family, relatives or friends, you are sent forth to fight against marauding aliens in a virtual environment.
What attracted the interest of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) team of experts is the navigational tasks involve in the game more than its martial elements. Based on different studies about depression, the condition could be linked to shrinkage or dysfunction of the hippocampus, the part of the brain in charged with memory and spatial awareness.
With the use of a virtual town lifted from Duke Nukem scenes, volunteers are instructed to navigate their way to various landmarks around that town for a period of time. With the exception of the weaponry and the aliens, the NIMH team led by Leda Gould, have been able to asses spatial awareness and memory.
A distinct impairment of these mental functions was exhibited by those volunteers who are suffering from depression. This provided provided Gould and her team with a yardstick against which to measure the severity of their depression, with the most chronically depressed volunteers posting the worst results in the trial.
“Neuropsychological testing has long established the presence of memory deficits in patients with unipolar depression, and, more recently, in those suffering from bipolar depression,” wrote Gould in her article in the American Journal of Psychiatry.
“Traditionally tasks assessing spatial memory require individuals to remember the position of items in an array.
“Because of their multi-faceted nature, navigational tasks based on virtual reality may provide a more consistent, sensitive measure of spatial ability and are more likely to require hippocampal involvement, thereby increasing their sensitivity to the impact of depression on this cognitive domain.”
Other physical illnesses such as diabetes can be diagnosed and assessed with a simple test. However, there is no method yet to quantify the severity of a mental health condition like depression.
“Depression is extremely complex,” explains London-based psychoanalyst Jean Allen, “And can be very hard to diagnose and evaluate.
“It manifests itself in a variety of different ways for a variety of different people. At one end of the scale you have got those who suffer only mildly and whose lives aren’t too badly affected; at the other you have chronic clinical depression that, at its worst, can tip into full-scale psychosis.
“Measuring exactly where someone is on that continuum, or indeed if they are on it at all, is very hard.”
Although The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have laid out categories of mental disorder, and various criteria for diagnosing and assessing those disorders, as well as numerous depression rating scales have been developed to quantify and measure the severity of mental illness, all these remain as imprecise science. They basically rely on a gradual piecing together of information through question and answer, rather than any clear cut, one-off diagnostic test.
“There are a variety of questionnaires you can use to help assess someone’s mental health condition,” says Jean Allen, “But from a psychoanalyst’s point of view they are not really very accurate.”
This is where the virtual reality navigation test comes in to fill such gap. While the study does not provide a clear-cut technique for actually diagnosing depression, it definitely offers the possibility of a new and more accurate yardstick for measuring the level of depression.

Veterans and Depression

Men who enroll in the military service are now at risk for developing different mental health disorders, according to the Institute of Medicine. According to them, military service in a war zone increases a service members’ chance of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, other anxiety disorders, and depression. Serving in a war also increases the chances of alcohol abuse, accidental death, and suicide within the first few years after leaving the war zone. War veterans are also prone to marital and family conflict, including domestic violence due to their psychological and emotional distress. These trouble signs have prompted the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the scientific and medical evidence concerning associations between deployment-related stress and long term adverse effects on health.

Issues with drug abuse, incarceration, unexplained illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, gastrointestinal symptoms, skin diseases, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain may also be associated with the stress of being in a war, but the evidence to support these links is weaker. For other health problems and adverse effects that the committee reviewed, the information lacks or is contradictory; the committee could not determine whether links between these ailments and deployment-related stress exist.

Although the report cannot give definite answers regarding the connection between these health problems and the stress of war, it is clear that veterans who were deployed to war zones self-report more medical conditions and poorer health than veterans who were not deployed. The committee found out that those who were deployed and have post-traumatic stress disorder in particular tend to report more symptoms and poorer health. Post-traumatic stress disorder often occurs together with other anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse. Its prevalence and severity is associated with an increased exposure to combat.

A continuous obstacle in obtaining better evidence that would yield clear answers is lack of pre- and post-deployment screenings of physical, mental, and emotional status. Conducting comprehensive, standardized evaluations of service member’s medical conditions, psychiatric symptoms and diagnosis, and psychosocial status and trauma history before and after deployment to war zones is necessary, according to the US Department of Defense. Such screenings would provide baseline information for comparisons and data to determine long term consequences of deployment-related stress. In addition, they would help identify at-risk personnel who might benefit from targeted intervention programs during deployment, such as marital counseling or therapy for psychiatric or other disorders, and help the necessary organizations choose in which intervention programs to implement for veterans adjusting to post-deployment life.

It is a long battle between countries, and the only thing that could make these people at war happy would be the memories of their family and friends. Such psychological illnesses or disorders can happen almost anytime, since these people are vulnerable to their environment. War is such a negative concept to look at, and these people experience war each time they wake up. Such negativity is bound to take its toll to the person, whether they may have good relations back at home. By simply looking back at those happy moments, these people at war would really appreciate life compared to what they see now.

Illegal Drugs as Treatment for Depression

Sometimes young people try illegal drugs to fit in or just out of curiosity. But some often try it to escape reality for awhile to get “high”. A “high” is the feeling that drug users to describe certain feelings that are experienced after taking drugs. These feelings may be described as happy or spacey feelings. Persons experiencing stress and anxiety take illegal drugs to feel better, to forget about issues or certain problems. Many individuals turn to drugs as a treatment for depression and other emotional and mental problems. One of the drugs used to attain “highness” is lysergic acid diethyiamide (LSD). It is a hallucinogen that is used as a recreational drug, and as a so-called “tool of transcendence.” This drug is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. It can be painted on small papers and can be licked or swallowed. Many individuals use this drug to detach themselves from the the real world. LSD us an illegal drug in the United States and other countries around the world.

People refer to this experience as “tripping out.” This drug is popular influence in the sixties and seventies. LSD remains a potent drug, as well as a risk to physical and mental health. The potency of this drug is unpredictable and may cause thoughts and feelings to be distorted. Taking 100-200 millionth of a gram of LSD may cause a person to experience a “trip” that may last up to 12 hours. While experiencing a “trip” users tend to see hallucinations of colors, light patterns, and many users claim to have experienced news insights about their personality. One of the effects of LSD is having flashbacks of a user’s previous hallucinations. LSD users often experience panic, confusion, sadness, and scary images. Physical changes may include increased heart rate, sweating, loss of appetite, dilated pupils, dry mouth, and shaking. LSD develops addiction because a number of users who take this drug repeatedly end up taking up higher does to achieve the state of “highness” they had previously achieved. LSD mixed with other drugs may contribute to severe health effects that may lead to mental health problems.

Illegal drugs should not be the answer to depression and anxiety. These drugs may lead to addiction and in return develop many physical and mental problems. There are many ways in eliminating and depression and anxiety. The following methods have been proven to be very beneficial in relaxing the mind and therefore relieve mental and emotional troubles:

· Journaling or keeping a diary
· Exercising regularly
· Having a pet
· Yoga
· Music therapy
· Tai chi
· Meditation

People who are suffering from drug addiction should consult specialists that may help them overcome their drug addiction. Drug addiction treatment may include counseling, cognitive therapy, and psychotherapy. Behavioral therapies offer people many strategies that may enable them to cope with their drug cravings, and teach them to avoid drugs and other harmful substances. People should bear in mind that turning to illegal drugs to treat depression is not an option.

Using Exercise to Battle Depression

The last thing most people who suffer from depression want to do is exercise. The dark hole of depression can make even getting out of bed everyday a seemingly impossible task. If you suffer from depression it is imperative that you see your doctor or a therapist first, but don’t be surprised if they prescribe some sort of exercise regimen for you to follow in addition to some of the more normal treatments for depression.

Now as hard as it may seem to get out and start exercising when you are depressed there are some real benefits to be had.

1. Improves your confidence. As you get in better shape you will gain more confidence in yourself and your ability to meet your goals.

2. Increases your self-esteem. Exercise will improve your appearance and your sense of self worth. It will also improve your health and vitality.

3. A distraction. Having a set schedule for your exercise routine, no matter what it is, gives you something to look forward to and can help take your mind off of your problems.

4. Stress relief. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and frustration.

5. Getting out. Exercising allows you to get out and interact with other people, whether at the gym or just greeting people during your nightly walk.

6. Good coping strategy. Exercise is beneficial to anyone who does it. It is a positive way to deal with depression, anxiety or stress because you will benefit in the long run from it.

An important thing to remember is that as hard as it may seem to start exercising when you are depressed is that if you can get started the benefits will far outweigh any negative thoughts you may have about doing it. And once you get going don’t give up. Once you’ve decided to start exercising make sure you don’t over do it. Because nothing will cause you to loose all interest than a sore and broken body. Here are some general guidelines to consider before you start your exercise program.

1. Talk to your doctor or therapist first. They can help guide you and refer you to someone who can help you set up an exercise program that’s right for you.

2. Set simple goals. Exercise should be fun and make you feel good. Don’t approach it like you are training for the Olympics. Start easy and build from there.

3. Go with what you enjoy. If you have worked out in the past and enjoyed what you were doing start with that again. For some people just simply going for a walk is enjoyable for them.

4. Find a workout buddy. Exercising with a friend is great for helping lift your mood. It gives you someone to talk to and enjoy your work-out with.

5. Go outside. Getting out in the fresh air and sun is always a good way to improve your mood. Even if you work-out in a gym, take the time to go for a walks a couple of times a week.

6. Don’t let setbacks get you down. Some days you may not be able to get in your exercise. Don’t let that bother you, it happens to everyone. Keep at it and you will see your growth.

Using exercise as a treatment for depression is a growing trend. But you should always consult your doctor or therapist if you are feeling depressed or exhibit the symptoms of depression. Embarking on an exercise program on your own is not the right thing to do. It should be used in conjunction with other treatments such as medication and therapy. Taken together with these other therapies, exercise can be a great way to help battle your depression.

Untested Weight Loss Drugs May Cause Severe Depression

There are a lot of new medications available today specifically for treatment of depression, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, obesity, among others. The good news is that there are new drugs that offer effective treatment for patients who suffer from these ailments. While research on the safety of anti-depression drugs has been quite extensive, the materials on the effectiveness and safety of anti-obesity drugs are not as comprehensive.

In a recent study published in the United Kingdom, it was found out that patients taking certain anti-obesity drugs had an increased risk of depression and anxiety. Study also linked the drug to the development of thoughts about committing suicide.

In another study involving Danish researchers who worked with 4,105 volunteer patients found that people taking 20 milligrams per day of an anti-obesity drug were 2.5 times more likely to discontinue treatment due to depressive disorders. The patients were also three times more likely to stop medication because of anxiety compared with those who only received a placebo.

Many anti-obesity drugs being sold in different countries are actually still pending approval by many drug regulation agencies including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The reported increase of risk depression and suicidal thoughts associated with these drugs have made their chances of approval close to nil. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen believe that patients using untested and unapproved drugs would only see “modest” weight loss with many still remaining significantly overweight and obese. The researchers also found recorded several side effects—ranging from dry mouth to headaches to depression in patients who used these slimming pills.

To escape the possible dangers of using unapproved and untested anti-obesity drugs, some medical experts offer the option of undergoing bariatric surgery. Some of the surgical procedures used to promote weight loss include biliopancreatic diversion, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, vertical banded gastroplasty. Gastric bypass is one of the most commonly used procedures in the United States, accounting for at least 140,000 operations done specifically for weight loss purposes. The said procedure has been in utilized for more than 50 years and, as such, has been sufficiently studied in the medical community.

But what is a person who wants to lose weight already shows some signs of depression? The first step is to get support and encouragement from friends and family. At times, seeing a psychiatrist or a counselor may be necessary. It is also important not to set too high expectations in terms of losing weight. The weight loss program has often been referred to as a journey, and not a race. It takes time to lose weight and any rush to shed off unwanted pounds may have serious consequences in physical and emotional terms. Of course, no diet program will work unless a person engages in regular exercise. Physical activity immensely helps in burning calories. If a weight watcher strictly follows a good and balanced eating plan while doing regular physical exercise, there is no reason why he or she cannot lose weight.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Depression

New measures are being explored to help patients with bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, to cope with their crushing illness. Surprising options are being tested as possible treatments for this disorder, such as motion sickness patches, a drug used to treat Lou Gehrig’s disease and a device that produces an electric field around the brain.
Bipolar disorder is a complex and mysterious illness characterized by severe mood swings, from mania to depression. A sufferer can experience periods of increased energy, over-activity, irritability and sometimes delusions during the manic phase, and low mood, reduced concentration, disturbed sleep and ideas of self-harm during the depressed state. This condition can ruin careers and split marriages apart. Extreme cases of depression can even drive desperate people to commit suicide.
Despite years of study, researchers have yet to develop a medication specifically for bipolar disorder. Anti-depression medicines currently sold in the market do help reduce symptoms, but often fall short of complete treatment.
Nothing is certain about the latest batch of possible treatments that includes even the breast cancer drug tamoxifen. Approaches were identified by logic, and others by pure chance. However, scientists already have early evidence that someday these treatments may prove useful against bipolar disorder.
Individuals having episodes of mania may experience periods of boosted energy and restlessness that can run for a week or more, resulting to sleeplessness as well as extreme irritability. During this episode, a person may exhibit unusual behavior, such as rage and promiscuity.
On the other hand, episodes of depression characterizes the other face of the bipolar coin, a period of boredom, sleepiness and lack of energy, which may last a week or more. Again, even thoughts of suicide may enter the picture.
Current bipolar treatments include a variety of drugs including lithium and other anticonvulsant and antipsychotic medications that can stabilize mood. Psychological therapy and patient education greatly boost the effectiveness of these drugs.
What makes bipolar disorder harder to treat is that its depressive episodes are more severe and more resistant to therapy than ordinary unipolar depression. Some current bipolar medications have side effects including weight gain, sleepiness, tremor, and the sense of feeling “drugged.”
As in the case of lithium, the new batch of possible treatments for bipolar disorder have revealed their potential only by chance. Take the experience of National Institute of Mental Health researchers Maura Furey and Dr. Wayne Drevets with the drug scopolamine, which is normally used to keep people from getting seasick or carsick. When they were studying whether scopolamine could improve memory and attention in depressed people, they noticed an odd thing as the patients started feeling less depressed the night after the injections, a remarkable thing since most antidepressants take weeks to kick in.
In October 2006, after Drevets and Furey changed their research focus to test the drug’s effect on depression itself, they published an encouraging, though preliminary, result with a small group of depressed patients, some of whom had been diagnosed bipolar disorder.
Furey is now leading a study using scopolamine skin patches — like those that travelers wear to prevent motion sickness — to treat depression in bipolar disorder as well as ordinary depression. For now, people shouldn’t try patch treatment for depression on their own, she said.
A similar incident happened at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., in 2001 when depressed bipolar patients who were getting their brains scanned for a study on brain chemistry suddenly felt a lot better. And in 2004, they published their conclusion that the electric fields produced by the brain scans might help lift depression.
But not everything is being based on luck. Apart from luck, researchers have taken advantage of the few insights they have into bipolar disease to develop potential treatments. Scientists say the real key to unlocking the mysteries of bipolar disorder – and thereby open the way for the development of new drugs – lies in a new generation of research into DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, which could possibly be the key to discovering an effective treatment for bipolar disorder.

Unlocking the Link Between Creativity and Depression

Edgar Allan Poe, Honore de Balzac, Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, Audrey Hepburn, and even Jim Carrey all had something in common. Aside from being renowned artists, they were also afflicted with depression. It has been a great mystery how these men and women, praised for their genius in film, on the canvass, or in using their pen, could be victims of terrible melancholy.

As defined, creativity is the ability to see something in a new way; or the capacity to design new inventions, solve problems, produce works of art, or develop a new and original idea. Depression, on the other hand, is a deep feeling of being sad and despondent. It is usually accompanied by feelings of guilt, helplessness, and hopelessness. In extreme cases of depression, thoughts of death even enter the mind of the gravely melancholic artist.

Studies have established that there is a very close relationship between creativity and depression. Many artists are prone to depression due to the highly emotional aspect of their craft. The angst and solitude that usually surrounds the creative process also makes them vulnerable to bouts of sadness. The strong emotions that compel artists to create are the same forces that lead them to pits of depression.

No wonder, the famous director David Cronenberg once said that, “Everybody’s a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We’re all trying to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend-off madness, and chaos.”

Despite their very positive public persona or larger-than-life image, many artists from different fields have struggled with the act of unleashing their creativity while battling depression

Amy Tan, the author of the popular book “Joy Luck Club,” continues to take prescription medication for her own bouts with depression — perhaps, living in real life the sad stories of the characters she created in her books.

Vincent Van Gogh, the 18th century expressionist, was actually hailed as a mad genius of the canvass for his brilliant brush strokes and masterpieces. His colorful works of art somehow represented the intensity of his own psychological canvass. One time, he encountered difficulty in illustrating his own ears while doing a self-portrait. In a bout of depression and rage, he cut-off his own ear so that he would no longer need to paint them on the canvass. He eventually succumbed to his depression and mental illness. Van Gogh committed suicide, leaving behind more than 900 artworks and thousands of sketches.

Like Van Gogh, many people suffer from depression. The daily stress and challenges of life push many people to the brink of hopelessness and insanity. The difficulty lies in discerning the difference between normal levels of depression and those cases that can be considered as psychological disorders. Artists and non-artists alike can be afflicted by manic depression, bipolar disorder, and other psychosis.

These mental problems, however, need not ruin a person’s artistic talents or a regular person’s capacity to lead a normal life. Treatment for depression is available. These treatments do vary from one individual to another but there are some common methods of addressing psychological problems.

Medication and psychotherapy are two of the most commonly used means to treat depression and anxiety. Extreme cases might involve bringing a person to a medical facility for a 24-hour suicide watch. Another treatment program is called partial hospitalization, a method where a patient is allowed to sleep at home but spends about five to seven days a week in a psychiatric hospital setting. This type of treatment usually involves individual counseling, group therapy, and psycho-pharmacology.

Depression may help some artists to become more creative and emotionally involved. However, for thousands of other people who suffer from depression, the most important masterpiece involves mastery over one’s emotions.

Understanding Depression and Menopause

As women approach midlife and menopause one of the things to be on the lookout for is depression. While menopause is not thought to be a cause of depression the two can occur at the same time. What is believed to be a cause of depression is changes in estrogen levels which occur during menopause. It is known that women are affected by depression over twice as much as men and that a family history of depression can factor into this as well.

The symptoms of depression and menopause are very similar and include sleep disorders, hot flashes,fatigue, anxiety, and irritability. Many women associate these symptoms with the changes that menopause bring, but they may be a sign of depression that needs to be understood and dealt with. There is no reason women need to suffer from depression duing menopause. It is important that they accept the physical changes happening to their bodies during this time and work with their doctor to mitigate the symptoms of menopause, but it is alaso important that they realize that depression and menopause can be mutually exclusive and both can be dealt with.

As women approach menopause their menstrual cycles begin to change and start to become unpredictable. This unpredictability of their monthly cycle is a sign of erratic ovulation. Erratic ovulation causes unpredictable releases of the hormones estrogen and progetserone leading to mood swings, forgetfulness, hot flashes and all the other symptoms associated with menopause.

Most women going through menopause feel that they are loosing control of their bodies when in fact it is just their natural reaction to the aging process. This feeling of loss of control can lead to symptoms of depression. As the symptoms of both menopause and depression worsen they start to feel that their is nothing they can do and a feeling of hoplessness falls over them. This feeling of hopelessness is a major part of depression and left untreated can lead to severe depression.

Untreated depression is a major health risk. Researchers have found that depression is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and in some cases it can lead to bone deterioration increasing the likely hood of osteoporosis and broken bones.

The treatment for dperession and menopause can follow a two pronged approach. It is important to treat not only the depression with antidepressant medications and counseling but also to treat the symptoms of menopause as well. Menopause can be treated with hormone replacement therapy where synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone are used to even out the woman’s hormone levels.

If you are a woman approaching midlife and menopause be aware that depression can be a very real side affect of the changes that will happen to you. If start to see the symptoms of depression it is best to talk to your doctor about what treatment options may work best for you.

Understanding Depression

Everyone can agree on the fact that depression is a debilitating disease. What we can’t all seem to agree on however, is what this disease does to a person’s ability to think reason and perceive. The problem in coming to an agreement here lies in the many causes and physical reactions to depression.

Common cause of depression include biochemical factors, severs stress, a sense of hopelessness, lack of sunlight and illogical thinking. The biochemical factors and sunlight are physical and environmental conditions that can be corrected with prescribed drugs or light exposure. What however can a person do about stress and feelings of hopelessness, and are these conditions causes of depression or symptoms of depression. It is within the confines of the medical profession that conversations such as this have raged for years.

Some researchers believe that stress and feelings of overwhelming hopelessness are the causes of depression, while others believe they are symptoms of depression. Research conducted supports both conclusions. Further studies have supported lent even more support to the evidence that stress, changes in expectancies, and irrational or hopeless thoughts are a result of depression, not a cause.

But what effect does depression have on our ability to think and reason? Do all our thoughts become illogical and negative? Not all depressed persons experience the same changes in their thoughts, but do all depressed persons experience some change in the thought process? Questions such as these are hotly debated even now, with all the wealth of information available to scientists and doctors. The brain is such a complex machine, that understanding of the processes and the ability to relate certain processes to the application of the masses is slow to come.

In general the depressed person sees the cup as half empty, not half full. That’s not to say that some of the population, without any evidence of depression will still see the cup as half empty. Can you see the difficulty of the situation here? There are many symptoms of depression that exist even within the thoughts of people with no evidence of depression. How do scientists and doctors distinguish, for the purpose of setting clear guidelines? I don’t believe they can.

I believe our thought process is like a fingerprint. Everyone’s is different in some way. No two people will be the same in their thoughts, or in their ability to act on those thoughts. Treatments for illogical and depressed thoughts will always be a tailor-made situation.

Types Of Depression

As any doctor or mental health specialist will tell you there are different types of depression. Each of these depression types will manifest themselves in the person in completely different forms. Currently there are some well documented types of depression that various people in the world are afflicted with. Also each of the depression disorders can have similar and different symptoms.

Since each of the depression types vary the severity of their symptoms and the level of persistence can be different for each sufferer. The main types of depression are Major or Unipolar Depression, Chronic or Dysthymia depression, and Manic or Bipolar Depression. Besides the main depression types there are subdivisions of these disorders. As the different types of depression have a completely different effect on each person, the method of treatment must also be individualized.

With Major depression the symptoms are the same as depression, they are however more intense than normal depression symptoms. These symptoms will interfere with the daily activities of the individual. The work, study, eating and sleep patterns can become disturbed. The person will not be able derive any pleasure from their earlier activities. The depressive attacks of Major depression can be debilitating and the quality of life becomes noticeably poorer.

In Major depression the episodes can be either single occurring or recurring. A single occurring episode will vanish after the treatment has taken effect. For a recurring Major depression there will be a phase of Major depression followed by depression. These bouts of depression are followed by perhaps several years of normal depression free life. The attacks can then occur without any warning.

Chronic depression is less severe than either Major depression or Bipolar depression. The symptoms are life long. A person who has Chronic depression can still carry out their lives without any interference from the symptoms. There is a strong possibility of double depression occurring to the individual. Double depression is a mixture of Chronic depression and Major depression.

Bipolar depression is not as common as the other types of depression. The mood swings of this depression are cyclic. That is there are periods of euphoric highs and sad, worthless lows. There are times when the mood changes can be very rapid and dramatic. The symptoms of Bipolar depression include being overactive, having lots of boundless energy, loss of good judgment, feeling invincible amongst others.

All of the depression types have different ways of reacting with different individuals. Each of these depression symptoms need to receive the right sort of treatment. Therefore you should consult a doctor to have your depression diagnosed and treatment begun.


Tricyclic antidepressants is one of the more popular drugs used to fight depression in people today. Known as the “first generation” antidepressants because Tricyclic antidepressants were the first medications to come into use in the 1950’s to treat depression. They are still one of the better drugs to treat not only depression but have been found to treat chronic pain also. None of the Tricyclic antidepressants have been approved by the government to be used for chronic pain; they are one of the basic treatments for pain even when no depression is involved. These antidepressants seem to work effectively for the burning or searing pain common after nerve damage which may occur with shingles, diabetes, and strokes. This medication can only be prescribed by your doctor, only he or she knows your specific condition and would be able to tell you if using this drug is a good idea for you to use. There are some side effects that come with this drug however, most people claim it’s a “slight nuisance.”

It is not fully understood why Tricyclic antidepressants work so well on killing pain. The theory is that these type of antidepressants increase neurotransmitters in the spinal cord that reduces pain signals. However, Tricyclic antidepressants do not work immediately and you may have to take them for several weeks before they start reducing pain. The good thing about using Tricyclic antidepressants is they are not addicting or cause people to become dependant on them but they do have the ability to make you drowsy at first. Your doctor will probably prescribe them for you to take at night before you go to bed. Side affects can be anything from causing dry mouth, sleepiness, constipation and weight gain, difficulty with urination, and changes in blood pressure. To reduce side effects, your doctor will probably start you on a low dose and increase dosage until the one that is right for you is achieved.

Other side effects you will want to watch out for are dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting may occur, especially when getting up from a sitting or lying position, it’s recommended to rise slowly when getting up. Tricyclic antidepressants may cause your skin to be more sensitive to sunlight than normal. Be aware of how long you are out in strong sunlight when you first start this medication until you know if it will have an adverse affect on your skin. Getting to much exposure from the sun may cause a skin rash, itching, redness or other discoloration; even server sunburn may be an adverse affect from this medication. It is suggested that one stay out of the sunlight during the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. if possible. Be sure to apply a good sun block to exposed areas of skin when taking Tricyclic antidepressants , with at least a SPF of 15, and for fair skin a sun block with a higher SPF rating. Be sure to discuss these types of topics and any others you may have a concern about with your doctor before you start taking any medication. You want your medication to work for you so it will help you get well.

Treating Depression With Aromatherapy

A fantastic and mysterious relationship is continuously unfolding between plants and their surroundings. These organic green machines are ceaselessly performing a glorious alchemy with water, soil, air and sunlight. The nearly infinite possible combinations of plant genetics and environmental conditions on the face of the earth have allowed for an almost immeasurable diversity of alchemal floral expression, resulting in a vast array of natural botanical materials. These range from simple staple foodstuffs to gourmet fruits and vegetables, from rich exotic spices to effective medicinal herbs, and from enchanting natural perfumes to complex therapeutic essential oils. Mankind is reaching ever further into the jungles and rainforests, knowing that nature is the true master of creation in these fields.

The line between food-plants and medicinal herbs is a fuzzy one. Science regularly reports newfound medicinal effects in plants once taken for granted; many fruits once thought quite plain contain some of the world’s most potent anti-cancer agents. The same goes for teas – green tea is one of the most potent anti-oxidants known – and spices – cinnamon may prevent the onset of debilitating diabetes – and this list continues to grow. This same lack of distinction exists between natural fragrances and therapeutic essential oils. The oil of a rose, laden with Citronellol, does triple duty as a perfume, an effective agent against the herpes simplex virus, and an uplifting aromatic that can help one open emotionally after a traumatizing experience.

The use of so-called ‘alternative’ therapies is on the rise; more individuals are turning to the wisdom of nature for assistance for all types of ailments, both physical and psychological. Interestingly, the source of most ills, from a naturopathic point of view, is being out-of-balance with nature. Eating unnatural things, following unnatural cycles,and living in unnatural environments. Lack of balance with the earth, from which we are made and upon which we live, leads to ‘dis-ease’ in our bodies and minds. As plants have created their wondrous botanical materials in a process guided by the rhythms of the heavens and earth, we may look to ‘plant wisdom’ to lead our way back into balance.

A depressed emotional state is a common reasons for using complementary and alternative therapies today. A wide range of psychological, physical, and energetic issues can lead to feelings of depression and a pervasive outlook of negativity. Moreover, once in a state of depression, patterns can arise that make relief all the more difficult to find. The use of essential oils for uplifting the psyche and spirit is becoming more widespread because of the oils’ broad and dramatic effects. While the oils themselves may not directly affect the underlying cause of depression, they may help individuals break free from depressive cycles – they may provide the impetus to ‘get off the couch’, so to speak, and begin creating long lasting change. Many natural healers believe depression to be a result of, like many other ills, of being out of balance; being unable to ‘synch up’ with the natural state of harmony that permeates the universe. For relieving this is-harmony, aromatherapy can be a very powerful means to infuse one’s body and mind with the most concentrated, sublime botanicals nature has to offer.

In humans, the olfactory (sense of smell) region is an area of about 2 and a half square centimeters, and is located in each of the two nasal cavities between and below the eyes. Containing approximately fifty million primary sensory receptor cells, this region is highly intricate, being 10,000 times more perceptive than the sense of taste. When compared to sight, we find that olfaction is more complex – it is able to distinguish a nearly infinite number of element compounds at very low concentrations. In order to perceive the visible spectrum, humans use only three types of photoreceptors; in contrast, the sense of smell relies on several hundred distinct classes of receptors.

Modern research has shown natural plant oils stimulate multiple regions in the brain, including those controlling endocrine, immune, and limbic (emotional center) functions. Essential oils have a direct and profound effect on the deepest levels of the body, emotions, and psyche. Through inhalation, essential oils have a strong and immediate influence. Passing through the capillary beds of the sinuses and activating the olfactory nerves, volatile plant oils enter the brain, producing direct and powerful systemic effects – the most immediate being on the emotions. Our emotions and our sense of smell have very strong ties – perhaps more than with any other of the other four senses.

In both Naturopathy and Ayurvedic Medicine (The Science of Life), essential oils are considered to enhance the flow of prana (essential life force), enhance and nourish ojas (sustaining energy and immunological essence), and brighten tejas (clarity and mental luminosity). In Traditional Chinese Medicine, essential oils in general are medicines for the Shen, the spiritual essence that resides in the heart and guides and governs consciousness. Used consciously, essential oils powerfully enhance positive mental and emotional states.

Further, the medicinal properties of essential oils, through their ability to support physiological healing, can also be of great benefit to the heart and mind. A Korean study on the effect of aromatherapy on pain in patients with arthritis found that receiving massage with lavender, marjoram, eucalyptus, rosemary, and peppermint oils significantly decreased both the pain AND mental depression levels.

Following are some oils that have a reputation for up-lifting Shen, enhancing prana, nourishing ojas, and brightening tejas – combinations that may have marked effects on symptoms of depression. These oils can be used alone or in combination in a nebulizing diffuser (producing a fine mist of oils for inhalation), or in aromatherapy massage, thereby inhaled and absorbed through the skin concurrently.

Bergamot (pressed from the peels of bitter oranges) has a strong reputation for its ability to gently uplift. In terms of Chinese medicine, this is a direct result of its smoothing the flow of Liver-Qi (‘Chi’ or Life Force), the liver being thought of as the seat of the eternal soul. Bergamot combines the ability to both relax the nerves and refresh the Spirit; it is suitable for many types of depressive states.

Neroli (from the flower of bitter oranges), like Bergamot, regulates the Qi – and like Jasmine flower oil, comforts the mind and heart. Neroli is called for at a core level, for the type of depression that comes from nervous and emotional exhaustion. Neroli uplifts the mind and Spirit with its potential to nourish and unify. Neroli assists in retrieving and releasing repressed emotions, with potential to nourish and unify a fragmented psyche. Neroli is specifically indicated for individuals who, in order to escape from emotional pain and suffering, cut themselves off from their feelings and senses.

The Chamomiles (German and Roman) are wonderful oils to use when the depression manifests in a moody, irritable, dissatisfied outward expression associated with stagnant Liver-Qi. These flower oils are earthy, rich, and grounding with subtle uplifting qualities.

When depression is of a Fire (overly aggressive) nature, it often involves an imbalance of joy and love – the root emotions of the heart and mind. Joy is an extension of Shen’s (spiritual essence’s) innate sense of harmony and perfection, an experience of emotional and spiritual well-being. The depression that afflicts the heart and Shen involves a loss of one’s natural sense of joy. There is often an accompanied lack of enthusiasm and interest as well as an inability to become inspired. Rose otto – steam distilled rose essential oil – or Rose Absolute may have a profound effect on this state. Rose is thought the premier heart opening aromatic, bringing joy, uplifting and restoring balance.

What follows are a few recipes for uplifting and releasing depressed emotional states – use your intuition to find the right one. Often, the single essential oil or blend you find most attractive will be the one that serves you best. Experiment, explore, and have fun with these fantastic gifts of nature. These blends may be used in a diffuser or candle lamp, unless where a carrier oil is indicated – blends with carriers are intended specifically for aromatherapy massage (self-massage is very effective, as well as a simple massage from a friend or loved one).

For releasing and opening the heart: 1 part Rose 3 parts Sandalwood 1 part Sweet Orange or Bergamot;
3 parts Jasmine 1 part Ylang Ylang 1 part Sandalwood

Brightening, refreshing and uplifting: 3 parts Bergamot 1 part Ylang Ylang 1 part Grapefruit;
2 parts Bergamot 2 parts Clary Sage 1 part Frankincense;
3 parts Bergamot or Sweet Orange 2 parts Clary Sage;
2 parts Frankincense 1 part Lemon 1 part either Jasmine or Neroli

Nourishing: 1 part (Roman) Chamomile 1 part Vanilla 10 parts Carrier oil of choice

Floral and earthy (uplifting and softening to Spirit): 1 part Neroli 1 part Vanilla 1 part Orange 1 part Sandalwood;
1 part Chamomile 1 part Bergamot 1 part Helichrysum

Single oils can also be used, and should be investigated so one can learn the different energies of each plant. For depression associated with negativity: Bergamot, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Neroli, or Sweet Orange. For a profound lack of joy, try Rose, Jasmine, Patchouli, or Ylang Ylang. For overthinking and worry, try Frankincense, Lemon, Marjoram, Myrrh or Vetiver. For pessimism, regret and remorse, try Clary Sage, Cypress, Hyssop, or Pine needle. For doubt of one’s capacity to cope with overwhelming situations, try Juniper Berry.

For cases of moderate to severe depression, professional help should always be sought. It is important to consider if you one requires professional help if the depression is overwhelming – while aromatherapy can provide support in a significant number of situations, it may not be for everyone. Essential oils can safely be used in conjunction with other treatments – consult your care giver to ensure there are no conflicts if medications have been prescribed.

Treating Depression

Health care providers can take care of depressed people. A physician, for one, has also training in treating psychiatric disorders. The same goes with the physician assistant and the nurse practitioner. If the case is severe, these health care providers will automatically refer the patient to mental health specialists.

The mental health specialists are composed of the following: psychiatrist, psychologist, a psychiatric nurse specialist and even a social worker.

The psychiatrist offers treatment and diagnosis for mental and psychiatric patients. A psychologist, on the other hand, is trained for counseling, psychological examination and psychotherapy. The social worker knows counseling to a certain degree, whereas a registered nurse who has taken masterals in psychiatric nursing can help out the patient.

Before the diagnosis can be made, the health care providers or mental health specialists will ask the patient on the following: symptoms, overall health and medical and mental history of the family. A physical exam will be carried out as well as some lab tests.

Depression, being an illness, requires tremendous emotional support from the family. A family member must accompany the patient on doctor visits to give the latter a boost.

During the course of the visit, the doctor will figure out if the case is severe, mild or moderate. Depression is severe if the person experiences all the symptoms and if it keeps him from doing all his daily activities. Moderate, if the person has a lot of the symptoms that it hampers his activities. It can be categorized mild if the person has some of the depression symptoms and if he needs more push to do all the things he needs to do.

No one must underestimate depression. It is a real illness, and therefore the patient needs all the help and attention he can get.

As said earlier, you are not alone in this problem. Fortunately, depression, of all psychiatric illnesses, proves to be one of the most treatable. With proper care, more than 80 percent of those suffering from major depression experience significant improvement. Even those suffering from severe depression can helped. Here are some treatments for depression problems:

Psychotherapy There are many types and methods of therapeutic approaches used for treating depression. The most common types are behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotive therapy, and interpersonal therapy. Approaches also include psychodynamic and family approaches. Both the individual as well as group modalities have been used commonly, but these depend on the severity of one’s depression, the financial resources of the person, and resources that are available locally.

Arguably the most prominent therapy in treating depression, the cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly used for handling the condition. There has been extensive research and medical studies that conducted to check or assess the safety as well as the effectiveness in treating depression using this type of therapy.

Considered the father of cognitive behavioral therapy, many written studies and books support this type of therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy uses simple techniques that focus primarily on the patient’s negative thought patterns. These negative thought patterns are also known as cognitive distortions. A person suffering from depression may from time to time use these cognitive distortions, igniting the condition.

The therapy starts with the establishment of a supportive and warm environment for one suffering from depression. Making the patient learn about how his or her depression problem may be a result of thinking in cognitive distortions is generally the next step. The types of faulty logic and thinking are also discussed in this step (such as “everything or nothing logic,” “blame mis-attribution,” “overgeneralization,” among others) and the person being treated is encouraged to start taking notes of the thoughts he or she has been having as they happen throughout his or her day. This is conducted for the person to understand and realize how often and common this kind of thoughts are occuring.

In this type of therapy, the emphasis is mainly placed on realizing the thoughts as well as the behaviors that are associated with the depression problem rather than on the emotions themselves. The rationale for this emphasis is that is strongly believed that by altering one’s thoughts and consequently, behaviors, his or her emotions will most likely change as well. Because of this type of therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy is often short-term (generally lasts up to a dozen sessions or two only) and best suits people that are experiencing some kind of distress that is related to the depression they are having. Individuals that are able to handle a problem using a perspective that is unique and therefore are most likely cognitively-oriented could also do well under this approach.

Interpersonal therapy, on the other hand, is also a therapy on a short-term basis used for treating depression. In this type of treatment, the focus usually lies on the social relationships of the patient and determine ways in improving these relationships. It is strongly believed that in order to improve the overall well-being of a person (or the patient in the case); he or she needs to have a stable and good social support.

When a person’s relationships become unhealthy, the person would most likely suffer from this problem. This therapy approach then seeks to enrich one’s skills in social relationships, expression of his or her emotions, assertiveness, and communication skills. This type of approach is usually done individually but sometimes can be used also in a setting for group therapy.

Many individual approaches would place importance more on the patient’s active personal involvement in recovering from depression. Persons being treated under an individual approach are usually enticed and encouraged to finish homework assignments between sessions. If the person is not capable yet to join in therapy sessions actively, then his or her therapist could be the one to first provide the patient an environment that supports him or her until the medication starts to help improve his or her state of feelings and mind.

Psychodynamic or psychoanalytic approaches in treating depression currently do not have much research to recommend their use. Although there are some therapists that might use psychodynamic theory in helping conceptualize a patient’s personality, there are some issues raised on how this could prove to be an effective and efficient depression treatment.

Couples or family therapy could also be considered if the depression of the patient directly affects family relationships. These types of therapy focus on the interpersonal relationships among family members. In addition, these approaches seek to ensure good communication in the family. The roles of the family members in a patient’s depression could be examined. Education about the depression problem in general might also be used as part of the family therapy.

Medication The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved numerous medications for treating depression. These drugs have been sorted into classes; each medication has a unique chemical structure which acts on various chemicals present in the brain.

It is necessary to remember that all medications approved by the DFA to treat depression are effective and recommended – they just do not work the same effect for everybody.

You might want to closely work with the doctor in determining which drug is the best for your condition. Sometimes, conditions may involve having more than just one medication; some work with a mixture of medications. This is important: Do not change your medication or discontinue your dosage without asking your doctor.

Treat Depression and Live Healthy

Depression also called as “The Common Cold of Mental Health” is a mental health disorder that affects your body, mood, and thoughts. It even affects your everyday routine like the way you eat, the way you sleep, the way you think, and the way you feel about yourself. The people who’s suffering from depression may experience difficulty with their short term memory. Negative thoughts and thinking also occurs in their mind. They always feel that they are sad and hopeless and the results of these are poor self esteem, excessive guilt and self-criticism. When they reached their serious depression, they have self-destructive thoughts. For some people, because of the negative emotions being experienced, they lack motivation and concentration they no longer enjoy activities that they once found pleasant experienced.

Some types of depression run in families, indicating that a biological vulnerability to depression can be inherited. This seems to be the case especially with bipolar disorder. Studies have been done of families in which members of each generation develop bipolar disorder. The investigators found that those with the illness have a somewhat different genetic makeup than those who do not become ill. However, the reverse is not true. That is, not everybody with the genetic makeup that causes vulnerability to bipolar disorder has the illness. Apparently, additional factors, possibly a stressful environment, are involved in its onset.

Psychotherapy can help treat depression. A significant number (50 percent) of patients with mild to moderate forms of depression obtain substantial symptom relief with psychotherapy. Many patients begin to feel the effects of psychotherapy in the first few weeks. Full remission rather than improvement is the objective of treatment. If there is no symptom improvement at all within 6 weeks, the choice of treatment modality should be reevaluated. For patients who improve but who are still symptomatic after 12 weeks, treatment with medication is a strong consideration.

Maintenance Antidepressant medication is the most commonly known treatment strategy for mental health disorders. How do they work? It depends on the type of antidepressant. Basically, depression medicines alter brain chemistry by effecting neurotransmitters, the brain’s chemical substances which are responsible for various functions within the body. Anti-depressants are also used to treat other psychiatric and medical conditions. To obtain medications for depression, you need a prescription from a doctor, which can be filled at a pharmacy. A common mistake is stopping antidepressant medications without talking to your doctor first. Many people stop because of side effects and never talk to their doctor about other options. Now there are many different types of medicine for depression. Sometimes it may take several tries to find the right anti depression medication for you. The best antidepressant will be prescribed based on many factors such as the symptoms you’re experiencing, other medicines you’re taking, other medical conditions you have and the antidepressant’s potential side effects.

Transforming your thoughts is key for dealing with depression

The Greatest Teacher that ever lived once said: “As a Man thinks in his heart so is he”. What you constantly think of a situation is quite inevitably what becomes of it; therefore it is paramount that in any and every situation our thinking should be positive.

If there is one fact that religion, science and psychology seem to agree on, it is that the mind is indeed the most powerful force in the world. Yoga sages have stated that whoever can control the mind is indeed a powerful human being.

That said, it is obvious that in coping with stress and dealing with depressive situations, one should make every step to think positively as perhaps the first weapon to combat negative challenges.

Friends, everything starts with a thought.

Moreover, thoughts have the innate ability of phenomenally materializing into what it is that is projected in your mind. Consequently, it will be safe to say we should all make attempts to change our mental habits to belief instead of disbelief as much as possible. This of course will be most paramount when seeking ways to overcoming depression.

Characterized by feelings of worthlessness, doubt, pessimism, if we allow depressive thoughts to constantly permeate our minds, they could actually gain the ability to diffuse into our speech and actions and consequently could aggravate the very situations and challenges one is facing that may be causing depressive thoughts in the first place.

When dealing with problems arising from depression, the famous psychologist-William James has this cryptic quote to say: “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking or challenging situation is the one thing that insures a successful outcome at the end”

This reminds me of another powerful verse in the Bible found in Mark 4 verse 23: “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes”.

Combining the gist and effect of both quotes, one can see that it is imperative to believe in and expect the best in any situation one may be going through. In so doing you will bring everything into the realm of possibility and success.

In no way does this mean that we should sit back and just expect things to miraculously change. It means we must change our thought processes about our situations first, perform the actions that will lead us to and keep us on the path to success at overcoming our challenges and as words, thoughts and actions have an effect on each other as factors, one is also advised to constantly speak positively about what challenges one may be facing.

Combining all three factors will greatly help in making sure each component (most importantly our thoughts) remains positively tuned towards overcoming our depression.

My friends, although it may not always be an easy journey to overcome our challenges, I would like you to remember this quote as well “Life’s problems are like knives, which either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle: Grasp a difficulty or problem by the blade and it cuts; grasp it by the handle and you can use it constructively”

Take the quote above into consideration and keep it in mind my friend as THE reason to constantly have faith and to hope for the best when it comes to dealing with depression. It is perhaps the one thing that will ensure success at the end.

Natural Depression Remedies

Most cases of depression if not all can be helped with treatment, but many people are too scared to seek treatment. They may be afraid of the questions that a therapist might ask, or they may be afraid of the medication that is designed to help with depression, but untreated depression is a very dangerous thing. There are some natural remedies that can at least help with depression. It is best to talk to a doctor before following a natural course of treatment for depression.

5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP, is a supplement that works to boost the serotonin levels of the body. Studies have not produced conclusive results yet, however it is known that 5-HTP should not be used in conjunction with antidepressants.

Alternative Medicine
There are natural remedies like yoga, color therapy, flower therapy, aromatherapy and acupuncture or acupressure that can have some effect. These effects vary from person to person, so try to see if any appeal to you and check them out if you are interested.

It might be hard to hear that giving up your beloved coffee or your daily sweets might help you feel better, but removing sweets from your diet can help to keep your mood more stable, preventing the false highs and exaggerated lows as your blood sugar soars and then plummets.

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also both help, as both of these dampen moods. The alcohol is a relaxant while the caffeine is an energy booster, but the effects of both quickly wear off leaving us feeling worse than ever and producing symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, mood swings and even depression.

Since vitamin B6 and Magnesium can both be gotten from your diet and can help you keep your natural serotonin levels up, it is important to add food to your diet that include one or both of these. Magnesium can be found in nuts, whole grains, legumes and vegetables. As a side effect, eating healthier can also help your depression by helping you to feel healthier and boosting your self-image.

Like diet, exercise is something that most of us avoid as much as possible when we are depressed, preferring inactivity and isolation. Regular exercise, however, can boost your mood by eliminating the stress hormones in your body as well as by boosting your own self image as you begin to look and feel better. Exercise itself releases mood-boosting chemicals in your brain, and gives you something productive and hopefully fun to focus your mind on.

Folic Acid
Folic Acid or Folate is a particular kind of B vitamin that is often found to be deficient in depressed people. You can get Folate from eating leafy greens as well as some beans or fortified grains. It is a very common deficiency because of poor diet, certain medical conditions, and various medications such as birth control pills that eliminate it in the body.

Light Therapy
Getting enough sunlight is a natural mood booster, and a lack of sunlight can lead to depression. Getting out in the air and the sunlight for a walk or a run or other exercise can be helpful to boost your mood and can be a double-threat to depression because you are getting exercise as well. If you cannot get out in the sunlight for any reason or if you can’t get enough sunlight, you can use lamps that simulate natural sunlight to help you boost your mood with this light therapy. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen to protect your skin while you are out on your walks.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish like salmon, and offer many benefits including improved mental functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids can be used in conjunction with antidepressants to help these medications function more effectively. Depression is less common in countries like Taiwan and Japan, which have a culture that consumes much more fish.

SAM-e is short for S-adenosyl-L-methionine, and is a chemical that is found naturally in the body. It has been shown in studies to be more effective than a placebo at treating depression, and is available in the United States as an over the counter supplement in health food stores and drug stores as well as online. It is somewhat expensive, but it can be argued that it is worth the expense as long as it helps.

St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is traditionally used for worry, nervousness, poor sleep and sadness. Over 20 clinical trials conducted to date suggest that St. John’s Wort is about as effective as medication for mild to moderate depression, although it is not effective in severe cases.

Tips To Beating Depression

Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy.

That’s OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have something to contrast your happiness with. What is black without white?

Even though you know that sadness is a part of life, let’s try to make it a small part of life.

With that said, here are a few tips to help you feel better when you are feeling down in the dumps. They are easy to do, easy to practice every day and they work!

1. Stand up straight, sit up straight. When your body is in alignment your energy can flow and when your energy is flowing freely, you can flow.

2. Smile! Yes, just smile. Easy to do and effective.

3. Repeat positive affirmations. Things like “I feel good”, “Positive energy flows through my body”, “I see the good in all”.

4. Listen to some music that you like. It doesn’t have to be anything specific, just something you enjoy. Certain types of music work better than others, but experiment and see what works for you. Studies have shown that Classical music and new age music work best.

5. Take some time out for yourself, relax and read a book, do something for yourself.

6. Meditate. Meditation is an excellent habit to develop. It will serve you in all that you do. If you are one who has a hard time sitting still, then try some special meditation CDs that coax your brain into the meditative state. Just search for “Meditation music” on Google or Yahoo and explore.

Our outside work is simply a reflection of our inside world. Remember there is no reality just your perception of it. Use this truth to your advantage. Whenever you are sad, realize that it is all in your mind and you do have the power to change your perception.

These tips will lift you up when you are down, but don’t just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them everyday, make them a habit. You will be surprised at how these simple exercises will keep the rainy days away.

On a final note, if you are in a deep depression that you can’t seem to shake, please go see a doctor. This is your life and don’t take any chances.

Tips On How To Eradicate Depression

This article is all about beating depression. I am a person who suffered from long bouts of depression, however after deciding to change my whole outlook on life, I now have a much happier, successful and stress-free life. I will explain how I went about achieving this new life.

As I grew older and especially when I was in my early twenties, I used to always compare my life with other people I knew, for example my friends. It seemed to me that my life was so much more of a struggle than what their’s was and that most of these people had so much more going for them and so much more to look forward to than I did.

I was not happy at the hand of cards I had been dealt and would regularly be down in the dumps, feeling sorry for myself. I had a number of issues in my life which had a major impact on my self-confidence and self-esteem, which would also lead me into depression. This issues including a weight problem, a stutter, a bald patch on my head and I am quite short in height compared to the average man.

I was in a regular state of depression and found it very difficult to pull my self out of it. The stress for example of socialising when you have a stutter and trying to gain employment would take a lot out of me. My hair started to turn grey when I was only twenty-one years of age.

I was not content at always being depressed and at the age of twenty-two, I decided to attempt to change my whole life. I had to have a whole new approach and a totally different thought process, in a nutshell I needed to chill out, think in a far more positive way and learn how to de-stress.

This was not going to be easy however it was essential to do. I started to read many self-help type books and books about eradicating depression. I learnt many things such as worrying about a situation makes it even harder, not easier and that in life all you can do is to try your best, therefore whatever the outcome you can feel proud that you gave it your best shot. It is also important to remember that we only live once and that that life could come to an end tomorrow, therefore we should treat every day as if it is the last and to enjoy ourselves.

The main change I made was that I started to think and compare my life to people I was reading about in the newspapers or watching on the television instead of comparing my life to my friends for example. From learning about countries in the third world and reading about certain disasters and terrorist acts, I realised what a fool I had been and that I was actually one of the lucky ones. If and when I start feeling down or depressed, I quickly switch on the news and it soon shakes me out of that temporary depressive state.

Things You Need To Know About Depression Support Groups

How many times has some one asked you “how’s life?” Though this may sound like a rhetorical question, but in some cases it should be asked. Believe it or not, many folks struggle with everyday life. Perhaps you might ask yourself why. For starters, there are many possible reasons. Their anguish could concern a death in the family, a difficult separation, or possibly even the stresses of daily life. Apart from of the cause, the affliction should be treated immediately. This is the reason why depression support groups are so accessible in recent times. It’s time to take life by the horns again, and get a grip on your somber emotions. Life is just too short to be wasted being miserable.

Have you ever attended any depression support groups? These sure aren’t anything to be ashamed of. In today’s newer generations, we can see our children are being faced with increasingly problems that may result in them being dejected or feeling alone. The answer to banishing this dilemma is through depression support groups. With the power of dialogue and understanding together, depression can certainly be dealt with. Back in the day when I was in high school, one of my dear friends suffered from severe depression after her mother died. Who could blame the girl? Sure this kind of tragedy can indeed affect one’s childhood. At first she began to sleep a lot, and even avoided going to school as much as possible. Later on she took to drugs and drinking. At the end her parents checked into depression support groups and sought her help. After a while she was able to deal with her tragedy and move ahead. Although we obviously can’t forget something so devastating, we can still look forward to living a wonderful life. It’s all about dealing with it properly.

A word of advice, you may want to look into depression support groups especially if someone you know is withdrawn from society and family. There are signs to watch for concern, these include sleeping all the time, not eating, nor wanting to leave the house, and even drinking or drug use. The above are all common signs of depression. If you have a child that fits that description, then it’s time to consider depression support groups to be of assistance. Hop online and find depression support groups in your local area. The key here is getting assistance in time. There certainly is no time to waste. With the power of the World-Wide-Web at your very fingertips, you can get help for depression right now, and get back the life you can’t live without!

Hope In Managing Your Depression And Fears

When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is hope in dealing with your fears and depression. For instance, there is much help available in today’s society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them. As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears and anxieties.

You never know when the answers your looking for will come to your doorstep. Even if the thing that you feared does happen, there are circumstances and factors that you can’t predict which can be used to your advantage. These factors can change everything. Remember: we may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, your afraid that if you do not get that job promotion then you will be stuck at your job forever. This depresses you, however your thinking in this situation is unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that there all are kinds of jobs available and just because you don’t get this job promotion doesn’t mean that you will never get one. In addition, people change jobs all the time, and you always have that option of going elsewhere if you are unhappy at your present location.

Some people get depressed and have a difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do to get their mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. Doing something will get your mind off of the problem and give you confidence to do other things.

Seek help from God. You might of heard this before, however have you tried asking God for help? Praying and talking to God about your problem can be effective. Although the answers might not come to you right away, you can’t go wrong on relying on God. You never know how God will work in ones life. All you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take it in stride by using the help of God. God will help us through our problems if we ask him.

As a Layman and author of an anxiety book, I have done many interviews with various counselors in how to manage fear, anxiety and depression. The techniques that I have just covered are some basic ways to manage your depression, however your best bet is to get some help from a professional and not to lose hope. Eventually, you will find the answers you are looking for.

Natural Remedy For Depression

If you have ever been fighting depression, how many times has a friend or colleague told you to snap out of it and thought they were solving the problem. Well depression isn’t like that. It is a deeply rooted problem that will not be cured overnight with some simple advice from someone that is not dealing with your real feelings. But that is to say that a solution to depression can be improved with the way you think and live your daily life.

Positive Thinking

Negative thinking can play such an overwhelming feeling in being depressed. One of the natural remedy for depression is positive thought. I know from personal experiences that negative thoughts can be hard to shake off. They are sometimes constantly there in your mind making me feel depressed. Gradually it the feelings get worse until you are eventually consumed with negative thinking. This will happen from the moment you wake, to when it is time to sleep at night. And you can’t sleep because you are depressed. When you can’t sleep you get tired. Tired and depressed. Even worse, it is a vicious cycle to be in. Everything that happens during your day becomes depressing and you always look for the negatives of everything around you. It is almost impossible to see any of the positives.

Medication may be the answer for a person that is diagnosed with say, a chemical imbalance, but the power of thought can be very strong if you practice positive thinking. But it’s a lot more than just telling yourself to snap out of it. Rest assured there will still be plenty of bad days. You need to tell yourself to have less bad days and more of the good ones. The more you reinforce this by telling yourself you will be surprised at the results. Positive thought is a very powerful natural remedy for depression.


Gratitude is something that most people forget in their lives and it is all part of positive thinking. Try this. The first thing that you think about when you wake in the morning and your last thoughts when you go to bed at night should be about all the good things that have happened to you this day and every other. Think about the compliments that you have received by others and all of your achievements past and present. Think about what you have gained in life already.
If it helps maybey write down all of these things and keep a copy beside your bed to use as a reminder. Keep adding to it when something positive happens to you.
We sometimes forget what we already have and become very ungrateful. Giving gratitude to what we already have is a great way the think positively and it is a good natural remedy for depression.


Start to exercise, even if it is a casual walk. Exercise can be a great natural remedy for depression. The only downside is that when you are in a state of depression you don’t feel like you have the energy to exercise. You have to push yourself and although it will be hard to start, once you begin you will find the energy. The more strenuous the exercise the better you will feel.


Lastly, eat the best food you can find. Get rid of the fast food and junk food. Have a good diet including lots of fruit and vegetables. You might be very surprised at how much better you will feel in a short space of time and how much more energy you will have. Good food in small portions is another natural remedy for depression.

The Vicious Cycle Of Depression

Something in modern society is pushing more and more people to experience clinical depression. The statistics differ, but a rough estimate of 20% is considered accurate for the population of the US. The time period for the depression is generally not very long, but that does not mean it is not a danger. The number of people who have experienced clinical depression has never been this high before. The fact that depression brings about a number of dangerous side effects, such as insomnia, only makes the numbers that much more worrying. There are studies focused on finding the cause of the increasing number of clinically depressed people, but are comparatively less studies focused on finding ways to alleviate the problem.

Perhaps the lack of studies dedicated to treating depression stems from the fact that there are already anti-depressants on the market that are effective. At least, they’re effective according to the statistics. As for the common side effects, there are sleeping pills that can help with insomnia. There are also drugs that can be used to treat most of the physical side effects associated with depression. However, these drugs tend to be difficult to obtain over-the-counter, which puts things into an interesting situation. Most people tend not to recognize by themselves that they are experiencing depression, which means that while they might treat the side effects, they’re ignoring the heart of the matter. In addition, not all of the side effects of depression are treatable by medications, such as the changes in body temperature.

Another problem is that the side effects have a tendency to form a vicious cycle that makes prolonged depression worsen. For example, one of the common causes of depression comes in the form of anxiety disorders, typically social anxiety. It has been documented that social anxiety can worsen with the onset of depression, sometimes resulting in total social withdrawal for short intervals. In another tangent, insomnia – another common side effects – can also worsen a person’s depressed state. As the lack of sleep starts to interfere with the patient’s already shaky ability to perform socially and professionally, the already-fragile self-confidence starts to fracture even more. This can cause the person’s already shaky state of mental health to be damaged to the breaking point, possibly resulting in a total nervous breakdown.

However, some people have also made the mistake of connecting insomnia directly to depression. While being depressed can have physical effects on the body that can trigger insomnia, it is by no means the absolute cause. According to most studies on the matter, insomnia is a physical condition, one that is more likely to be affected by factors such as a person’s diet than an anxiety disorder. However, the popular perception that insomnia is linked to depression can sometimes cause a person to develop the latter. There are several factors that have to be considered, such as whether or not the insomnia has caused a dip in the person’s social standing, but the connection is a possibility.

A common effect of both depression and insomnia is the unusual body temperature that both conditions cause. In a normal human body, the body temperature rises and falls depending on a number of factors. Physical activity, environmental factors, and even intense mental activity can cause changes in the body temperature of a normal person. However, depression and insomnia patients both exhibit signs that their body temperatures remain flat regardless of internal or external factors. This only furthers the connection that people make between the two conditions, which can sometimes make one problem lead to another.

The Ups And Downs Of Depression

Clinical depression is known to impact the lives of one out of every six people in their lifetime. But the sad reality is that the medical community still does not entirely understand exactly what causes depression to occur in one person and not in another.

Yes, we do know that depression is hereditary.

Depression can often be found to run throughout the generations of the same family invading the DNA molecules which make up a particular family’s genes. This causes the family members to be more susceptible to depression.

However, there is another school of thought that says perhaps the real reason we see depression run in families is that it is also environmental in that it all depends on how the children are raised. If they see the affects of depression encroaching on the lives of their family and they see the results then they will learn to deal with life the very same way.

Even though we are quite clear that depression runs in families, depression is also seen in those without any family history. Stress resulting from a variety of issues, trauma, or even prescription medications or illegal drugs have all been known to cause depression.

Riding the ups and downs of depression can leave you even more exhausted that the last wave of depression you faced. Depression is known to run in cycles. You may feel completely fine one day and the next day you may be completely and utterly unable to get yourself out of the bed and out of your night clothes. The dramatic ranges of emotions are well documented in cases of depression.

Many healthcare providers and scientist alike believe that many suffering with depression manifest a chemical imbalance of Norepinephrine and Serotonin which are the feel good neurotransmitters found in the central nervous system and in the brain.

These neurotransmitters work to help control feelings of happiness and well being. The neurotransmitter Norepinephrine is thought to be a stress hormone; while Serotonin is thought to control hunger, overall moods, sleep and sexual feelings.
When these chemicals get out of whack they are thought to cause depression.

So if you think about it, when these neurotransmitters are out of balance it only makes sense that the roller coaster ride of depression would result. As these levels of these chemical rises and falls thereto go the emotions and feelings associated with them.

The real question is why do some people experience peaks and valleys with their chemical make up while others seem to be more stable. Again, it begs the question is it really the environment in which you were raised or is it truly the ebb and flow of the neurotransmitters that alter feelings causing the dramatic impact of depression.

Do you mirror your family because that is all you know how to do, it is the only way you know to respond or is it that you are genetically and chemically bound to your family and because of that simply have no choice of being impacted by depression.

We need more research and time to study this issue before there is a definitive answer. What we do know is that regardless of the reason why, we do know that depression tends to run in families and if you have a family member that has dealt with the issue then you should be aware of the possibility that you too could be fighting the same battle one day.

Be aware, seek help early and learn what you can do in order to prevent depression before it takes control of your life.

The Ups and Downs of Atypical Depression

Atypical depression, a subtype of major depression, is the most common form of depression today. People who suffer atypical depression exhibit all the normal symptoms of depression but they also react to external positive experiences in a positive way. Atypical depression sufferers respond to their environment, enjoying the company of friends but slipping back into deep depression when alone or faced with a stressful situation. It is this aspect of atypical depression that differentiates it from melancholic depression in which external positive experiences still result in depressed feelings.

People who suffer from atypical depression also exhibit other symptoms that aren’t normally associated with “normal” depression including:

• Increase in appetite with a weight gain of ten or more pounds.
• Hypersomnia -over sleeping of more than 10 hours per day.
• Leaden paralysis of the arms and legs
• Long term pattern of sensitivity to rejection in personal situations that causes social or work related withdrawal.

In 1998 Dr. Andrew A. Nierenberg, associate director of the depression clinical and research program at Massachusetts General Hospital, published a study that found 42% of participants suffered from atypical depression, 12% had melancholic depression, 14% had both depression subtypes and the remaining did not suffer from depression.

Studies have also found that atypical depression begins earlier in a person’s life than other forms of depression with most sufferers beginning to show symptoms in their teenage years. Those who suffer from atypical depression are also at greater risk of suffering from other mental disorders such as social phobias, avoidant personality disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. Atypical depression is more prevalent in females than males as well, with nearly 70% of it’s sufferers being women.

Treating atypical depression is an ongoing process. Research has shown that MAOIs such as Nardil or Parnate work reasonably well as do the newer SSRI medications (Lexapro, Prozac, Zoloft). Most patients prefer the SSRIs because they do not exhibit the unpleasant side affects of the MAOIs.

It is also important that if you or someone you know suffers from atypical depression that you or they seek psychiatric help. Atypical depression is not easy to diagnose the treatment choices can vary from patient to patient. A general care practitioner does not have the expertise to differentiate between the subtypes of depression and may not know the best course of treatment for their patient.

The Truth About Depression

You’ve probably seen the commercials on television talking about the “you” you used to be before depression set in. Such commercials are generally aired by drug companies promoting an anti-depressant. But what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not everyone who feels down or blue is suffering from depression. You need to know the facts about depression before you and your doctor determine you are indeed suffering from this illness.

That’s right. Depression is a real mental illness that often requires anti-depressants or therapy to relieve symptoms. You can’t fix depression by yourself, and without treatment, you’ll likely face an uphill battle you probably aren’t going to win. More than 18 million people a year—or nine and a half percent of adults in America—are diagnosed with some sort of depressive illness such as depression.

The first thing you need to know are some of the symptoms that are common with depression. Symptoms include: feeling persistently sad or anxious, being overcome by hopelessness or pessimism, loss of interest in things you normally enjoy, having a lack of energy, feeling excessively tired, having difficulty making decisions or concentrating, insomnia, sleeping too much, excessive weight gain, excessive weight loss, irritability, restlessness and thoughts of suicide. If you’ve experienced any, most or all of these symptoms for a period of two weeks or more, you’re likely to be suffering from clinical depression.

What causes depression? In some instances, depression is genetic and is passed from generation to generation while others who suffer from depression will find there is no history of depression in their families. If you tend to have low-self esteem or you generally are pessimistic, you may be prone to depression. Many changes—such as death in the family, illness, financial difficulties and other stressors—can also be the root cause of depression.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to see a doctor to discuss treatment options. Once your doctor diagnoses depression and eliminates any other possible causes, you and he will determine the best treatment option for you. Antidepressants are often the most chosen form of therapy, and it’s important to know—no matter what antidepressant you go on, you must be sure you never just stop taking them. Simply stopping medication can have severe consequences.

If you take an anti-depressant, you may experience any of a series of side effects including dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, dizziness, sexual problems, headache, nausea, nervousness and insomnia. If the side effects are too severe, seek your doctor’s advice.

The good news is, if you’re suffering from depression, you’re not alone. You can get help. There are people who understand and who can help you and your family learn to make things better. The key is to seek help, and before you know it you’ll be on the path to happier times.

Really Great Depression

For almost 10 years, from 1929 to the late into the 1930’s the word went into a massive economic decline. The entire world was hit with the decline, however the most industrialized nations were hit the hardest. These nations included the United States, Europe and Japan. Due to the nature of the depression economies that were built around industry were hit the hardest.

Although every industry was during these years, industries such as agriculture were hit less hard due to the fact that they remain basic necessities no matter what the economic situation of an economy is. This doesn’t speak true however for industries such as construction which come to a complete halt when there is no economic activity.

The two main causes for the great depression was the vast unequal distribution of wealth during the 1920’s as well as extensive stock market speculation that started to take prominence the the later 1920’s. Imbalance in wealth creates a largely unstable economy, and this resulted in several parts of the world. During the 1920’s because it was the biggest boom the United States economy had ever seen, the stock market, despite speculation, remained artificially high. Once the legs fell out from underneith the stock market, the unstable economy (created from the maldistribution of wealth) made the entire economy of America to collapse.

America right now looks to be headed in the same direction once again: the gap is growing between the rich and poor, and we are again in a major bust where we the majority of us are living beyond our means. Will history repeat itself? Are we smart enough to avoid another great depression? These are both questions that we will probably see answered in our lifetime.

Self Destruction

Rock Stars…we are fascinated by them as much as we idolize Hollywood celebrities. We listen to their music, buy the CDs, hang their posters on every wall of our room, watch them at MTV, and go to their concerts. We idolized them so much that we often see them as demi-gods. But beneath all that fame and fortune that the world of rock and roll had given them, many of these rock stars are on the path to self-destruction.

Often, being a rock star would also mean that they are associated with substance abuse and drug overdose such as the case of Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, among others. It is a merry-go-round of money, adulation, traveling, and being in the media. Like other human beings, these demi-gods of rock music are also susceptible to pain and depression. Drugs and alcohol — two things that get them going, two substances that were supposed to ease their pains and worries… are the same poisons that would ruin their lives.

Perhaps, we tend to forget that they just like the rest of us — real people with real problems. Despite having multiple sexual partners, enormous amounts of money, and popularity… deep down they all want just to be loved. Even famous people suffer from loneliness and crave for love in the truest sense of the word. They want to be loved for who they really are and not for the famous persona they have created as rock artists.

Like Joplin and Morrison, there are other music legends who have been immortalized through their songs. Kurt Cobain and Ian Curtis, both young and musically gifted, were in the peak of their careers when they decided to end their lives. Cobain and his band Nirvana were known for introducing the “grunge sound.” For his part, Curtis and the rest of Joy Division had left a legacy through the song “Love will Tear Us Apart.” Despite the appearance of “having it all”, these artists were unhappy and tortured psychologically and emotionally. Even with all their external success and public acclaim, Cobain shot himself and Curtis committed suicide by hanging.

What made them that way? Self-destructive people are aware of their faults. They can be self-critical of their work and often think that they are not good enough, creative enough, or smart enough. They can be displeased with their personality or can be burdened by their own perfectionism. In many cases, self-destruction leads to suicide or having suicidal tendencies.

Most who struggle with thoughts of suicide and other forms of self-destruction usually exhibit some or all of the following behavior:

Too much smoking
Being stress out always
Drinking a lot
Having a lot of casual sex
Not getting enough rest and sleep
Not seeing a doctor or ignoring the doctor’s orders

Self-destructive people are more focused on the “outer universe and have lost sight of the need to have a sense of internal peace and self-worth. Unfortunately, for many rock stars like Cobain, their legacy will be more about their tragic end rather than about their music.

Legged Man Who Beat Cancer and Depression

Imagine that you are 28 years old, full of vim and vigor, and so full of excitement and promise about life. But also try to think of how you will react when doctors tell you that your right knee must be amputated to prevent cancer from spreading throughout your body. Would you cry in sadness or scream in anger? Probably, most people would wail and ask the proverbial question, “Why me?”

But one man named Terry Fox did exactly the opposite. Instead of thinking about the amputation as a disability, he saw it as an opportunity to rise to yet another challenge. While his cancer made him realize that death could come soon, he turned that grim reminder of human mortality into a lofty dream. Terry Fox, despite having only one normal leg and a prosthesis, decided to run across Canada to raise money to fund cancer research. Hailed as the greatest Canadian hero of modern times, Terry was often quoted as saying that his pain in running was nothing compared to the agony experienced by others like him who suffered from cancer.

Aside from the physical pain caused by cancer, many patients also struggle with depression. Terry Fox mentioned to his friends how difficult it was for him to run what has been called a “Marathon of Hope.” He said that, at different segments of the run, he felt physical pain yet the emotional torment was also equally excruciating, if not more so. Yet that challenge did not deter him from pursuing his dream of raising one dollar each from every Canadian. At that time, the total population of Canada was 24 million.

His quest actually began from a car accident that caused an injury to his right knee. After a few months, he visited doctors to complain about a persistent pain on the said knee. When the test results came in, Terry Fox was shocked by the diagnosis — he had cancer in his knee called osteosarcoma, a disease whose origins or causes are still unknown. To prevent the spread of the cancer, the doctors amputated his right leg just a few inches above the affected knee. At first, Terry Fox found the leg surgery very difficult to accept since he was a gifted athlete who excelled in water sports, soccer, basketball, rugby, and baseball. Having a physical disability was not exactly something that crossed his mind since he was very active and sports-driven even from a young age. For quite some time, he was weighed down physically and emotionally by the disease and the amputation of his leg.

Terry Fox, instead of being totally devastated by his physical condition, decided to do something about cancer. He decided that he would raise money by running across Canada. On April 12, 1980, Terry began his long journey in Newfoundland. His marathon inspired many people who willingly donated money to support his cause. After 143 days of running, he had already covered 5, 375 kilometers. He could not, however, finish the cross-country marathon because the doctors were able to detect that his cancer had already spread to his lungs. His run ended on August 31 ended in Ontario, upon his doctor’s advice. During treatment, Terry Fox died after slipping into a comma. During his hospilization, many groups of followers and fans organized a telethon to support the Terry’s Marathon of Hope.

Terry’s emotional stability and mental fortitude enabled him to run thousands of miles for a worthy cause. While he himself was not able to benefit from new medical research on curing cancer, his heroic act was able to achieve his goal — 24 million dollars to fund cancer research. For his incredible feat, Terry Fox was awarded as the youngest recipient of the Order of Canada, one of the most prestigious awards in Canada, at that time.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute estimates that at least 25 percent of cancer patients have problems with emotional distress that is largely attributed to the fear of death. The prospect of dying brings such a great burden of loneliness, despair, and fear. Uncertainties about the future, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite all contribute to the increase of stress and anxiety. Some patients even need to take antidepressant prescriptions just to control their enormous distress, which is really quite understandable considering that cancer is one of the most debilitating diseases known to man.

Terry Fox was able to beat cancer and depression by not allowing himself to fall into despair. After his death, the Marathon of Hope was continued by many followers who believed in his cause. To date, more than 300,000 runners have participated in the yearly event organized in Canada and 60 other countries around the world. Over the years, the Marathon of Hope that was started by a one-legged man who said no to disease and depression had already earned $360 million dollars for cancer research.

Old Age of Depression Cometh

With age, the old saying goes, comes wisdom. Many years of experience and many more years of reflection and self-reflection supposedly result in people becoming much wiser over the years. This wisdom and knowledge is hard-earned, derived from a lifetime worth of hard work and facing up to the stress and pressure that life regularly throws at people. Granted, most of this knowledge and wisdom tends to be overlooked and, in some cases, can be totally irrelevant to the situation at hand, but should not be so easily dismissed. However, according to a number of recent studies, depression and suicide also appear to come with age. It appears that older generations are more likely to take their own lives, with the number expected to increase as the “baby boomer” generation gets older.

The elderly, statistically, are the most likely segment of the general public to commit suicide. Across the United States, the statistics prove this as a harsh fact and not merely some sort of passing trend. While the rate of 11 per 100,000 people may seem rather low, it really isn’t. Once one considers the relative population of the US, 11 suicide cases for every 100,000 people can roughly equate to 11 people taking their own lives along the average New York City block every year. Note that this statistic only covers the elderly (60 and above) and not any other segments that have suicide statistics. This statistic is only a rough estimate, with some organizations putting the number at 14 for every 100,000 people as being more accurate.

However, the alarming number of cases is not the only concern here. Another thing worth noting would be the fact that most prevention programs don’t really reach out to the elderly. Most hotlines dedicated to helping people get over thoughts of the suicidal sort target younger groups in high-pressure situations, such as women experiencing emotional crises and college students buckling under the strain of academic pressure. There are millions of dollars being spent on these groups, with young adults and teenagers being the primary target of the government’s allotted $84 million budget for the problem.

The relative lack of concern for the elderly in the US has led to higher suicide rates, some groups believe. With people finding less and less time to actually visit the elderly in their family, employment opportunities being closed off in favor of younger employees, and the onset of a general feeling of uselessness, things often look bleak — at least, in the view of the depressed senior citizens. In a culture that places an excessive value on being productive at work, being retired can often be an unwelcome situation, sometimes bringing about depression.

There are worries about the number of these cases going up as the “baby boomer” generation comes into old age. Another worry comes in the form of just how under-diagnosed the psychological condition actually is. There are so many out there who experience the condition that are not diagnosed or treated properly, with people essentially ignoring the signs or are entirely unaware of them. At the moment, some agencies are training government employees who come into regular contact with the elderly, such as postal carriers, to be able to detect possible signs of the problem and report them to the appropriate agencies.

How You Can Deal With Depressions

The knowledge about the Law of Attraction has become the focus point of many conversations. Many people feel a positive influence in their life because of the power of the Law of Attraction and how one can make it work in the right direction.

Learning about this cosmic law has helped countless persons to make deliberate decisions when it comes to improve their health.

A person that is suffering from depressions often feels that there is no hope of getting better. The quality of life is often at an all time low. If this has been your experience you may want to read on and find out what you can do.

Going to a doctor may be of some help but according to some statistics almost half of the people who are on medication for depression did not need the medication to get well.

When you use the power of the Law of Attraction you can take the first steps to feel better yourself. You are not dependent on any external help because you can use the power of the Law of Attraction anytime you want to. You can choose the live that you want to live. It is you who creates what you want when you know about the Law of Attraction. You can be a deliberate creator of your own life experience.

Here are 3 simple steps that can help you along the way when using the power of the cosmic laws:

1. Meditations are important they will help you to relax and to connect to source energy. You can meditate daily and in a quiet place without distractions. One session should last for about 15 minutes or more. When you are doing your meditation sessions try to turn off any noise if possible. Radio, TV and telephones should be turn off. There are instructions available of how to do your meditation and how to get the most out of it.

2. The Law of Attraction responds to your vibrations and emotions. What ever kind of vibration and emotion you have the Law of Attraction will bring more of that back to you. Here is the key to a happier life. You now can deliberately create a happier life with the Law of Attraction. Look at funny movies or movies with a happy ending, avoid watching violent or sad movies. Try to avoid people that may make you feel down. Create pleasant and peaceful surroundings. Listen to soothing back ground music while taking a relaxing bath. Enjoy an afternoon with a warm cup of coffee while reading a good book. Whatever will make you feel better do it!

3. Do your affirmations to program your subconscious mind. You can say these affirmations daily. Choose an affirmation for example like: “I am feeling good and I am happy. I love my life”. You can choose any affirmation that will help in the process of getting well. Affirmations are tools to work on your subconscious mind to achieve any goal that you have.

These are just a few tips to get you started to feel better and to improve your well being.

Depending on how severe your depression may be you may still have to seek professional help. You may have to talk to a therapist to help with your condition. The Law of Attraction however will help you to make the first important steps. The daily exercise will speed up the recovery process and you may eventually live without having depression. Knowing how the Law of Attraction works will help you in this endeavor.

The Great Depression

Depression has always been a problem everybody has struggled to deal with at one point of their lives or another. Approximately fifteen percent of Americans have experienced it. Ninety percent of people of commit suicide have depression if not other diagnosable mental disorder.

It’s natural to speak of how “depressed” people are. However, the occasional sadness everyone feels due to life’s disappointments is very different from the serious illness caused by a brain disorder. Depression profoundly impairs the ability to function in everyday situations by affecting moods, thoughts, behaviors, and physical well-being. Manic depression, now more commonly known as bipolar disorder, is a condition where a person can be depressed and lethargic one minute, elated and overactive the next. Prominent figures such as Virginia Woolf, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, to name a few, have been clearly diagnoses with having such a condition.

Virginia Woolf, the writer who came up with the famous novels: Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Orlando, was said to have had manic depression at an early age. She was driven to depression by incidents of deaths in the family and sexual abuse from her half brothers, After multiple breakdowns, she had been admitted to a nursing home to have people look after her. She was given antidepressants to get her to sleep. She attempted suicide by overdosing on her medication but was successfully revived. She recovered from her depression for some time, and when she felt that the dreaded condition is coming back, she tried to claim her life again. She finally succeeded by drowning herself.

Winston Churchill, a prominent British politician and a Nobel Prize winning author, also suffered from depression. Earlier is his life, his father and several other relatives had died young and were diagnosed as manic depressives. He grew paranoid about ending up with his father’s illness that it triggered his own depression. His depression was not as grave as that of his father’s, but it affected him enough to not want to speak in front of the Parliament. He sought refuge in colors by painting.

Depression is brought about by many things. It can be hereditary, where the depressive tendency runs in the family; drug-induced, caused by over-consumption of depressants, or “downers”, which are chemical agents that diminishes function or activity of a specific part of the body; or caused by external factors such as pressure from work among other things.

Overcoming depression is better than just treating its symptoms. Many health professionals encourage a combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy, but studies show that medication is unnecessary if the sufferer receives the right sort of help. Clinical diagnosis of symptoms is the initial steps required to determine the level of depression the sufferer is experiencing. Psychotherapy for depression wherein patients are explained the facts of their disease and how to cope with it through counseling. During counseling sufferers will learn to cope with negative emotions, identify and change how they think, improve their relationships with others, and deal with their problems constructively. The underlying causes of the depression will also be explored. it can be pursued in an individual, group, couples, or  family setting. This is not considered the most efficient therapy as it sometimes makes the depression worse. If talk therapy doesn’t work, antidepressants are given to control the depression. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to gain optimum effectiveness.

Depression is not something to be taken lightly. Some have died because of uncontrollable, chronic depression. It may be just a simple case of the blues now, but if it continues for no reason at all, and it starts disrupting the way you live, you might have clinical depression. Like the quote says, “for every cloud there’s a silver lining,” so don’t feel depressed for every little thing that goes wrong.

Formula for Preventing Depression

While it is arguable that depression is not always preventable, there are many cases, when using the following ideas, will keep you in good spirits – most of the time. Unfortunately, we cannot be happy all of the time, but there is something we can do about it.

Working with a variety of clients over the years, I have seen how Yoga and exercise changed, and continue to change, them for the better. It is a well-known fact that endorphins are produced from a variety of exercise routines, including gentle Hatha Yoga.

Endorphins reduce stress and enhance good moods. Just that information alone is enough to start an exercise program, but weight control, muscle-tone, circulation, flexibility and a variety of other health benefits, should be an incentive to start a mild exercise program.

If you have been inactive, I suggest a beginner Yoga class with a very mild-mannered Yoga teacher. Without pushing this any further, let’s look at other options to start, and things to avoid.

Participate in social activities, support groups, senior centers, or local church activities. The activities could be in your local mosque, temple, or shrine, as well. There is always an activity that you can find around any religious center.

You could also join a league for golf, tennis, fishing, bowling, bocce, or any other activity where people gather to share a few laughs. Take competition in stride, and don’t take anything too serious.

Many social groups also function as support groups. The collective activity is good for all involved. Stay away from “alcohol drinking” clubs. This is not just bars, or nightclubs, but local clubs, who organize for the common good, and then, routinely get together to drink.

There is a conflict here, in that alcohol is a depressant, and if you are prone to depression, this is not a good combination. On top of that, there are plenty of health problems that accompany alcohol abuse.

Substance abuse is not a solution to depression, and you won’t find a purpose in life through it. So, let’s keep it simple and stay away from drinking alcohol – altogether.

If your friends and family abuse alcohol, they need counseling, and you will have to look outside your normal circles to get guidance. You need to surround yourself with positive and energetic people.
Also, don’t hang around your house too much, especially in dark or unlit areas. Get outside, take a walk, go shopping, get a little sunlight, and if you are in the house all day, open the curtains during daylight hours. If you have a sunroom to relax in – that’s good, too. Lack of sunlight can cause elevated levels of melatonin, which is sometimes called the “sleep hormone.”

Lastly, visit the self-improvement section of your local bookstore. It is a hidden treasure within itself. This is a great reason to leave the house.

Audio books are also good for traveling in your car or listening to in your sunroom. Pick out books that really captivate your imagination. If your local bookstore has CD’s, you may want to pick up some relaxing music for your ride home.

Effect of Depression in Women

Women, regardless of nationality or socioeconomic status, have a higher chance to have depression than men. The reasons for such higher chance appear to be a combination of biological and cultural factors.

Women’s Hormonal Variation and Life Phase

Extreme hormonal changes can trigger the reaction of emotional swings for all women. There are studies that show how the hormones can contribute in depression but the reason is not yet totally clear.

Female hormones undoubtedly play a big role in “premenstrual dysphoria”, postpartum depression, and the SAD moment. These forms of depression draw back or stop after the menopausal stage.

In early puberty a girl who reaches the age of 11 years old or younger are more prone to experience depression during adolescence than those girls that are more matured.

By the time of pre-menopausal, women between the ages of 20 and 45 are most at risk to get depression. Based on the record of the study, 34% of this age group are complaining of having symptoms of major depression.

Depression usually occurs around menopausal stage, it is the stage when the women’s hormonal secretion changes. Usually symptoms like lack of sleep, mood swing, hypertension, and loss of appetite are experienced.

Once the women pass into the postmenopausal stage, some of the studies show that the average depression scores are nearly as low as those women that are under premenopausal stage. As a matter of fact, there are women cases that shows that after they had experienced menopause, they had also suffered from depression. One of the particular cause in that case is the seasonal changes.

There are other studies in United States that have reported that even grandmothers who shows care for their grandchildren and family, not considering the situation in which they work outside or at home, have a high risk for depression, other factors may be involved.