Research Finding Turns Upside Down – MOPH Guarantees, ‘Doctor’ Asks for 2 Years to Make a Wondrous Formula.
It is now time to get a big breast happily. MOPH announces certifying Pueraria mirifica. The latest research finding is disclosed. Turning upside down, it says there is no danger as feared. Moreover, it takes effect preventing chest cancer and in addition helps build brain cells, capable of preventing Alzheimer’s disease. A national – level committee is set up to push for export – processing.
Dr. Suraphong Suepwongli the Deputy Minister of Public Health, has said that the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) convened a meeting of the Pueraria mirifica study working group on August 27 , at which the relevant researchers from various agencies and institutes were present, such as from Chulalongkorn University , the National Cancer Institute, the Institute of Dermatiology, the Department of Medical Sciences, Mae Fa Luang University, etc., to determine a way to promote use of Pueraria mirifica as raw-material in a topping industry with a view to commercialized distribution, which, so far as the discussion is concerned, can be summed up that researcher from several institutes find that Pueraria mirifica is clinically effective for use as a substitute for hormone in menopause women and there is a trend that it will be used to enlarge the breast, including curing Alzheimer’s disease, because research findings several that it can generate a regrowth of brain cells.
“As regards long-term toxicity, 2-3 years ago there were researchers studying about Pueraria mirifica to the extent of making spreading news, causing the MOPH experts to worry very much that consumption might lead to long-term toxicity causing breast cancer. At this meeting it was acknowledged that the National Cancer Institute, which had experimented for a period, obtained a conclusion that said Pueraria mirifica is non-carcinogenic and this conforms to the research of King Mongkut’s Hospitat which found and opposite outcome, i.e. Pueraria mirifica, on the contrary, has an effect capable of also preventing chest cancer,” Dr. Suraphong said.
Dr. suraphong also said that, with the abovesaid property, the meeting set up a nation-level committee to be responsible for pushing Pueraria mirifica to be a health product for commercialized export in the future, of which Mrs. Khrueawan Somana, the Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Public Health, was made chairman of the working group, and Mr. Yutthana Smitsiri, a Faculty member, Mae Fa Luang University: Mr. Wichai Choetchiwasat, a researcher, Faculty of science, Chulalongkorn University, and representatives from the Institute of thai-style Medicine, the National Cancer Institutes and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are committee members, to consider from research at the clinical level and the revision of the drug law to enable Pueraria mirifica registration, because this matter is the nation’s business calling for mutual help from research at the clinical level and the revision of the drug law so that the benefit will go to the nation and not be any particular person’s interest.
Dr. Suraphong also said, for the time being Dr.Urasa Thepphisai, a researcher from the Faculty of Medicine , Ramathiboti Hospital is researching it as a medicinal brought to process into oral pills, but what must be further mutually researched is the question of the quantity and dose to be safe and effective the answer to which is expected to be obtained in 1-2 years’ time. In addition to this, Mr. Phakdi Phothisiri, the present Director-General of Medical Services, and Dr. Wichai Chokwiwat, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Secretary-General and the Institute of Thai Style Medicine, have been ordered to form themselves into a group thinking out how to revise the Drug Act, because at present Pueraria mirifica is regarded under the law as being a medicinal herb. For pharmacopoeia formulas existing at present, all of them must register it as a traditional medicinal herb, while in Europe, America and Japan Pueraria mirifica products are produced as dietary reinforcements and cosmetic. Within 3 months it will be taken into the consideration process of the cabinet.
” As regards patent registration, there has already been a Thai going to register a patent, but it is a registration in the form of an improvement of a drug which is an ancient intellectual background, which could cause folk doctors to have problems in the future. The meeting extensively discussed this question by considering in which cases Pueraria mirifica patent registration could be done. Finally, it was concluded that the focus be on the process of turning the effective substance as per the above properties into a standard product, which the representatives of the Department of Intellectual Property would subsequently be invited to join in considering it in such a manner that also includes patent registration abroad, this matter needs to be speeded up because in the current situation foreigners smuggle out of Thailand more than a thousand tons of Pueraria mirifica a year. As to what to do for the Thais to get as much as possible of a benefit from Pueraria mirifica, the national level committee must work out a plan,” Dr. Suraphong said
Pueraplus is a premuim grade Thai traditional herbal formula derived mainly from White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) which contains Phytoestrogens (Natural Plant Estrogen). After many years of research from Thailand, the studies indicated that this herb shows estrogenic and rejuvenate effects to the female body especially at the breast, hip, facial skin, body skin, hair and vaginal epithelium. Thus elevate the appearance of the female secondary sexual characteristics and also the skin beauty.
ALL Natural Dietary Supplement
Hight Phytoestrogen (especially isoflavonet):
* Increases sensitivity and vitality
* Promotes silky shiny hair
* Enhances breast and skin appearance
* Serves as a anti-wrinkle agent
* Enhances physical and mental ability
* Serves as a fountain of youth